Flutter In Production

19m 8s

Study flavors, environments, error monitoring, analytics, release management, CI/CD, and prepare your Flutter applications for publication in app stores.

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Imagine: you've created an amazing app in Flutter. You're excited and almost ready to launch it. But wait! If you haven't prepared for the release, challenges might await you:

  • No analytics = no information: Which features attract your users and which don't? Without robust analytics, you're moving blindly.
  • App crashes: What problems do users encounter in production, and how much do they impact them? Are you ready to address these issues promptly?
  • App Store rejection: Non-compliance with guidelines and errors can delay the release. How quickly can you fix and resubmit the app?
  • Release management: Do you have a streamlined release process? Are automated CI/CD pipelines set up?
  • Force update: Can you make users update to the latest version if necessary?

These problems can slow down the launch and increase costs, but if you set everything up correctly, you'll save time and money in the future.

Now imagine you have:

  • A clear release plan with detailed guides and checklists to ensure nothing important is overlooked
  • Confidence in the process of submitting the app to the App Store and Google Play
  • A fully automated release deployment process
  • The ability to monitor the app in production, receive user feedback, and promptly address arising issues

This course is designed to help you with all these important aspects and much more.

Flutter in Production

This course is your complete guide to confidently publishing Flutter apps. Here's its structure:

Part 1: Preparing for Release

In the first part, you will learn about:

  • App icons and splash screens
  • Multiple flavors and environments
  • Error monitoring
  • Analytics
  • Force update strategies
  • Collecting feedback and built-in user reviews
  • Creating a website for your app

These steps take time, but they are crucial for a successful launch. With my help, you'll go through them with ease.

Part 2: Release Management and Automation

After preparation, it's time to release.

Submitting an app to stores involves a lot of formalities. In this part, we'll delve into all the important stages (both for testing and publication):

  • Manual release for Android: build, code signing, uploading, and submitting the app to Google Play
  • Manual release for iOS: build, code signing, uploading, and submitting the app to App Store Connect

Manual releases take a lot of time, so you'll want to automate the process:

  • Release automation with Codemagic (quick setup)
  • Release automation with GitHub Actions and Fastlane (advanced setup for more control)

At this stage, you'll have all the necessary tools and knowledge for managing and automating releases.

Part 3: Post-Release Techniques

Your app is launched — what's next? Strengthen and improve processes:

  • Automatic screenshot creation
  • Code push
  • Feature Flags and A/B testing

You can, of course, find all this information online, but it will take weeks, and the picture will remain incomplete. I've gathered my knowledge and experience in this course so that you can prepare your app for release more quickly and easily, avoiding unnecessary complications.

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# Title Duration
1 How to Design Your App Icons in Figma 08:12
2 Sentry Dashboard Overview and Issue Resolution Workflow 05:21
3 Mixpanel Dashboard Overview 05:35

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