Django with React | An Ecommerce Website

18h 6m 7s
October 30, 2023

Build an eCommerce platform from the ground up with React, Redux, Django & Postgres. In this course, we will build a completely customized eCommerce / shopping cart application from scratch using Django & REACT with the following functionality...

  • Full featured shopping cart

  • Product reviews and ratings

  • Top products carousel

  • Product pagination

  • Product search feature

  • User profile with orders

  • Admin product management

  • Admin user management

  • Admin Order details page

  • Mark orders as delivered option

  • Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc)

  • PayPal / credit card integration

This is not a documentation-type course. This is a jump in and get your hands dirty course where by the end, you have an actual real-world project to use and put on your portfolio. You will learn the following by completing this course..

  • React with Functional Components & Hooks

  • React router

  • React-Bootstrap UI library

  • How to structure components

  • Component level state & props

  • Managing global state with Redux (Actions & Reducers)

  • Using Redux state in components (useDispatch & useSelector)

  • Creating an extensive back end with Express

  • JWT authentication (JSON web tokens)

  • Custom error handler

  • Integrating the PayPal API

  • Project deployment

  • Much more!

This project is a collaboration with Brad Traversy where we will be taking his original MEARN Stack ecommerce course and building it out with a Django backend instead of Node, JS & Express. Brad & I decided it would be fun to remake the exact same project with a Django backend/API and connect it to the same React frontend/design.

My hope is that you learn how not to only build out this application but add on your own features to it. We learn best by building & customizing our own projects.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 03:46
2 ProShop Demo & Prerequisites 10:05
3 Resources & Environment 05:24
4 A Message From Brad Traversy 01:33
5 React Setup 07:54
6 Reach-Bootstrap Setup, Header & Footer Components 17:29
7 HomeScreen Product Listing 13:04
8 Rating Component 07:35
9 Implementing React Router 07:07
10 Product Details Screen 13:30
11 Frontend/Backend Workflow 03:39
12 Building The Backend 20:47
13 Fetching Data 12:51
14 Database Setup & Admin Panel 06:33
15 Modeling Our Data 27:03
16 Product Image Field 02:24
17 Static Files 05:41
18 Serializing Data 07:33
19 An Overview of Redux 05:24
20 Create Redux Store 06:51
21 Product List Reducer & Action 13:32
22 Bringing Redux Intro Home Screen 06:50
23 Message & Loader Component 05:41
24 Product Details Reducer & Action 12:00
25 Qty Select & Add To Cart 11:18
26 Cart Reducer & Action 14:31
27 Add To Cart Functionality 09:19
28 Cart Screen 20:54
29 Remove Items From Cart 04:41
30 JSON Web Tokens Overview 05:23
31 Postman Overview 05:38
32 JSON Web Token Installation & Setup 09:51
33 JWT Customization 06:04
34 User Serializer 18:02
35 Protected Routes 07:26
36 Register User 10:50
37 Login With Email 08:35
38 URL's & Views Cleanup 10:27
39 User Login Reducer & Action 13:58
40 User Login Screen & Functionality 20:35
41 User In Navbar & Logout 08:42
42 User Register Reducer, Action & Screen 16:01
43 Update Profile Endpoint 08:19
44 Profile Screen & Get User Details 18:17
45 Update User Profile 13:59
46 User Details Bug Fix 03:24
47 Shipping Screen & Save Address 19:32
48 Checkout Steps Component 05:30
49 Payment Screen & Save Payment Method 13:07
50 Place Order Screen 24:18
51 Order View & URL 20:59
52 Create Order 25:42
53 Get Order By Id Endpoint 08:22
54 Order Details Reducer & Action 06:22
55 Order Screen 17:20
56 Update To Paid Endpoint 02:43
57 Order Pay Reducer & Action 05:02
58 PayPal Payments 20:18
59 Orders In Profile Page 21:24
60 User List Reducer, Action & Screen 28:58
61 Admin User Delete 11:17
62 Get User By ID & Update User Endpoints 06:44
63 User Edit Screen & Get User Details 15:48
64 Update User Functionality 12:14
65 Admin Product List 09:56
66 Delete Products 11:26
67 Create & Update Products Endpoints 12:30
68 Admin Create Product 13:39
69 Product Edit Screen 13:23
70 Edit Product Functionality 13:44
71 Product Image Upload 15:01
72 Admin Order List 16:17
73 Mark Order As Delivered 15:34
74 Create Review Endpoint 18:50
75 Frontend Product Reviews 29:43
76 Product Search 15:02
77 Pagination 26:35
78 Product Carousel 19:00
79 Merging React Files With Django Project 08:15
80 Adding HashRouter 04:22
81 Switching to Postgres Database 30:54
82 Adding Product Images to AWS S3 Bucket 15:24
83 Deploying To Heroku 45:45
84 Connecting A Custom Domain Name 14:37

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