Apache Kafka Series - Kafka Streams for Data Processing

4h 50m 7s
Learn the Kafka Streams API with Hands-On Examples, Learn Exactly Once, Build and Deploy Apps with Java 8. Learn the Kafka Streams data processing library, for Apache Kafka. Join hundreds of knowledge savvy students into learning one of the most promising data processing library on Apache Kafka.
Read more about the course

Kafka Streams is the easiest way to write your applications on top of Kafka:

> Easiest way to transform your data using the High Level DSL
> Exactly Once semantics support out of the box!
> Deploy and Scale your Kafka Streams application without a cluster!
> Perform Aggregations, joins, and any operations you may think of using only a few lines of code!
> Built on top of Kafka, for fault tolerance, scalability and resiliency


Stephane Maarek is the instructor of this course. He is a Kafka Expert, and the author of the highly-rated Apache Kafka Series on Udemy, having taught already to 40000+ students and received 12000+ reviews.

He shares all his Kafka knowledge on the platform, taking the time to explain every concept and provide students with both theoretical and practical dimensions. You are in good hands!

Hands On & Theory Based Course

Note: This course is based on Java 8, and will include one example in Scala. Kafka Streams is Java based, and therefore is not suited for any other programming language. 

Each section can be either theoretical, or a practice section. 

> Through practice, you will be challenged by writing your own Kafka Streams application. The solutions will be thoroughly explained, and you will learn some tips on how to use Kafka Streams the best way.

> Through theory, you will learn about all the available API, the inner workings of the library, as well as some exciting concepts such as Exactly Once Semantics!

This course is the first and only available Kafka Streams course on the web. Get it now to become a Kafka expert!

Section outline:

  1. Kafka Streams - First Look: Let's get Kafka started and run your first Kafka Streams application, WordCount

  2. End-to-End Kafka Streams Application : Write the code for the WordCount, bring in the dependencies, build and package your application, and learn how to scale it. This is a complete end to end example

  3. KStream and KTable Simple Operations: Learn all the stateless operations available for the KStream and KTable API

  4. Practice Exercise - Favourite Colour: Practice your newly acquired skills by writing your own Kafka Streams application, Favourite Colour. It will be challenging! Includes a Scala version of the example

  5. KStream and KTable Advanced Operations: Learn all the stateful operations available for the KStream and KTable API

  6. Exactly Once Semantics - Theory: Learn what EOS (Exactly Once Semantics) is, how Kafka 0.11 enables it, and how to activate them in Kafka Streams

  7. Exactly Once - Practice Exercise - Bank Balance: Practice your newly acquired knowledge by writing your own Kafka Streams Exactly Once application, to compute a running Bank Balance for your customers

  8. Testing your Kafka Streams Application: Learn how to test the WordCount Kafka Streams Topology with Kafka Streams v1.1.0

Learn The Hottest Kafka Data Processing Library Now!

Kafka is increasingly becoming a must-have skill, and this course will set you up for fast success using the Kafka Streams API. The job market will need people with your newly acquired skillset!

Who is the target audience?

  • This course is for developers and devops who would like to learn how to write, package, deploy and run a Kafka Streams applications

  • This course is for architects who would like to understand how Kafka Streams work and its position in the Kafka-centered data pipeline and enterprise architecture

  • You will need some good understanding of Kafka before starting this course


  • Good knowledge of Apache Kafka

  • A recent computer (Windows / Linux / Mac OS X) with 4GB of RAM

  • Good knowledge of Java 8 Programming Language

Who this course is for:
  • Developers and devops who would like to learn how to write, package, deploy and run a Kafka Streams applications
  • Architects who would like to understand how Kafka Streams work and its position in the Kafka-centered data pipeline and enterprise architecture
  • People who fully understand the basics of Kafka
  • Java 8 and Scala developers only

What you'll learn:

  • Write four Kafka Streams application in Java 8
  • Configure Kafka Streams to use Exactly Once Semantics
  • Scale Kafka Streams applications
  • Program with the High Level DSL of Kafka Streams
  • Build and package your application
  • Write tests for your Kafka Streams Topology
  • And so much more!

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# Title Duration
1 What is Kafka Streams? 04:48
2 Course Objective / Prerequisites / Target Students 04:12
3 About your Instructor: Stephane Maarek 02:21
4 Running your first Kafka Streams Application: WordCount 12:53
5 Kafka Streams vs other stream processing libraries (Spark Streaming, NiFI, Flink 03:02
6 Section Objective 01:46
7 Kafka Streams Core Concepts 03:29
8 Environment and IDE Setup: Java 8, Maven, IntelliJ IDEA 04:04
9 Starter Project Setup 07:58
10 Kafka Streams Application Properties 07:26
11 Java 8 Lambda Functions - quick overview 02:56
12 Word Count Application Topology 14:09
13 Printing the Kafka Streams Topology 01:34
14 Kafka Streams Graceful Shutdown 02:04
15 Running Application from IntelliJ IDEA 09:23
16 Debugging Application from IntelliJ IDEA 04:07
17 Internal Topics for our Kafka Streams Application 03:48
18 Packaging the application as Fat Jar & Running the Fat Jar 04:35
19 Scaling our Application 04:00
20 Section Wrap-Up 01:41
21 Section Objectives 01:15
22 KStream & KTables 03:40
23 Stateless vs Stateful Operations 01:42
24 MapValues / Map 01:36
25 Filter / FilterNot 01:23
26 FlatMapValues / FlatMap 02:11
27 Branch 02:46
28 SelectKey 01:15
29 Reading from Kafka 02:17
30 Writing to Kafka 01:53
31 Streams Marked for Re-Partition 02:53
32 Refresher on Log Compaction 17:46
33 KStream and KTables Duality 02:21
34 Transforming a KTable to a KStream 00:42
35 Transforming a KStream to a KTable 01:25
36 Section Summary 00:48
37 FavouriteColour - Practice Exercise Description & Guidance 03:21
38 Stuck? Here are some Hints! 02:41
39 Java Solution 08:34
40 Running the application 05:47
41 Scala Solution 06:21
42 Section Objective 01:01
43 KTable groupBy 01:47
44 KGroupedStream / KGroupedTable Count 02:06
45 KGroupedStream / KGroupedTable Aggregate 04:13
46 KGroupedStream / KGroupedTable Reduce 01:41
47 KStream peek 02:09
48 KStream Transform / TransformValues 01:13
49 What if I want to write to an external System? 01:41
50 Summary Diagram 01:04
51 What's Exactly Once? 06:08
52 Exactly Once in Kafka 0.11 02:42
53 What's the problem with at least once anyway? 01:30
54 How to do exactly once in Kafka Streams 02:05
55 BankBalance - Exercise Overview 02:16
56 Kafka Producer Guidance 01:42
57 Kafka Producer Solution 14:18
58 Kafka Streams Guidance & Hints 01:56
59 Kafka Streams Solution 09:13
60 Running the BankBalance Application 04:43
61 Section Summary 00:57
62 What are joins in Kafka Streams? 02:50
63 Join Constraints and GlobalKTables 02:54
64 The different types of joins: Inner Join, Left Join, Outer Join 02:46
65 Creating a join with UserEnrich Kafka Streams App 12:34
66 Running the Kafka Streams Join application 05:08
67 Testing in Kafka Streams 04:03
68 Setup your Kafka Streams project 03:59
69 Hands-On: Test your WordCount application 14:29
70 Congratulations and next steps 02:33
71 THANK YOU! 01:33

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