Angular Pro

16h 41m 46s
May 18, 2023

Unlock Angular’s potential. All the advanced features, RxJS, Reactive Forms, Modular Architecture, TypeScript concepts, State Management, Unit Testing and a final project to cement the knowledge.


What you'll learn:

Unlock Angular’s potential. All the advanced features, RxJS, Reactive Forms, Modular Architecture, TypeScript concepts, State Management, Unit Testing and a final project to cement the knowledge.


  • Angular knowledge
  • Component architecture
  • JavaScript knowledge

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# Title Duration
1 Course introduction 00:24
2 Content projection with ng-content 02:55
3 Using ng-content with projection slots 03:11
4 Projecting and binding to components 04:36
5 @ContentChild and ngAfterContentInit 07:33
6 @ContentChildren and QueryLists 03:45
7 @ViewChild and ngAfterViewInit 06:10
8 @ViewChildren and QueryLists 05:13
9 @ViewChild and template #refs 01:50
10 Using ElementRef and nativeElement 03:59
11 Using the platform agnostic Renderer 04:08
12 Dynamic components with ComponentFactoryResolver 07:13
13 Dynamic component @Input data 02:52
14 Dynamic component @Output subscriptions 02:05
15 Destroying dynamic components 02:52
16 Dynamic components reordering 03:27
17 Dynamic template rendering with ViewContainerRef 02:51
18 Passing context to a dynamic template 03:48
19 Dynamic template rendering with ngTemplateOutlet 01:40
20 Using ngTemplateOutlet with context 02:24
21 ViewEncapsulation and Shadow DOM 05:44
22 OnPush Change Detection and Immutability 06:23
23 Creating a custom attribute Directive 05:21
24 @HostListener and host Object 05:35
25 Understanding @HostBinding 03:34
26 Using the exportAs property with template refs 05:21
27 Creating a custom structural Directive 12:11
28 Creating a custom pipe 05:27
29 Pipes as providers 04:01
30 Reactive Forms setup 06:00
31 FormControls and FormGroups 08:18
32 Componentizing FormGroups 13:14
33 Binding FormControls to select 08:46
34 FormGroup collections with FormArray 12:18
35 Adding items to the FormArray 06:39
36 Removing items from the FormArray 07:09
37 FormBuilder API 04:12
38 Http service and joining Observables 23:22
39 Subscribing to the valueChanges Observable 07:30
40 Updating and resetting FormGroups and FormControls 05:08
41 Custom form control base 08:37
42 Implementing a ControlValueAccessor 14:02
43 Adding keyboard events to our control 08:18
44 Validators object for FormControls 06:45
45 FormControl (custom) validators 09:41
46 FormGroup (custom) validators 09:50
47 Async (custom) validators 12:07
48 Enabling route tracing 01:31
49 Subscribing to router events 06:10
50 Router outlet events 03:09
51 Dynamic route resolves with snapshots 19:54
52 Auxiliary named router outlets 05:13
53 Navigating to auxiliary named outlets 04:31
54 Auxiliary Navigation API 04:08
55 Destroying auxiliary outlets 04:14
56 Resolving data for auxiliary outlets 10:59
57 Lazy-loading modules 10:00
58 Preloading lazy-loaded modules 03:02
59 Custom preloading strategies 07:16
60 Protecting lazy-loaded modules with canLoad 09:26
61 Guards with canActivate 05:24
62 Guards with canActivateChild 03:04
63 Guards with canDeactivate 10:26
64 Karma setup and walkthrough 02:59
65 Testing isolate Pipes 05:44
66 Shallow testing Pipes 14:32
67 Testing Services with dependencies 12:25
68 Testing Component methods 05:55
69 Testing @Input and @Output bindings 04:48
70 Testing Component templates 10:10
71 Testing container Components with async providers 13:49
72 Using NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA 02:10
73 Testing an Attribute Directive 06:36
74 Providers and useValue 06:13
75 Using InjectionToken 04:02
76 Providers and useClass 02:49
77 Providers and useFactory 05:42
78 Providers and useExisting 04:12
79 Configurable NgModules 06:28
80 Zones and NgZone 06:27
81 State Management architecture overview 07:02
82 Creating an Observable Store with Rx 16:45
83 Container components setup 06:17
84 Populating the Store and component subscription 13:40
85 Composing new Observable streams from our Store 04:25
86 Integrating a stateless component 08:47
87 Component outputs back to Service 07:27
88 Updating our Store in a Service 07:01
89 Project setup, walkthrough, install 13:50
90 Firebase CLI and initial AoT deploy 11:11
91 AuthModule and child module setup 10:01
92 Login/Register reactive form components 21:24
93 AuthService and AngularFire integration 22:00
94 Reactive Store and AngularFire Observables 13:13
95 Stateless components and logout functionality 16:25
96 HealthModule setup and lazy loading 13:59
97 Implementing AuthGuards for lazy routes 08:07
98 Data layer, initiate Observable streams 20:14
99 Async Pipe "as" syntax and routing 09:37
100 Component architecture and Reactive Forms 25:38
101 Rendering streams into Stateless components 10:05
102 Stateless components and removing items 11:17
103 Route Params and Observable switchMaps 11:06
104 Reactive Form outputs and async / await 21:38
105 Workout module transition 19:44
106 Custom FormControl with ControlValueAccessor 13:21
107 Reactive Form conditionals 09:43
108 Custom Workout / Meal Pipes 10:48
109 Schedule Calendar, Observables, BehaviorSubject 16:36
110 Schedule controls and Date logic 12:52
111 Calendar date toggling 09:19
112 Rendering schedule sections from Observables 28:56
113 Emitting from Stateless components 07:54
114 Schedule assignment and Store 22:41
115 Hooking schedules into Firebase 10:49
116 Project review and deployment 05:57

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