Conscious Angular Testing
10h 37m 7s
Write Tests Consciously. At the end of the course, you will be able to write and debug tests with a full and in-depth understanding of what you are doing and how things are working.
Read more about the course
- Explore > 53 engaging videos (≈ 7 hours in total), all focused on Angular testing. These are expertly crafted by a Google Developer Expert in Angular and a Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies
- The course is designed for developers with some Angular experience but newbies in Angular Testing
- Designed with Angular 16 and covers testing of standalone Angular building blocks API.
- Homeworks: Apply your new skills to specially designed use cases for practical learning
- Best practices that make your tests stable, clearer and more reusable.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | A message from the instructor | 03:48 |
2 | Getting Access to Project Source Code | 02:49 |
3 | Mental Model of Software Testing | 03:39 |
4 | Types of Tests and Their Scope | 04:48 |
5 | Let's create own testing framework | 07:12 |
6 | The First Unit Tests with Jasmine Framework | 04:27 |
7 | Testing Framework vs Test Runner | 10:34 |
8 | Test Suites Explained | 07:04 |
9 | Setup Hooks in Jasmine Explained | 09:51 |
10 | Execution Order of Setup Hooks | 04:48 |
11 | What Are Test Matchers | 12:11 |
12 | How to Debug Tests | 06:49 |
13 | Dependencies in Unit Tests | 05:40 |
14 | Dependencies in Unit Tests - Stubs | 08:44 |
15 | Depandencies in Unit Tests - Spy | 11:20 |
16 | How to test async code | 17:39 |
17 | Testing DOM elements | 13:55 |
18 | Deep Dive Into Angular Bootstrapping Process | 06:32 |
19 | How Works Change Detection in Angular | 07:28 |
20 | Lifecycle Hooks In Angular Components | 08:55 |
21 | About Dependency Injection Pattern | 10:30 |
22 | Dependency Injection in Angular | 12:22 |
23 | Smart vs Dumb Components Pattern | 06:19 |
24 | Dev Environment Setup & Projects Overview | 04:48 |
25 | Testing Simple Util Functions | 12:32 |
26 | Testing a Simple Angular Service | 12:03 |
27 | Testing Service with Dependencies (Injection Token) | 06:06 |
28 | Testing Services with inject() function (using runInInjectionContext) | 08:07 |
29 | Testing Services with inject() (using TestBed.inject) | 04:45 |
30 | Overview of the TestBed Tool | 05:10 |
31 | Setting Up Test Case for Components | 10:05 |
32 | Component Fixture Overview | 03:50 |
33 | Change Detection in Testing Component | 06:51 |
34 | Querying Elements in Tests (Native Element vs Debug Element) | 10:37 |
35 | What to Test in Angular Components? | 07:40 |
36 | Testing of Component Inputs | 11:58 |
37 | TIP: How to make your tests less fragile Pt.1 | 03:17 |
38 | TIP: How to make your tests less fragile Pt.2 | 07:28 |
39 | Testing Components with OnPush Change Detection Strategy | 07:07 |
40 | Testing Component with Host Directives | 07:47 |
41 | How to test Component Events and Event Handlers | 05:53 |
42 | Introducing the testing approach using Test Host Component | 11:23 |
43 | Testing Content Projection in Components | 03:34 |
44 | Improving test setup using setup function | 06:34 |
45 | How to setup & test Standalone Components | 07:28 |
46 | Testing Component Outputs without Test Host | 09:51 |
47 | How To Test Component Outputs using TestHost strategy | 09:41 |
48 | How to Test Attribute Directives | 14:27 |
49 | How to test Angular Pipes | 08:14 |
50 | How to test Pipes with Dependencies | 12:48 |
51 | Components with Dependencies: Deep Rendering Strategy | 08:37 |
52 | Components with Dependencies: Shallow Rendering Strategy (NO_ERROR_SCHEMA) | 08:45 |
53 | Components with Dependencies: Shallow Rendering Strategy (Stubs) | 09:32 |
54 | Pitfalls Using Stubs with @ViewChild(ren) Decorator | 06:19 |
55 | How To Test Components with NgFor (+stubs); | 05:23 |
56 | Components with Dependencies (standalone): Deep Rendering Strategy | 04:18 |
57 | Components with Dependencies(standalone): Shallow Rendering Strategy (Stubs) | 05:55 |
58 | Structural Directive Testing | Directive overview | 03:35 |
59 | Structural Directive Testing | Testing Plan | 03:21 |
60 | Structural Directive Testing | Testing Embeded View Rendering | 06:45 |
61 | Structural Directive Testing | Testing Async Code | 10:20 |
62 | Structural Directive Testing- Testing the Countdown Clock | 09:02 |
63 | Missed Tip About Async Code Testing | 03:53 |
64 | Copy to Clipboard - Directive Functionality Overview | 06:12 |
65 | Creating the Testing Plan | 02:43 |
66 | Setting up the TestBed for the directive tests | 09:22 |
67 | Testing if Directive Observable emits Proper values Pt.1 | 12:48 |
68 | Testing if Directive Observable emits Proper values Pt.2 | 05:40 |
69 | Tests Refactoring and Enhancement | 03:56 |
70 | Testing if value from [text] input is copied to the Clipboard | 04:50 |
71 | Testing if element innerText is copied to the Clipboard | 04:51 |
72 | Testing if text from HTML input is copied to the Clipboard | 04:49 |
73 | Project setup for this Section | 05:02 |
74 | Service with HttpClient - Test Setup | 08:51 |
75 | Service with HttpClient - Creating a Test Plan | 04:16 |
76 | Service with HttpClient - Testing the "loading" state | 07:22 |
77 | Service with HttpClient - Testing the successful HTTP call completion | 08:02 |
78 | Service with HttpClient - Testing the failed HTTP call completion Pt.12 | 08:53 |
79 | Service with HttpClient - Testing the failed HTTP call completion Pt.2 | 07:46 |
80 | Smart Component - Creating Testing Plan | 06:05 |
81 | Smart Component - TestBed Setup | 06:02 |
82 | Smart Component - Testing the Component "loading" state | 04:47 |
83 | Smart Component - Testing the Component "error" state | 03:29 |
84 | Smart Component - Testing If Item Cards are successfully rendered | 06:30 |
85 | Smart Component - Testing If Item added to the Cart on Click | 06:25 |
86 | Smart Component - Testing If the Item Link Leads To Proper Location | 05:13 |
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