Angular and Golang: A Practical Guide

6h 35m 27s

I'm a FullStack Developer with 10+ years of experience. I'm obsessed with clean code and I try my best that my courses have the cleanest code possible. My teaching style is very straightforward, I will not waste too much time explaining all the ways you can create something or other unnecessary information to increase the length of my lectures. If you want to learn things rapidly then this course is for you.

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In Go you will learn: 

  • Use the Fiber framework inspired by express.js

  • Create public and secure routes

  • Connect with MySQL

  • Run Migrations

  • Validate Requests

  • Generate Jwt Tokens

  • Use HttpOnly Cookies

  • Upload Images

  • Export CSV files

In Angular you will learn: 

  • How to use Angular CLI

  • Create classes, interfaces, abstract classes

  • Use interceptors

  • Create public and private routes

  • Angular Animations

  • Upload Images

  • Export CSV's

  • Build a chart with c3.js (part of d3.js)

  • Use Reactive Forms

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:15
2 Installation 02:17
3 Fiber Framework 01:59
4 Pointers 05:49
5 Database 05:39
6 Packages 07:09
7 Structs 04:37
8 Realize 03:56
9 Migrations 02:17
10 Request Data 05:24
11 Register 04:24
12 Login 05:33
13 Jwt 06:29
14 Cookies 03:05
15 Authenticated User 07:07
16 Logout 02:30
17 Json Output 02:12
18 Middlewares 09:47
19 Users 05:43
20 Methods 04:52
21 Users CRUD 05:46
22 Roles 04:38
23 Foreign Keys 05:32
24 Permissions 04:20
25 Many to Many Relations 13:11
26 Pagination 06:16
27 Profile 06:47
28 Products 05:09
29 Interfaces 13:40
30 Uploading Images 06:50
31 Orders 06:45
32 Ignore Columns 05:10
33 Export CSV 08:44
34 Raw SQL 06:10
35 Permission Middleware 09:49
36 Installation 01:38
37 Template 04:23
38 Modules 04:43
39 Routes 04:06
40 Register Form 08:08
41 HttpClient 04:27
42 Login 07:44
43 Services 05:03
44 Authenticated User 04:28
45 Interfaces 03:06
46 Logout 02:38
47 Inputs 04:10
48 Interceptors 03:15
49 Profile 09:12
50 Event Emitters 05:12
51 Redirecting 04:13
52 Users 05:30
53 Pagination 05:21
54 Deleting Users 03:22
55 Users Create Form 03:13
56 Creating Users 05:56
57 Updating Users 07:22
58 Abstract Classes 05:44
59 Roles 04:12
60 Roles Create Form 05:08
61 Form Arrays 07:45
62 Updating Roles 07:32
63 Products 08:02
64 Paginator Component 05:50
65 Creating Products 03:33
66 Uploading Images 06:46
67 Updating Products 03:00
68 Orders 06:21
69 Nested Tables 05:46
70 Animations 05:24
71 Export CSV 04:56
72 Chart 06:27

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