Advanced Algorithms

7h 36m 10s

The "Advanced Algorithms" course is a comprehensive guide to fundamental data structures and algorithms required to excel in technical interviews. This course is suitable for both beginners and those looking to deepen their knowledge of algorithms and data structures. Upon completion, you'll be well-prepared for successful technical interviews and proficient in solving a wide range of problems using advanced algorithms. 

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# Title Duration
1 0. Kadanes Algorithm 08:27
2 1. Sliding Window Fixed Size 21:42
3 2. Sliding Window Variable Size 16:04
4 3. Two Pointers 10:14
5 4. Prefix Sums 12:34
6 5. Fast and Slow Pointers 24:26
7 6. Trie 16:09
8 7 - Union-Find 20:22
9 8 - Segment Tree 27:15
10 9 - Iterative DFS 24:05
11 10 - Two Heaps 22:25
12 11 - Subsets 22:15
13 12 - Combinations 17:02
14 13 - Permutations 17:33
15 14 - Dijkstra's 22:45
16 15 - Prim's 23:53
17 16 - Kruskal's 11:20
18 17 - Topological Sort 30:05
19 18 - 0 / 1 Knapsack 28:15
20 19 - Unbounded Knapsack 29:58
21 20 - LCS 32:25
22 21 - Palindromes 16:56

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