.NET Logging Done Right: An Opinionated Approach Using Serilog

5h 2m 40s

Establishing a foundational framework for logging can save hours in troubleshooting and provide valuable insights to both utilization and performance within all of your applications. In this course, .NET Logging Done Right: An Opinionated Approach Using Serilog, you will learn about 4 primary "things" (usage, performance, errors, and diagnostics) to log and how to log them.

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You will also learn how to globally write these log entries without needing to inject logging code everywhere in an application – so developers can focus on business logic, not logging code. Global logging will be shown with all flavors of ASP.NET, WPF applications, WCF services, and TypeScript/JavaScript applications.  Lastly, you will see techniques for searching, exploring, and visualizing log entries that you will have written to both SQL Server and to Elasticsearch to gain insight into the application, its usage, and how it's performing. By the end this course, you’ll know how to create a great logging framework that will provide huge benefits to you and many other people who have a stake in your applications

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# Title Duration
1 Course Overview 01:45
2 Define Goals and Objectives, Introduce Serilog, Outline Course 09:52
3 Introduction: What to Log and How to Log It 05:08
4 Create the Global Logger 03:31
5 Add a Performance Tracker 01:42
6 Logging with a Console App 05:37
7 Discussion: Exception Handling and Data Access 01:20
8 Data Access Before Custom Exception Handling 03:43
9 Create an ADO.NET Stored Procedure Wrapper 02:00
10 Create a Dapper Extension Method 01:29
11 Create an Entity Framework Command Interceptor 02:06
12 Verifying the Custom Data Access Exception Handling 03:41
13 Add the Procedure Name and Exception Method to Top Level of Log Entry 02:10
14 Summary 00:26
15 Introduction and Approach 03:59
16 Utility Methods: Data to Log 06:29
17 Performance Logging: Web Forms 06:13
18 Performance Logging: MVC 04:03
19 Utility Methods: Web Logging Methods 01:38
20 Error Handling: Web Forms 09:25
21 Error Handling: MVC 07:10
22 Usage and Diagnostics: Web Forms 02:38
23 Usage and Diagnostics: MVC 02:52
24 Summary 00:38
25 Introduction and Approach 05:14
26 Review of Existing WebAPI Project 10:47
27 Performance (and Usage) Logging 07:12
28 Exception Handling and Logging 10:42
29 Summary 00:43
30 Introduction and Approach 05:21
31 Introducing a JavaScript Page on a MVC Website 04:24
32 Implementing a Logging API 03:06
33 Instrumenting JavaScript Code for Logging 06:30
34 Introducing the Angular 4 App 10:31
35 Instrumenting the Angular 4 App for Logging 09:40
36 Summary 01:05
37 Introduction and Approach 02:39
38 Introducing the WPF and WCF Applications 04:52
39 Applying Logging to WPF 07:51
40 Applying Logging to WCF Using Behaviors and Attributes 13:27
41 Executing the Apps and Reviewing the Logs 05:56
42 Summary 00:54
43 Introduction 04:15
44 Demo Approach 01:51
45 MVC App: Running the Existing Code 02:02
46 MVC App: Existing Code Walkthrough 05:42
47 API: Running the Existing Code 01:51
48 API: Existing Code Walkthrough 03:44
49 Building the Utility Logging Code 06:43
50 Ad-hoc Usage and Diagnostic Logging 05:41
51 Filter-based Performance Logging 06:26
52 MVC Exception Logging with Middleware 05:09
53 API Exception Logging with Middleware 04:57
54 Summary 01:09
55 Logging Goals and Sink Options 08:41
56 Writing to a SQL Server Sink and Verifying Entries 07:42
57 Using a Custom Web Viewer to Review Log Entries 04:58
58 Using an SSRS Report as a Dashboard of Sorts 02:21
59 ELK Stack Intro and Hosting It in a Docker Image 05:05
60 Writing to an Elasticsearch and Verifying Entries 03:59
61 Configuring Index Patterns with Kibana 01:30
62 Log 'Discovery' with Kibana 04:09
63 Log 'Visualization' and 'Dashboards' with Kibana 09:10
64 Changing an Analyzed Field in Kibana 03:28
65 Summary 01:38

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