Web Components Demystified

7h 51m 36s

If you are like me, you have probably been hearing a lot about web components lately. Many of us are looking for ways to integrate web components into our work, while teams are trying to figure out how to use them in their processes. There are a lot of changes happening in the world of web components right now, and keeping up with all the innovations can be challenging, which can lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed.

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Why now? Our practices are changing.

Over the past decade, the web community has focused on JavaScript libraries and frameworks, which have led to many innovations but often deteriorated performance and sustainability. Fortunately, we now have a standard component model built into browsers, which reduces complexity and improves performance. Many large companies are already switching to web components, and popular libraries like React are improving compatibility with them.

A comprehensive, accessible curriculum.

The goal of the course is to clarify the use of web components, demonstrate their modern applications, and teach how to create fast modern websites. "Web Components Demystified" is a comprehensive course that considers accessibility, sustainability, and performance.

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for web designers and developers of any level. It covers complex patterns and tasks related to web components and does not require any prior knowledge of them. The course is aimed at frontend developers and UI/UX designers who are proficient in HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript knowledge. Familiarity with popular frameworks will also be helpful for understanding various approaches and integration strategies.

If you want to learn how web components can improve your workflow, this course is for you!

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# Title Duration
1 1 - Course Introduction & Background 15:24
2 2 - What Web Components Are... And Aren't 26:40
3 3 - Custom Elements 01:28:09
4 4 - HTML Templates Video 21:18
5 5 - Shadow DOM 01:18:10
6 6 - Styling Web Components 01:06:20
7 7 - HTML-First Patterns Video 59:42
8 8 - Web Components Frameworks Tour Video 28:16
9 9 - Web Components Libraries Tour Video 19:56
10 10 - Let-s Build An App Video 47:58
11 11 - What-s Next Video 15:15
12 12 - Wrapping Up Video 04:28

Read Book Web Components Demystified

1Course Introduction & Background
2What Web Components Are... And Aren't
3Custom Elements
4HTML Templates Video
5Shadow DOM
6Styling Web Components
7HTML-First Patterns Video
8Web Components Frameworks Tour Video
9Web Components Libraries Tour Video
10Let-s Build An App Video
11What-s Next Video
12Wrapping Up Video

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