Web Authentication, Encryption, JWT, HMAC, & OAuth With Go

14h 3m 23s
An Intermediate Level Course for the Go Programming Language covering Web Authentication, Encryption, JWT, HMAC, & OAuth. Google's Go Programming Language is one of the fastest growing, highest paying programming languages in the world. There is a reason for Go's popularity: Go was created by geniuses and is the next step in the evolution of programming languages. Knowing how to use Go well increases your power and productivity as a programmer.
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This course will give you the skills you need to advance your Go Programming Language skills. This course is very practical and applicable. It focuses on teaching you skills you can use. In this course you will build your skills with web authentication, encryption, JWT, and OAuth.

Presented with high-quality video lectures, this course will visually show you many great things about Google's Go (golang) Programming Language. Co-taught by a tenured professor and a Professional Developer, this is just some of what you will learn in this course:

  • Learn to succeed as a student

  • Launch a service that uses JSON encoding and decoding.

  • Master the fundamentals of authentication.

  • Acquire the skills necessary for secure password storage.

  • Build your understanding of hash-based message authentication code (HMAC).

  • Gain insight into Jason Web Tokens (JWT).

  • Explore the practical application of encryption.

  • Learn to establish authentication with HMAC.

  • Learn to establish authentication with JWT.

  • Master the fundamentals of open authentication (OAuth) including OAuth2.

  • Learn to establish authentication with OAuth2.

  • Reinforce your abilities with hands-on exercises.

This is an amazing course! This course will change your life. Being skilled at using the Go Programming Language will serve you and your career well. This course will increase your proficiency and productivity as a programmer. You are going to love this course and it will forever change your life.


  • Prerequisite knowledge recommended for this course: An Introduction to Google's Go (golang) Programming Language

  • Prerequisite knowledge recommended for this course: Web Development using Google's Go (golang) Programming Languageb

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 05:25
2 Course outline 02:40
3 Setup 01:08
4 Installing Go and Go modules 01:03
5 Marshal 03:27
6 Unmarshal 02:13
7 Launching a service 01:54
8 Encode 02:15
9 Decode 02:33
10 Hands-on exercise #1 01:22
11 Hands-on exercise #2 04:45
12 Difference between authentication and authorization 10:36
13 HTTP basic authentication 04:39
14 Exploring authentication and state 07:45
15 Storing passwords 05:34
16 Hashing passwords 04:13
17 Bearer tokens & HMAC 04:11
18 HMAC in action 03:21
19 Discussing HMAC 06:23
20 Discussing HMAC II 05:41
21 JWT explained 06:48
22 JWT documentation & claims 05:11
23 Creating JWT 05:29
24 Validating JWT 06:37
25 Overview of concepts 10:33
26 Rotating keys 05:39
27 Discussion 10:34
28 Base64 - not encryption 09:02
29 Encrypting an email 16:12
30 Reviewing encrypted email 03:24
31 Review and overview 10:44
32 SHA256 a file 06:27
33 HMAC values in a cookie intro 13:00
34 HMAC values in a cookie - 1 07:06
35 VS code liveshare 17:24
36 HMAC values in a cookie - 2 13:20
37 HMAC values in a cookie - 3 16:43
38 Security high-level 28:51
39 JWT overview of docs 13:12
40 JWT in a cookie 15:51
41 JWT parsing Part 1 11:25
42 JWT parsing Part 2 11:04
43 Running 11:28
44 Hands-on exercise #1 05:47
45 Hands-on exercise #1 - part 2 10:51
46 Hands-on exercise #2 10:45
47 Hands-on exercise #3 11:58
48 Hands-on exercise #3 part 2 11:05
49 Hands-on exercise #4 16:29
50 Hands-on exercise #4 part 2 09:27
51 Hands-on exercise #5 14:15
52 Hands-on exercise #6 11:24
53 Hands-on exercise #6 part 2 12:42
54 Hands-on exercise #6 part 3 14:47
55 What is OAuth2 14:46
56 Overview of the OAuth2 process 12:30
57 Examining the OAuth2 package 14:54
58 Finding documentation for an OAuth2 provider 14:32
59 Setting up a server 10:50
60 Starting the oauth process 12:19
61 Getting the http client 17:36
62 Using the http client 11:06
63 JSON decoding user id 19:37
64 Hands-on exercise #1 13:44
65 Hands-on exercise #2 12:09
66 Hands-on exercise #2 part 2 09:57
67 Hands-on exercise #2 part 3 08:55
68 Hands-on exercise #2 part 4 11:00
69 Hands-on exercise #2 part 5 04:45
70 Hands-on exercise #3 07:09
71 Hands-on exercise #3 part 2 08:55
72 Hands-on exercise #4 09:58
73 Hands-on exercise #4 part 2 14:07
74 Hands-on exercise #4 - continued - part 1 07:20
75 Hands-on exercise #4 - continued - part 2 21:51
76 Hands-on exercise #4 - continued - part 3 11:20
77 Hands-on exercise #5 09:48
78 Hands-on exercise #5 part 2 08:43
79 Hands-on exercise #6 09:35
80 Hands-on exercise #6 part 2 08:28
81 Review 28:48
82 Review part 2 15:53
83 Congratulations! 13:37
84 Bonus lecture 12:29

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