Understanding TypeScript - 2023 Edition

14h 54m 54s
May 18, 2023

Learn what TypeScript is, why it really is a powerful Addition to JavaScript, what its Features are and how to use it! And whilst doing so, also understand what you're actually doing in your Angular 2+ Code.

This Course takes you from the very Basics and its most important Feature (Types!) to the Point where you're able to use TypeScript in any of your Projects. ReactJS Projects included!

As TypeScript is developed by Microsoft and strongly advertised used by Angular 2+ (Google), it's here to stay.


A Journey into the Future

As TypeScript code can be compiled to ES5, you'll be amazed by the many next-gen Features you can start using Today. Be it ES6 Features like Destructuring or Arrow Functions, Decorators, Generics and Interfaces or Modules - TypeScript has them all!

In this Course, we'll not stop after the Basics. You will learn about more advanced Features and also how to set up Workflows with  TypeScript. This includes a TypeScript-only Workflow as well as a Webpack Workflow.

You'll also learn that you're not limited to Angular 2+ or plain JavaScript/ TypeScript Projects. A complete Module covers how to use TypeScript with ReactJS to benefit from its Features, there, too.

Practice what you Learn

Watching Videos is a great Way to Learn. And to a lot of Students, it's the best Way. If you also want to practice the Things you learn, this Course offers you Exercises (and Solutions) in many of the Course Modules.

So much Content!

I'm not a Fan of these Courses which teach you the Basics and then leave you alone. In this Course you'll get insights into:

  • Types and how to use them

  • How the TypeScript Compiler works

  • ES6 Features in TypeScript

  • Classes in TypeScript

  • Namespaces and Modules

  • Interfaces

  • Generics

  • Decorators

  • How to integrate Third-Party JavaScript Libraries into your TypeScript Project

  • How to set up a TypeScript project with Webpack

  • Or how to set up a plain-TypeScript Workflow

  • How to use TypeScript together with ReactJS

  • How to use TypeScript together with Node/ Express

  • Real projects and use-cases!

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome to the Course! 01:56
2 What Is TypeScript & Why Should You Use It? 04:34
3 Installing & Using TypeScript 13:23
4 TypeScript Advantages - Overview 03:06
5 Course Outline 04:18
6 How To Get The Most Out Of The Course 03:14
7 Setting Up A Code Editor / IDE 03:07
8 The Course Project Setup 07:21
9 Module Introduction 00:27
10 Using Types 10:21
11 TypeScript Types vs JavaScript Types 04:54
12 Working with Numbers, Strings & Booleans 05:44
13 Type Assignment & Type Inference 05:40
14 Object Types 07:33
15 Arrays Types 05:31
16 Working with Tuples 06:20
17 Working with Enums 07:06
18 The "any" Type 02:05
19 Union Types 06:31
20 Literal Types 07:55
21 Type Aliases / Custom Types 03:00
22 Function Return Types & "void" 07:26
23 Functions as Types 05:35
24 Function Types & Callbacks 04:24
25 The "unknown" Type 03:44
26 The "never" Type 04:11
27 Wrap Up 01:52
28 Module Introduction 00:47
29 Using "Watch Mode" 02:06
30 Compiling the Entire Project / Multiple Files 03:47
31 Including & Excluding Files 06:14
32 Setting a Compilation Target 04:05
33 Understanding TypeScript Core Libs 05:32
34 More Configuration & Compilation Options 01:42
35 Working with Source Maps 02:01
36 rootDir and outDir 05:32
37 Stop Emitting Files on Compilation Errors 02:52
38 Strict Compilation 11:05
39 Code Quality Options 04:23
40 Debugging with Visual Studio Code 04:21
41 Wrap Up 01:09
42 Module Introduction 02:22
43 "let" and "const" 06:34
44 Arrow Functions 04:51
45 Default Function Parameters 02:10
46 The Spread Operator (...) 04:33
47 Rest Parameters 05:06
48 Array & Object Destructuring 05:18
49 How Code Gets Compiled & Wrap Up 01:38
50 Module Introduction 00:55
51 What are Classes? 04:49
52 Creating a First Class 05:53
53 Compiling to JavaScript 03:03
54 Constructor Functions & The "this" Keyword 07:36
55 "private" and "public" Access Modifiers 05:53
56 Shorthand Initialization 02:59
57 "readonly" Properties 02:46
58 Inheritance 08:08
59 Overriding Properties & The "protected" Modifier 02:44
60 Getters & Setters 06:43
61 Static Methods & Properties 05:09
62 Abstract Classes 05:27
63 Singletons & Private Constructors 05:08
64 Classes - A Summary 01:44
65 A First Interface 04:27
66 Using Interfaces with Classes 06:11
67 Why Interfaces? 01:35
68 Readonly Interface Properties 01:36
69 Extending Interfaces 02:35
70 Interfaces as Function Types 02:42
71 Optional Parameters & Properties 04:12
72 Compiling Interfaces to JavaScript 01:59
73 Wrap Up 01:55
74 Module Introduction 00:59
75 Intersection Types 04:59
76 More on Type Guards 10:35
77 Discriminated Unions 06:12
78 Type Casting 07:46
79 Index Properties 06:36
80 Function Overloads 06:19
81 Optional Chaining 04:22
82 Nullish Coalescing 02:45
83 Wrap Up 01:21
84 Module Introduction 01:06
85 Built-in Generics & What are Generics? 08:45
86 Creating a Generic Function 08:34
87 Working with Constraints 03:40
88 Another Generic Function 05:36
89 The "keyof" Constraint 03:07
90 Generic Classes 08:55
91 A First Summary 01:23
92 Generic Utility Types 07:20
93 Generic Types vs Union Types 03:42
94 Module Introduction 01:35
95 A First Class Decorator 05:22
96 Working with Decorator Factories 02:03
97 Building More Useful Decorators 06:00
98 Adding Multiple Decorators 02:53
99 Diving into Property Decorators 05:01
100 Accessor & Parameter Decorators 05:37
101 When Do Decorators Execute? 03:12
102 Returning (and changing) a Class in a Class Decorator 08:38
103 Other Decorator Return Types 03:45
104 Example: Creating an "Autobind" Decorator 09:05
105 Validation with Decorators - First Steps 07:29
106 Validation with Decorators - Finished 12:15
107 Wrap Up 03:22
108 Module Introduction 00:55
109 Getting Started 05:21
110 DOM Element Selection & OOP Rendering 11:44
111 Interacting with DOM Elements 08:05
112 Creating & Using an "Autobind" Decorator 04:45
113 Fetching User Input 09:15
114 Creating a Re-Usable Validation Functionality 14:11
115 Rendering Project Lists 11:19
116 Managing Application State with Singletons 15:33
117 More Classes & Custom Types 07:12
118 Filtering Projects with Enums 06:00
119 Adding Inheritance & Generics 18:41
120 Rendering Project Items with a Class 11:59
121 Using a Getter 03:34
122 Utilizing Interfaces to Implement Drag & Drop 10:25
123 Drag Events & Reflecting the Current State in the UI 05:59
124 Adding a Droppable Area 08:09
125 Finishing Drag & Drop 06:45
126 Wrap Up 01:23
127 Module Introduction 01:12
128 Writing Module Code - Your Options 03:52
129 Working with Namespaces 10:51
130 Organizing Files & Folders 08:42
131 A Problem with Namespace Imports 02:53
132 Using ES Modules 12:22
133 Understanding various Import & Export Syntaxes 04:58
134 How Does Code In Modules Execute? 01:44
135 Wrap Up 03:15
136 Module Introduction 01:02
137 What is Webpack & Why do we need it? 05:33
138 Installing Webpack & Important Dependencies 03:56
139 Adding Entry & Output Configuration 05:58
140 Adding TypeScript Support with the ts-loader Package 07:01
141 Finishing the Setup & Adding webpack-dev-server 03:34
142 Adding a Production Workflow 04:05
143 Wrap Up 01:42
144 Module Introduction 01:19
145 Using JavaScript (!) Libraries with TypeScript 09:02
146 Using "declare" as a "Last Resort" 02:26
147 No Types Needed: class-transformer 08:29
148 TypeScript-embracing: class-validator 06:18
149 Wrap Up 01:58
150 Module Introduction 00:31
151 Project Setup 03:57
152 Getting User Input 02:42
153 Setting Up a Google API Key 02:49
154 Using Axios to Fetch Coordinates for an Entered Address 10:15
155 Rendering a Map with Google Maps (incl. Types!) 06:36
156 Module Introduction 01:06
157 Setting Up a React + TypeScript Project 05:22
158 How Do React + TypeScript Work Together? 03:47
159 Working with Props and Types for Props 06:59
160 Getting User Input with "refs" 07:04
161 Cross-Component Communication 03:59
162 Working with State & Types 04:29
163 Managing State Better 01:34
164 More Props & State Work 04:10
165 Adding Styling 01:03
166 Types for other React Features (e.g. Redux or Routing) 04:02
167 Wrap Up 01:35
168 Module Introduction 01:24
169 Executing TypeScript Code with Node.js 03:34
170 Setting up a Project 04:08
171 Finished Setup & Working with Types (in Node + Express Apps) 05:18
172 Adding Middleware & Types 05:46
173 Working with Controllers & Parsing Request Bodies 09:54
174 More CRUD Operations 10:21
175 Wrap Up 02:12
176 Thanks for being part of the course! 00:56

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