TypeScript Bootcamp: Zero to Mastery
9h 31m 59s
January 25, 2024
Learn TypeScript by building your own real-world applications. Taught by an industry professional, this course covers everything from beginner to advanced topics. If you're a JavaScript developer who is serious about taking your coding skills and career to the next level, then this is the course for you.
This TypeScript course covers all the TypeScript best practices and trends for 2023 and is focused on efficiency.
That means you'll never have to spend time on confusing, out-of-date, incomplete tutorials anymore.
Instead, we'll quickly push you beyond the basics so that you can build professional, modern apps on your own using the latest version of TypeScript and become a TypeScript Developer.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Why Is Typescript Awesome? | 07:34 |
2 | Getting The Most From This Course | 01:50 |
3 | Types Primer | 02:30 |
4 | Variables | 02:31 |
5 | Downloading the Course Content | 03:52 |
6 | Variables & Basic Types | 10:00 |
7 | Boolean Logic | 02:30 |
8 | Applying Boolean Logic | 07:36 |
9 | Compound Boolean Expressions | 08:44 |
10 | Arithmetic Operators | 05:26 |
11 | Increment & Arithmetic Assignment | 05:25 |
12 | Functions | 03:17 |
13 | Writing and Calling Functions | 07:59 |
14 | Template Strings | 05:09 |
15 | Working Through the Exercises | 02:49 |
16 | Type Annotations | 12:47 |
17 | Control Flow | 02:27 |
18 | If..Else | 05:22 |
19 | Simplifying If..Else Statements | 10:54 |
20 | Switch | 07:38 |
21 | Ternary | 04:11 |
22 | Structuring Data | 01:58 |
23 | Type Aliases | 05:36 |
24 | Object Types | 09:18 |
25 | Arrow Functions & Function Expressions | 08:45 |
26 | About Arrays | 03:01 |
27 | Working with Arrays | 09:29 |
28 | Arrays & Objects | 03:44 |
29 | Tuples | 05:50 |
30 | Repetition | 01:41 |
31 | `for` Loops | 07:23 |
32 | `while` Loops | 05:20 |
33 | Modular Code | 02:18 |
34 | Modules | 06:43 |
35 | Grep | 08:10 |
36 | Todo List: Initial Code | 06:29 |
37 | Todo List: Add & List Todos | 05:25 |
38 | Todo List: CLI | 11:04 |
39 | About Classes | 01:53 |
40 | Classes Hands-On | 09:08 |
41 | Interfaces | 01:49 |
42 | Interface Methods | 07:21 |
43 | Interface Properties | 04:28 |
44 | Iterators: `for..of` | 06:27 |
45 | Map Data Type | 02:38 |
46 | Working with Maps | 06:17 |
47 | About Exceptions | 01:34 |
48 | Working with Exceptions | 07:57 |
49 | Type Assertions | 05:22 |
50 | Union Types | 01:31 |
51 | Creating a Union | 07:56 |
52 | Type Predicates | 07:00 |
53 | Optional Fields | 05:07 |
54 | Optional Chaining | 05:51 |
55 | About Asynchronous Operations | 01:59 |
56 | Async/Await | 05:29 |
57 | Testing Overview | 01:47 |
58 | Unit Testing | 07:53 |
59 | Testing Promises | 04:00 |
60 | About | 02:09 |
61 | HTTP Request/Response Cycle | 00:59 |
62 | Type Definitions | 00:59 |
63 | Project Setup | 02:15 |
64 | CLI | 04:10 |
65 | Fetching Location Data | 08:26 |
66 | Weather Types - Part 1 | 05:32 |
67 | Weather Types - Part 2 | 06:14 |
68 | Fetching Weather Data | 03:50 |
69 | Integrating Location & Weather Fetching | 03:03 |
70 | Web UI Project Setup | 02:28 |
71 | Updating Location Functions | 05:15 |
72 | Updating Weather API Functions | 08:48 |
73 | Server Setup | 06:46 |
74 | Server Routing | 06:23 |
75 | Running the Server & Template | 04:08 |
76 | Testing Location | 06:15 |
77 | Testing Weather API | 07:49 |
78 | Discriminated Unions | 07:34 |
79 | Const Assertion | 06:52 |
80 | About Generics | 02:06 |
81 | Generic Functions | 06:31 |
82 | Generic Classes | 04:35 |
83 | Iterator Internals | 01:33 |
84 | Writing Your Own Iterator | 04:16 |
85 | Writing Your Own .d.ts Files | 09:35 |
86 | TypeScript Definitions for Objects | 07:00 |
87 | Exercise: Imposter Syndrome | 02:57 |
88 | About | 01:10 |
89 | Project Setup | 01:08 |
90 | Database Module Setup | 05:46 |
91 | Database Connection | 03:33 |
92 | Repository Implementation | 03:43 |
93 | Session Queries | 04:17 |
94 | Server Setup | 07:59 |
95 | Signin & Signup Routes | 03:02 |
96 | Signup Logic | 07:19 |
97 | Password Hashing | 06:16 |
98 | Sign-in Logic | 03:42 |
99 | Managing User Sessions | 03:51 |
100 | Implementing Flash Cookies | 07:00 |
101 | Backend Error Feedback | 02:17 |
102 | Frontend Error Container | 04:10 |
103 | Sign-in Frontend Boilerplate | 04:56 |
104 | Password & Username Modules | 06:51 |
105 | Applying Rules to the Sign-in Page | 05:26 |
106 | Applying Rules to the Sign-up Page | 03:31 |
107 | Reporting Flash Cookie Data | 03:17 |
108 | Server Side Validation | 05:15 |
109 | Welcome Page | 04:50 |
110 | Fixing the Login Bug | 06:42 |
111 | Thank You! | 01:18 |
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