The No-BS Solution for Enterprise-Ready Next.js Applications

8h 20m 31s

Next.js is one of the most popular frameworks for building web applications. It is fast, flexible, and underpins some of the largest websites on the internet.

However, when it comes to creating a production-ready application, setting up a project in Next.js can become quite a challenge.

With the introduction of App Router and React Server Components, there have been significant changes in how applications are built and structured. You will also need to make decisions regarding styling approaches, data loading strategies, testing, and CI/CD pipeline. This can be quite complex.

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Here are just some of the challenges that developers face with Next.js:

Routing Uncertainty:

Which router to choose - App Router or the deprecated pages router? What trade-offs need to be considered?

Complexities with Components:

When should you use client-side components versus React Server Components? How to optimally handle context and data exchange?

Performance Issues:

Why does your application seem slow? How can you optimize data loading and rendering?


How to safely manage user authentication and sessions?


How to ensure reliable and secure deployment of applications on Next.js with minimal downtime and errors?


How to prepare your Next.js application for increased user load?

Working with Next.js shouldn't be confusing. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer looking to master the latest updates, Pro NextJS will teach you everything you need to confidently create web applications.

This series of self-guided master classes contains deep knowledge, real-life examples, and practical advice to help you understand all the nuances of working with Next.js.

What the Course Includes

Introduction to Next.js

In the first master class, we will touch on all the most important aspects of working with Next.js. Instead of a typical "To Do List" application, you will create a full-fledged application similar to ChatGPT. Here's what we will cover:

  • Project Setup and Deployment: Configuring a Next.js application with TypeScript, ESLint, and Tailwind CSS, along with continuous deployment on Vercel.
  • Routing and Layouts: Using App Router to create routes and layouts that affect data loading and navigation.
  • Authentication: Implementing user authentication and session management.
  • AI Streaming Responses: Building a dynamic chat with connection to the OpenAI API and real-time streaming responses.
  • Database Integration: Storing chat data in the Vercel Postgres database.

Styling Next.js Applications

The development of styling methods for web applications continues to advance, but with the advent of App Router and React Server Components, new challenges have emerged. This module will immerse you in popular methods for creating responsive and theme-ready interfaces in Next.js. Specifically:

  • CSS Modules: A classic but sometimes cumbersome way to style components.
  • Tailwind CSS: An approach using utility classes that requires some configuration steps to maintain readability.
  • StyleX: A library from Meta for detailed management of components, design tokens, and themes.
  • Pigment CSS: A styling library from the Material UI team optimized for React Server Components.
  • Emotion: Although it's not the most modern approach, many applications still use Emotion for styling. Learn how to configure the library to support App Router.

Project Infrastructure

For modern Next.js applications, there are many tools, frameworks, and processes - especially when working in a team. This course module offers best practices for building a reliable project infrastructure. Here's what you will learn:

  • Code Style and Consistency: Using ESLint and Prettier to maintain code style.
  • Component Organization: Weighing the pros and cons of various project organization strategies.
  • Creating a Component Library: Working with Storybook to create and document components.
  • Testing: Writing tests using Jest, Vitest, Cypress, and Playwright.
  • Monorepo Management: Turborepo for code sharing and dependency management.
  • Client and Server Components: In-depth study of client components and RSC, including context handling and data exchange strategies.

Client and Server Interaction

After deploying a Next.js application, there are many factors affecting performance and user experience. This module covers advanced client-server interaction topics:

  • Caching Strategies: Various data caching and revalidation options, including API route support and cache management with tags.
  • File Uploads: Using server actions and API routes to handle local and cloud file uploads.
  • System Architecture: Exploring different architectural patterns for client-server interaction, including Backend-for-Frontend, server actions, and token handling.
  • Advanced Server Actions: Building a CDN simulator, intercepting client requests, and creating data streaming solutions.
  • Granular Suspense: Building a stock data application using Suspense to improve responsiveness.

From project setup to deployment, styling, and infrastructure management, Pro NextJS covers everything. You will learn through practical examples and assignments to boost your confidence in working with Next.js.

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome to Pro Next.js 05:55
2 Why You Should Choose Next.js 04:38
3 When Not to Use Next.js 02:46
4 The React, Next.js, and Vercel Controversy 04:17
5 Create and Deploy a Next.js Application 07:57
6 An Overview of the First Application 01:50
7 Create Your First Route 01:41
8 Add a Header Using Layout 03:33
9 Choosing a SSR Framework or a SPA System 05:00
10 Client vs. Server Components in Next.js 12:45
11 Add Authentication with NextAuth.js 14:27
12 NextAuth v5 Update 03:03
13 Composition in Next.js: Understanding Client and Server Components 07:39
14 Intro to Server Actions 15:01
15 Add Interactivity with Next.js Server Actions 08:58
16 Store Chat Data in a Database 11:05
17 File-Based Routing with App Router 12:46
18 Adding Parameterized Routes to a Next.js App 09:47
19 Access Data with React Server Components 08:21
20 Implement Parallel Routes for a Chat Menu Sidebar 06:47
21 Implement Streaming AI Responses 07:30
22 What You've Learned So Far 00:39
23 Styling Next.js App Router Applications 03:18
24 Create a Layout with CSS Modules 04:18
25 Refine the Layout with CSS Modules 08:52
26 Getting Started with Tailwind CSS 03:47
27 Configure Container Queries with Tailwind CSS 03:04
28 Combine CSS Modules with Tailwind CSS 02:33
29 Intro to Meta's StyleX 06:25
30 Finish Styling with StyleX 03:03
31 Styling with Material UI's Pigment CSS 04:36
32 Finish Styling with Pigment CSS 04:41
33 Styling with Emotion 01:41
34 Comparing Emotion with Tailwind and Pigment 03:16
35 Introduction to Component Libraries 02:21
36 shadcn/ui - Blog App Overview 11:06
37 Park UI 07:11
38 Bootstrap 05:30
39 Ant Design 06:07
40 Material UI 06:51
41 Chakra UI 05:33
42 Wedges 04:57
43 NextUI 06:58
44 Mantine 05:45
45 Building a Strong Foundation 01:35
46 Setting up ESLint and Prettier 05:50
47 Organizing Component Files 05:54
48 Organizing Components into Directories 01:55
49 Importing Component Files 02:47
50 Component Locations 07:09
51 Setting up Storybook with Next.js 04:50
52 Testing with Jest 07:33
53 Testing Async RSCs with Jest 03:42
54 Testing with Vitest 07:26
55 Testing Async RSCs with Vitest 02:11
56 End-to-End Testing with Cypress 05:29
57 E2E Testing with Playwright 04:56
58 Check Bundle Size with GitHub Actions and Husky 14:55
59 Should You Use a Monorepo? 04:04
60 Creating a Next.js App in a Turborepo Monorepo 06:17
61 Storybook in a Turborepo Monorepo 12:44
62 Naming and Organizing Server and Client Components 04:26
63 Lego Components 08:00
64 Embrace the JS, Next.js, and React Ecosystem 00:42
65 Caching with the Next.js App Router 01:00
66 The Full Route Cache 03:34
67 Dynamic Routes in Next.js 02:03
68 Automatic and Manual Revalidation 03:13
69 Next.js API Route Caching 02:28
70 Data Caching and Revalidation with React Server Components 03:52
71 Cache-busting with Tags 05:18
72 The Next.js Router Cache 09:03
73 Understanding the Example Monorepo Structure 03:32
74 Intro to Systems Architecture 05:42
75 The API Route Variant of Local Systems 03:02
76 Building with Local Server Actions in Next.js 02:30
77 BFF Architecture with GraphQL 05:15
78 Backend-for-Frontend (BFF) Architecture with Server Actions 03:20
79 The API Variant of Backend-for-Frontend Architecture 03:57
80 BFF Pattern with gRPC (TwirpScript) 04:14
81 BFF Architecture with tRPC 05:02
82 Server Architecture with an External API Domain 05:26
83 Proxying External Systems with Next.js 04:06
84 Token Variation of the External Systems Architecture 06:36
85 Token Variation of the External Systems Architecture 03:13
86 Adding Suspense to the Application 01:15
87 Granular Suspense in React 03:11
88 DIY Streaming with Server Actions 05:16
89 Cached Server Actions in Next.js 16:09
90 File Uploads in Next.js App Router Apps 07:31

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