The Complete Basic Electricity & Electronics Course

6h 39m 38s

Knowledge of Electricity and Electronics is extremely valuable nowadays! Electronic circuits are everywhere, from computers and smartphones, to home appliances and cars. Think of all the everyday objects that are becoming “smart”... in the future, most of the things that we own will contain some electronics. Jobs in electronics are in high demand and well paid in almost every country!

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Building electronic products is incredibly rewarding, whether you do it professionally or just as a hobby. There is just something different and exciting about designing something physical that can be hold in one’s hand and that interacts with the outside world, and today it has become incredibly easy to get started thanks to cheap development boards such as the Arduino and Raspberry Pi, combined with the right knowledge.

Differently than what happens in other disciplines, knowledge of Electronics does not become obsolete, but it is always current as it is intimately connected to physics and to the fundamental laws of nature. Hence, while new components and chips might come along every year, the fundamental principles of Electronics always stay the same.

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# Title Duration
1 Course Introduction 01:20
2 Pre-Requisites and Teaching Style 01:15
3 Introduction 00:20
4 Atoms and Electrons 01:02
5 Electric Current 02:24
6 Calculate the Current - Solution to Question 1 02:43
7 Calculate the Current - Solution to Question 2 00:59
8 Calculate the Current - Solution to Question 3 01:06
9 Introduction 00:19
10 Definition of Work accordingly to Physics 01:18
11 Potential Energy 03:21
12 Coulomb force between Charges and Electric Field 02:03
13 Electric Potential Energy 02:25
14 Voltage 00:41
15 Key Takeaways 04:09
16 Signals and Noise 03:26
17 Periodic Signals 03:42
18 Analog and Digital signals 04:31
19 Introduction 00:14
20 How do Batteries work? 01:56
21 Closing the circuit 01:03
22 Electrons moved by AA batteries 01:30
23 Voltage is a differential quantity 00:52
24 Ground Voltage 00:51
25 Energy in a Battery 01:28
26 Introduction 00:23
27 Resistance and Ohm's Law 00:44
28 Meaning of Resistance 01:46
29 Resistance of a piece of material 02:44
30 Resistors 01:02
31 Joule heating of resistors 00:55
32 Water analogy of electric circuits 02:53
33 Kirchhoff Voltage Law (KVL) 03:10
34 KVL on complex circuits 00:53
35 Kirchhoff Current Law (KCL) 02:38
36 KCL: different node, same result 00:48
37 Resistors in Series 01:20
38 Example: Calculation of Equivalent Series Resistance 03:16
39 Series Resistance Formula 00:49
40 Resistors in Parallel 02:58
41 Example: Calculation of Equivalment Parallel Resistance 03:30
42 Parallel Resistance Formula 01:26
43 Meaning of "Equivalent" Resistance 02:44
44 Voltage Divider 02:00
45 Voltage Divider with more than 2 Resistors 02:58
46 Voltage Divider with Current Drawn 06:40
47 How to choose the Resistors for a Voltage Divider 03:15
48 Why Voltage Dividers don't make good Absolute Reference Voltages 02:12
49 Current Divider 05:56
50 Currents and the "path of least resistance" 04:17
51 Superposition Principle 07:04
52 Ports and Blocks 04:37
53 Thevenin Equivalent Circuit 07:55
54 Solution to Question 4 - Quiz 22:05
55 Type of Resistors: Through-Hole Resistors 02:33
56 Resistors Color Code 02:50
57 Type of Resistors: Surface Mount (SMD) Resistors 02:50
58 Meet the Potentiometer, a variable resistor 01:23
59 How do Potentiometers work? 02:40
60 Potentiometers used as variable Voltage Divider 00:51
61 Schematic symbol of Potentiometers 00:45
62 Electric Power 00:49
63 P = V*I 02:05
64 Power dissipated in a Resistor 02:47
65 Power vs Energy: Hydraulic Example - Part 1 03:17
66 Power vs Energy: Hydraulic Example - Part 2 04:05
67 Introduction 00:27
68 What is a Capacitor? 00:36
69 Parallel-Plates Capacitor 06:19
70 Caps geometry vs stored charge 05:43
71 Quick Recap 01:43
72 Capacitors as Energy storage devices 07:21
73 Capacitor Symbols 02:09
74 Water Analogy for Capacitors 09:37
75 Capacitors as Energy storage devices (with water analogy) 04:22
76 Capacitors and Alternating Current 05:19
77 Current in Capacitors 1/5: I-V Curve for a Resistor 03:30
78 Current in Capacitors 2/5: from Current to Charge 11:32
79 Current in Capacitors 3/5: from Charge to Voltage 01:39
80 Current in Capacitors 4/5: Final Equation 07:40
81 Current in Capacitors 5/5: from Voltage to Current 06:47
82 RC Circuits 1/6: First Look 12:23
83 RC Circuits 2/6: Exponential Function 02:37
84 RC Circuits 3/6: Current waveform 08:46
85 RC Circuits 4/6: Voltage waveform 05:02
86 RC Circuits 5/6: Time Constant 07:35
87 RC Circuits 6/6: Discharge 03:02
88 Capacitors in Series 04:38
89 Capacitors in Parallel 02:15
90 Type of Capacitors 06:45
91 Applications: Bypass Capacitors 1/3 08:39
92 Applications: Bypass Capacitors 2/3 07:30
93 Applications: Bypass Capacitors 3/3 03:17
94 Applications: Low-Pass Filter 04:47
95 Introduction 00:24
96 What is a Diode? 03:20
97 How do Diodes work? 09:29
98 Simplified I-V curve 02:58
99 Diode's Equivalent Circuits 04:43
100 Water Analogy 03:31
101 Circuits with Diodes 1/3 07:56
102 Circuits with Diodes 2/3 07:00
103 Circuits with Diodes 3/3 07:31
104 Light-Emitting Diode (LED) 07:39
105 Zener Diode 06:29
106 Applications: Rectifier Circuit 06:53
107 Applications: Reverse Polarity Protection 02:59
108 Congratulations! 01:01
109 Bonus Lecture: More Free Content! 00:54

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