Automated Software Testing with Cypress

15h 55m
May 16, 2024

Learn web automation and testing using world most popular non selenium framework called Cypress. This course is designed to be as practical as possible. We will be coding straight from the start! All you need to do is install NodeJS and your favorite code editor and have a little bit of programming knowledge ideally in Javascript.


What will you learn in this course?

  • How to install, create and setup multiple cypress testing projects

  • Web Automation and Elements Interaction with Cypress API

  • Practice various Real World E2E Testing Examples

  • Learn advanced Cypress features and patterns

  • Learn REST API Testing with Cypress

  • Learn Cypress + Docker Container

  • Learn Cypress Extensions and Plugins

  • Learn reporting with Mochawesome

  • How to implement App Actions Design Pattern

  • How to implement Page Objects Design Pattern

  • Behavior Driver Development using Cypress + Cucumber

  • Visual regression testing using Percy library

  • Continuous integration using Jenkins and how to setup testing pipeline

  • How to work with XPaths

  • Cloud testing using BrowserStack

  • Tips and tricks from the experts in the automation field

  • Prepare and practice for interviews

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:43
2 Why Cypress? 01:19
3 Editors 02:14
4 Getting Help 01:11
5 Install and Setup Cypress 04:48
6 Prettier Setup 04:35
7 Intelligent Code Completion 02:30
8 Test Scripts 03:14
9 Cypress Structure walkthrough 03:00
10 First Cypress Test 05:43
11 Running Tests in Headless Mode 04:15
12 Load URL 04:26
13 Assertions 07:07
14 Implicit Waits, Pause, Debug 04:25
15 Interacting with Buttons 07:37
16 Validating Count of Elements on the Page 05:05
17 Challenge Time! Create more Test Scenarios 04:55
18 Cypress Logs 02:32
19 Browser Refresh / Reload 03:06
20 Clear & Type text into Inputs 11:22
21 Interacting with Checkbox 03:42
22 Variables and Aliases 04:30
23 Chaining Assertions 03:40
24 Clear Cookies & Local Storage 03:22
25 Time & Date Modification 04:20
26 Viewport & Devices Emulation 05:28
27 Get & Assert page titles 03:10
28 Explore Cypress JSON file 08:33
29 Fixtures & Static Test Data 07:51
30 Keyboard Press Simulation 04:14
31 Run All Specs Together 02:12
32 Custom Commands 06:25
33 Working with Select Box 05:51
34 Screenshots 05:40
35 Scrolling on the Page 03:50
36 Write Data into JSON / Local Data Files 06:21
37 Read Data from JSON / Local Data Files 05:03
38 Assert Content Type 04:51
39 Abstraction with Classes 08:37
40 Before & After Hooks 06:21
41 Only & Skip Hooks 04:24
42 Install & Use XPATH Plugin 08:25
43 Cypress.$ Function 03:50
44 Command Line - Run single test file in headless mode 03:31
45 Section Intro & Project Setup 06:42
46 E2E Test: Searchbox 05:35
47 E2E Test: Send Forgotten Passwod 07:39
48 E2E Test: Navbar Links 10:12
49 E2E Test: Feedback Forms 10:04
50 E2E Test: Login & Logout Flow 14:50
51 E2E Test: Create New Payee 11:45
52 E2E Test: Payment 12:15
53 E2E Test: Currency Exchange 07:26
54 E2E Test: Transfer Funds 08:15
55 E2E Test: Filter Transactions 07:46
56 Project + Typsecript Setup 05:04
57 Mochawesome Reporter Integration 02:56
58 Reporting Example 05:25
59 Custom Commands Autocomplete 11:02
60 JSDocs Implementation 05:31
61 App Actions Design Pattern - Login 09:16
62 App Actions Design Pattern - Submit Forms 09:12
63 App Actions Design Pattern - Fixtures 06:31
64 Helpers & Utility 03:05
65 Project Setup 02:32
66 Framework Dependencies 02:10
67 Prettier Setup 03:23
68 Intelligent Code Completion 02:13
69 Framework Scripts 02:10
70 Cypress JSON & Framework Config File 07:15
71 Connect to Cypress Dashboard Service 02:50
72 Connect Snapshots Plugin 03:07
73 Utility & Helper Functions 07:43
74 Page Objects Pattern - Base Page 03:10
75 Page Objects Pattern - Device Emulation Utility 04:04
76 Page Objects Pattern - Components 04:12
77 Page Objects Pattern - Pages 05:50
78 Page Objects Pattern - First E2E Test 09:18
79 Account Component & Finish Login Test 10:51
80 Framework Fixtures & Data 03:41
81 Page Objects Pattern - Feedback Test with Fixtures 09:06
82 Cross Browser Testing Scripts 01:40
83 Project setup 02:44
84 Linting setup 02:20
85 Cypress JSON setup 03:45
86 Cucumber preprocessor 02:47
87 Cucumber Features 04:31
88 Cucumber Step Definitions 08:15
89 Run tests in headful mode 01:40
90 Cucumber with Page Objects Pattern 09:05
91 Step Definitions with Dynamic Parameters 05:53
92 Multiple Scenarios per Feature files 07:45
93 Smart Tags 02:41
94 Utility + Shared Step Definitions 10:58
95 Complete BDD End-To-End Test 10:40
96 Project setup 03:33
97 Linting setup 01:36
98 Cypress JSON 03:06
99 Cypress-image-snapshot plugin 02:13
100 Custom functions - SetResolution, MatchSnapshots 04:27
101 Test Scripts 01:41
102 Fix plugin configuration 01:07
103 Implement visual regression test 04:17
104 Update base snapshots 02:32
105 Implement responsive visual regression test 06:21
106 Date& Time override 02:20
107 Single Element Snapshots 02:42
108 iTerm 2 - Real time reporter 01:43
109 Disable failing tests flag 01:28
110 Locally Override matchImageSnapshot options 02:35
111 E2E Visual Test: Responsive Login Page 07:42
112 E2E Visual Test: Data Tables 06:05
113 Percy - Introduction 02:15
114 Percy - Integration with Cypress 04:18
115 Percy - Visual Test Example 08:20
116 What is CI / CD 02:13
117 Jenkins vs Circle vs Travis 05:35
118 Project Setup 03:10
119 Prettier & Cypress JSON Setup 03:15
120 Create Demo Tests 07:30
121 Connect Project to Dashboard 04:38
122 Dashboard Overview 03:20
123 Automatic Video Upload to Dashboard 04:51
124 Setup Cypress Builds with Jenkins 07:52
125 Parameterized Builds with Jenkins 06:29
126 Dashboard Integration Into Jenkins Build 04:12
127 Jenkins Overview 04:10
128 BONUS: Jenkins Server Script 04:08
129 What is API Testing 02:05
130 Project Setup 04:06
131 API Tests : Validate Header 06:05
132 API Tests: Validate Status Code 04:41
133 API Tests: Validate Content 04:10
134 API Tests: Negative Response 04:51
135 Challenge Time! 03:20
136 Cypress + Docker Project Setup 05:05
137 Create Tests for Docker 02:20
138 Create Dockerfile 05:02
139 Create Docker Ignore File 01:30
140 Run Cypress Tests with Docker Container 03:26
141 What is HTML? 03:06
142 Headings & Paragraphs 03:50
143 Links 03:29
144 Images 03:52
145 Formatting Elements 03:23
146 Comments 02:06
147 Tables 03:11
148 Lists 03:16
149 Forms 04:48
150 Class, ID, data-test attributes 06:23
151 Buttons 04:17
152 Symbols 02:55
153 Dynamic Content 04:46
154 Head & Meta tags 04:36
155 Javascript tech-stack overview 12:47
156 Var, Let & Const 03:55
157 Console log, info, warn, error 03:34
158 Functions & Arrow Functions 06:08
159 Dates & Time 03:35
160 Arrays 04:08
161 Classes 05:15
162 Inspect Website 04:40
163 Describe, Test, It, Expect 07:02
164 Async / Await 1 06:11
165 Async / Await 2 06:11
166 Install and Setup Dark themes for test runner 05:33
167 Most Used Assertions 07:54
168 Failed Logs JSON Reporter 06:16
169 Best Practices 10:49
170 Best Practices 2 08:37
171 Interview Questions 06:50
172 What is Page Objects Pattern? 01:49
173 Create Base Page 04:29
174 Hands on Page Objects Pattern part 1: Create HomePage 08:47
175 Hands on Page Objects Pattern part 2: Refactor Feedback test 11:51
176 Hands on Page Objects Pattern part 3: Components 09:31
177 Hands on Page Objects Pattern part 4: Forgotten Password Page 11:46
178 Hands on Page Objects Pattern part 5: Refactoring Login / Logout 08:47
179 Hands on Page Objects Pattern part 6: Finish Tests Refactoring 04:11
180 Create config file 04:03
181 Create test data file 04:51
182 Base Url configuration 02:35
183 Fixtures: Random data generators 08:33
184 Cross Browsers 01:40
185 Help 01:11

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