React Fundamentals

4h 36m 46s
February 16, 2024

If you're serious about learning React, there's no better place to do it. Originally launched in 2016, this course has been taken by tens of thousands of developers and maintains an average rating of 4.8/5. Since then we've rebuilt it from the ground up to include all of the best practices and newest APIs for building professional React apps in 2019.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction to the React Ecosystem Video 20:03
2 Video: Babel, Webpack, and React 38:15
3 Solution - Props 06:23
4 Solution - .map and .filter 08:14
5 Video: Validating Components with PropTypes 07:11
6 Video: The "this" Keyword Pt1: Intro and Implicit Binding 06:08
7 Video: The "this" Keyword Pt2: Explicit binding with .call, .apply, and .bind 04:41
8 Video: The "this" keyword Pt3: The "new" and "window" binding 03:19
9 Video: Managing and Updating Component State 23:43
10 Video: Stateless Functional Components 07:55
11 Video: Making Ajax Requests in React 20:12
12 Video: Adding React Router to our Application 22:16
13 Video: Forms and Encapsulation in React 25:19
14 Video: Dynamic Rendering + Query Params 17:48
15 Video: Axios, Promises, and the Github API 18:28
16 Video: Composition via props.children 23:15
17 Video: Building a Highly Reusable Component 13:19
18 Video: Building for Production + Hosting 10:17

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