Just Enough Docker Packaging

0h 0m 0s
As a Python developer, you need to master a multitude of technologies, and Docker is just another item on this endless list. Perhaps you have already used Docker: copied docker run or docker-compose commands to make everything work and moved on. But now you need to package your application. This means writing a Dockerfile, dealing with build errors, and solving unexpected problems, and basic knowledge is not enough.
Read more about the course
  • How to fix the error: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "exec: 'flask': executable file not found in $PATH": unknown?
  • Why do you have to run pip install every time, downloading and reinstalling all packages?
  • Where does the connection reset error come from when you open your Docker application in a browser?

You need to quickly figure out how Docker packaging works because there's already enough work to do. Errors from the tracker won't fix themselves, and features won't be implemented without your help.

Become more productive - quickly

Right now, Docker seems like an obstacle to you. But for those who understand how it works, it's a tool that has become an industry standard. Mastering Docker packaging will help you become more productive today and increase your marketability in the future. And since it will make you more efficient, wouldn't it be better to learn Docker as quickly as possible?

Learn Docker packaging in one day

To help you master the basics of Docker packaging, I wrote a concise and practical guide specifically for Python developers: "Just Enough Docker Packaging".

The Book:

  • Created for learning: based on materials from my live trainings.
  • For Python developers: all examples use Python.
  • Concise and to the point: you will learn how Docker packaging works, how to package your application, and debug its build. The book is designed for reading in one day.
  • Up-to-date: includes updates for BuildKit mode and the latest version of Docker 23.0.

The book explains how Docker packaging works with command-line breakdowns, examples, diagrams, and exercises for practice. Sometimes, I'll even make mistakes on purpose to show how to fix them.


  • You work on Mac or Linux (WSL2 on Windows might also work).
  • You are familiar with the command line and Unix shell.
  • You have a basic understanding of Python and its packaging.
  • You have minimal or no Docker knowledge.

Read Book Just Enough Docker Packaging

1Just Enough Docker Packaging
2BONUS: docker production handbook

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