Laravel with React JS - Build Twitter Like Real Time Web App

4h 56m 37s
July 30, 2024

Do you want to use React Js with Laravel to build powerful web applications? How about building a twitter like real time web app while learning Modern JavaScript and React Js from scratch? If that sounds great, you will absolutely love this course!


What this course covers?

  • Core Modern JavaScript/EcmaScript basics
  • React Js basics
  • Ajax with axios
  • Theoretical and practical explanation
  • Integration of React with Laravel
  • Adding Real time functionality using Laravel Echo and Pusher Js
  • Follow/Unfollow functionality
  • BelongsToMany relationship
  • Working with custom table
  • Accessors methods and more..

What you will learn by the end of this course?

  • Learn Modern JavaScript/EcmaScript
  • Learn React Js
  • Be able to combine Laravel with React Js to build modern Web Apps
  • Start writing React Components
  • Learn to make Ajax GET, POST requests from React Frontend to Laravel Backend
  • Real time integrations by Broadcasting events using Pusher Js and Laravel Echo
  • Learn Intermediate Level Laravel Techniques
  • Be able to use React Js as an alternative or replacement to Vue js

What you will build by the end of this course?

  • Twitter Like Real Time Web app with follow/unfollow functionality using Laravel Backend and React Js Frontend

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# Title Duration
1 Modern JavaScript 01:54
2 Creating variables using const 04:06
3 Creating variables using let 03:48
4 Template strings 05:10
5 Default parameters 03:25
6 Arrow functions 05:58
7 Arrow function and this keyword 10:11
8 Destructuring object 08:14
9 Destructuring an array 02:09
10 Restructuring 04:57
11 Spread and rest operator 07:32
12 Classes constructor and super 14:23
13 Installing react 05:24
14 React files and folders introduction 06:23
15 Storing data in component state via ajax call 10:59
16 Rendering state data using map 05:48
17 Conditional rendering 04:18
18 Imports exports props 09:36
19 Handling click events 07:40
20 Destructuring inline styling and keys 04:24
21 Installing Laravel and database setup 06:06
22 Implement username 06:20
23 Route group, controllers and views 07:05
24 React js scafffolding 07:33
25 Create form in react component 03:40
26 Post model, migration and relationships 05:29
27 Handling form events in react 07:16
28 Make a post request to laravel backend 05:32
29 Create post and response json 05:50
30 Show the tweets in timeline 11:54
31 Merging tweets in the state and render 02:56
32 Render tweets 02:58
33 User avatar 05:47
34 User profile 08:39
35 Follow functionality 08:42
36 Show follow or unfollow 03:18
37 Implement follow functionality 06:48
38 Implement unfollow functionality 03:19
39 Showing the list of following 05:53
40 Showing the list of followers 04:58
41 Json response of posts 11:05
42 Loading component 05:36
43 Making it real time using setInterval 07:21
44 Real time setup with pusher and laravel echo 05:16
45 Event Broadcasting for real time updates 11:34
46 Real time posts to specific user based on following 09:23

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