Master the Pathfinding Algorithms with JavaScript and React

2h 30m 4s
May 23, 2024

Enhance your JavaScript and React skills, build a portfolio project, and understand the pathfinding algorithms on a deeper level in this project-based course!


Build an Algorithms Visualizer that shows how the Breadth-First Search and Depth-First Search algorithms work and helps you understand them on a deeper level. Plus it'll serve as a standout project in your portfolio that will be a conversation starter in interviews!

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:29
2 Project Demo 03:28
3 What Are Pathfinding Algorithms? 05:28
4 Breadth-First Search (BFS) 06:41
5 Depth-First Search (DFS) 05:33
6 BFS vs. DFS 02:49
7 Setting Up Our REPL 06:08
8 Creating a Maze Using React 10:36
9 Creating Maze Rows 03:42
10 Making It Dynamic 09:07
11 Adding a Maze Refresh Button 08:35
12 Generating a Maze Matrix using Javascript 05:03
13 Combining Maze Generation into Our Button 05:09
14 Finalizing Our Maze Generation 12:34
15 Applying BFS and DFS to Our Maze 05:10
16 Breadth-First Search Implementation - Part 1 12:27
17 Breadth-First Search Implementation - Part 2 03:36
18 Depth-First Search Implementation 05:36
19 Adding Buttons and Bug Fixing our Algorithms 10:41
20 Combining the Algorithms to the Maze 09:04
21 Delaying the Steps of Our Algorithms 03:52
22 Fixing Refresh Maze 06:30
23 The Final Touches 05:46

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