Programming Language with LLVM

2h 46m 4s

How programming languages work under the hood? What’s the difference between compiler and interpreter? What is a virtual machine, and JIT-compiler? And what about the difference between functional and imperative programming?

There are so many questions when it comes to implementing a programming language!

The problem with “compiler classes” in school is such classes are usually presented as some “hardcore rocket science” which is only for advanced engineers.

Moreover, classic compiler books start from the least significant topic, such as Lexical analysis, going straight down to the theoretical aspects of formal grammars. And by the time of implementing the first Tokenizer module, students simply lose an interest to the topic, not having a chance to actually start implementing a programing language itself. And all this is spread to a whole semester of messing with tokenizers and BNF grammars, without understanding an actual semantics of programming languages.

I believe we should be able to build and understand a full programming language semantics, end-to-end, in 4-6 hours — with a content going straight to the point, showed in live coding sessions as pair-programming and described in a comprehensible way.

In the Programming Language with LLVM class we focus on compiling our language to LLVM IR, and build a lower-level programming language. Working closely with the LLVM compiler infrastructure level you will understand how lower-level compilation and production-level languages, such as C++, Rust, etc work today.

Implementing a programing language would also make your practical level in other programming languages more professional.

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There are three prerequisites for this class.

The Programming Language with LLVM course is a natural extension for the previous classes — Building an Interpreter from scratch (aka Essentials of Interpretation), where we build also a full programming language, but at a higher, AST-level, and also Building a Virtual Machine. Unless you already have understanding of how programming languages work at this level, i.e. what eval, a closure, a scope chainenvironments, and other constructs are — you have to take the interpreters class as a prerequisite.

Also, going to lower (bitcode/IR) level where production languages live, we need to have basic C++ experience. This class however is not about C++, so we use just very basic (and transferrable) to other languages constructs.

Who this class is for?

This class is for any curious engineer, who would like to gain skills of building complex systems (and building a programming language is an advanced engineering task!), and obtain a transferable knowledge for building such systems.

If you are interested specifically in LLVM, its compiler infrastructure, and how to build your own langauge, then this class is also for you.

What is used for implementation?

Since lower-level compilers are about performance, they are usually implemented in a low-level language such as C or C++. This is exactly what we use as well, however mainly basic features from C++, not distracting to C++ specifics. The code should be easily convertible and portable to any other language, e.g. to Rust or even higher-level languages such as Python. Using C++ also makes it easier implementing further JIT-compiler.

Note: we want our students to actually follow, understand and implement every detail of the LLVM compiler themselves, instead of just copy-pasting from final solution. Even though the full source code for the language is presented in the video lectures, the code repository for the project contains /* Implement here */ assignments, which students have to solve.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction to LLVM IR and tools 13:34
2 LLVM program structure | Module 06:18
3 Basic numbers | Main function 10:21
4 Strings | Printf operator 06:44
5 Parsing: S-expression to AST 10:24
6 Symbols | Global variables 06:40
7 Blocks | Environments 10:00
8 Local variables | Stack allocation 10:51
9 Binary expressions | Comparison operators 04:16
10 Control flow: If expressions | While loops 10:42
11 Function declarations | Call expression 06:25
12 Introduction to Classes | Struct types 09:29
13 Compiling Classes 08:51
14 Instances | Heap allocation 10:05
15 Property access 05:16
16 Class Inheritance | vTable 09:00
17 Methods application 07:29
18 Functors – callable objects 04:42
19 Closures, Cells, and Lambda expressions 08:04
20 Final executable | Next steps 06:53

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