Master Automation with Ansible and Puppet: 4-in-1

22h 33m 51s

With the ever increasing challenges of IT infrastructures, it's no surprise that IT professionals are looking for ways to automate as much as possible. IT automation is the ability to orchestrate and integrate tools, people, and processes through a certain workflow. With the help of Ansible and puppet, you’ll be able to build and manage your infrastructure efficiently.

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This comprehensive 4-in-1 training course is designed such that you that you will look at the most popular tools for automation, their advantages, and how you can use each of these tools to automate your IT infrastructure easily. Become a pro at automating your infrastructure with Ansible and Puppet.

Contents and Overview

This training program includes 4 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.

The first course, Ansible 2 for Beginners, you will get started with Ansible 2.0, including its installation, the problems it solves, and more. You’ll then be creating your very first playbook. You’ll understand the power of variables and quickly be able to manage environments and implement strategies. You'll find out how to integrate with different cloud platforms and be introduced to Ansible Galaxy and Tower, which are Ansible's enterprise tooling for supporting large-scale infrastructure.

The second course, Puppet Essentials for Beginners, shows detailed steps to configure your production-grade Puppet infrastructure. Once you are comfortable with the Puppet ecosystem, in-depth topics such as the configuration and management of Puppet servers, environments, module repositories, and modules will follow. You will then learn how to write reusable modules with Hiera. Finally, you will write tests for modules right from the beginning, build an efficient and scalable codebase, and create continuous integration pipelines with CI tools such as Jenkins.

The third course, Mastering Ansible, aims to help you master Ansible while tackling and learning multiple topics. It starts with Ansible's architecture and how to provide effective scalable automation. Further, you’ll look into Ansible modules and playbooks with YAML syntax and execute it. Next, you’ll get to know about advanced Ansible playbooks, and even structure them. You’ll learn to use Ansible with cloud services and containers and provision it with AWS and Docker. Finally, you will master troubleshooting, validating, and testing with Ansible.

The fourth course, Advanced Puppet Techniques, dives into concepts such as scaling the Puppet infrastructure, utilising storeconfigs with PuppetDB, and using different external node classifiers. You will then get your hands dirty by running Puppet components in Docker containers, using Puppet to create Docker images, and running applications on Docker along with orchestration using Mcollective. At the end of the course, you will learn how to write custom plugins for Puppet such as facts, resource types, providers, and functions.

By the end of this training program, you will be able to to build and manage your infrastructure easily as you’ve mastered orchestration, DevOps and automation using Ansible and Puppet.

About the Authors

David Cohenhas has been a system administrator, platform engineer, devops engineer, and software developer in everything from small businesses to growing companies (100+ employees) and large tech/engineering firms (10,000+ employees). Most of his work has centered around Linux and Unix system administration, web security, and software development in Python, Ruby, Javascript, and Go. He has also done stranger things like helping to design two tier-4 datacenters and being an Infantryman (not at the same time). On his tutorial Linux YouTube channel, he has helped thousands of people learn the basics (and not-so-basics) of system administration, devops, and software engineering.

James Spurin is an IT professional with over 15 years working in a variety of technology fields including internet technologies, automation, software development, storage, and Unix administration. He holds an MSc with Distinction in Computer Science, Software Engineering from Liverpool University. Professionally he has worked for a variety of major organizations including Dell EMC, Goldman Sachs, Nomura, and Virgin Internet. He is also an advisory board member for StorageOS, a container-based storage solution. He is an active contributor to open source software and is the creator and maintainer of XML Dataset, a Python library featured on the awesome Python list for parsing XML data.

Anirban Saha is an infrastructure professional with more than six and half years' experience in infrastructure management at various industries and organizations ranging from early startups to corporate environments. He has worked extensively with configuration management and automation tools including Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Saltstack, and Terraform, to name a few. He has extensive experience in architecting, deploying, and managing large infrastructures. He speaks at various conferences on the latest technologies and is also the author of Salt Cookbook published by Packt.

  • A basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is mandatory
Who this course is for:
  • System administrators and IT professionals who are waiting to automate their organization’s infrastructure using Ansible and Puppet.

What you'll learn:

  • Master Ansible 2 features like playbooks, modules and various testing strategies
  • Apply Conditions and Loops for control flow in your Playbooks
  • Increase the functionality of your infrastructure by integrating with Cloud platforms like AWS and OpenStack
  • Manage and test the Puppet code workflow and write reusable modules
  • Master the strategies and patterns of Puppet automation
  • Excel at writing custom plugins such as facts, resource types, providers, and functions

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# Title Duration
1 The Course Overview 04:26
2 What Is Ansible? 03:30
3 Why Ansible? 03:10
4 Demonstration – From Bash to Ansible 19:29
5 Course Layout 02:55
6 Basic Ansible Vocabulary 02:54
7 New Features in Ansible 2.0 03:31
8 Creating an Ansible Home Base 03:03
9 Installing Ansible 05:49
10 Bleeding-Edge Ansible Installation 08:31
11 Setting up our Test Environment 07:34
12 Target Machine Requirements 03:08
13 Ansible Configuration Hierarchy 05:17
14 Ansible Hosts Inventory File 05:20
15 Ad-Hoc Commands 07:55
16 Introduction top playbooks 19:41
17 Playbook Structure 11:17
18 Introduction to Modules 06:02
19 Common Modules 11:30
20 Variables and Facts 17:56
21 Real-Life Playbook: Mattermost Deployment 12:03
22 Real-Life Playbook Walkthrough 14:44
23 Debugging and Troubleshooting 13:07
24 Conditionals and Control Flow 04:53
25 Templating, Control Flow, and Iteration in Jinja2 07:38
26 YAML Basics 04:38
27 Ansible Blocks 04:00
28 Performance and Execution Strategies 08:11
29 Ansible Galaxy 04:59
30 Security 04:14
31 Ansible in the Cloud 03:02
32 Ansible AWS Demo 25:11
33 Ansible Tower 02:31
34 The Course Overview 04:46
35 Installing and Setting Up the Working Environment 11:22
36 Configuration Management and How Puppet Fits into the Scenario 04:58
37 Puppet Components and Terminologies 04:59
38 Understanding the Puppet Run Cycle 03:49
39 Installing the Puppet Components 06:07
40 Puppet in Action 08:30
41 Overview of the Puppet Language 12:48
42 Puppet Server in Production and Managing Certificates 09:43
43 Introduction to Community Modules and Puppet Forge 07:16
44 Managing Module Dependencies and librarian-puppet 05:22
45 Managing Environments with r10k 14:09
46 Understanding roles and Profiles 10:05
47 Writing and Managing a Module 12:37
48 Understanding and Using Hiera 13:38
49 Overview of Module Testing 03:59
50 Testing Puppet Syntax with puppet-lint 08:41
51 Writing Unit Tests with rspec-puppet 16:01
52 Writing Tests with Beaker Using Serverspec 09:39
53 Writing Tests with test-kitchen Using Serverspec 09:49
54 Publishing Modules to Puppet Forge with puppet-blacksmith 06:16
55 Configuring and Using Jenkins to Run the Test Suites 07:14
56 Using Jenkins to Create a Code Management Workflow 13:36
57 The Course Overview 04:11
58 Ansible Requirements – Python, PIP, and Virtual Environments 09:47
59 Ansible Course Environment Setup 27:00
60 Ansible on Microsoft Windows 13:42
61 Ansible on Mac OS X 06:04
62 Ansible on Linux 18:13
63 Validating Ansible Installation 27:14
64 Ansible Inventories 30:02
65 Ansible Modules 23:33
66 YAML 30:17
67 Ansible Playbooks, Breakdown of Sections 27:18
68 Ansible Playbooks, Variables 31:27
69 Ansible Playbooks, Facts 28:04
70 Templating with Jinja2 34:27
71 Ansible Playbooks, Creating, and Executing 30:58
72 Ansible Playbook Modules 21:33
73 Dynamic Inventories 22:38
74 register and when 21:24
75 Looping 33:29
76 Asynchronous and Parallel 28:39
77 Task Delegation 16:54
78 Magic Variables 10:09
79 Blocks 05:35
80 Using the Ansible Vault 20:24
81 Creating Custom Modules 31:46
82 Creating Plugins 13:12
83 Using Includes and Imports 16:59
84 Using Tags 09:45
85 Using Roles 15:49
86 AWS with Ansible 26:01
87 Docker Support with Ansible 18:45
88 Troubleshooting Ansible 12:19
89 Validating Testing with Ansible 04:11
90 Best Practices with Ansible 05:13
91 Upgrading Ansible 11:48
92 The Course Overview 05:55
93 Load Balancing in Puppet Servers to Handle Scaling 15:52
94 Creating a Centralized CA Server for Authentication 04:06
95 Understanding Exported Resources and Configuring PuppetDB 14:20
96 Exporting and Collecting in Modules using PuppetDB 14:01
97 Using the PuppetDB API and Dashboard 12:31
98 External Node Classification Using Scripts 09:01
99 Node Classification Using Hiera 09:36
100 Running Puppet server side components in Docker Containers 17:22
101 Automating Docker Containers Using Puppet Agent 12:30
102 Creating Docker Images 13:13
103 Running Applications in Docker Using Puppet 11:05
104 Configuring MCollective for Orchestration in Puppet 16:05
105 Writing Custom Facts 13:38
106 Writing Custom Resource Types 05:06
107 Writing Custom Puppet Types 06:10
108 Writing Custom Providers 10:50
109 Writing Custom Functions 06:07

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