LLM Fine Tuning on OpenAI

1h 48m 43s
March 22, 2024

Unleash the Potential of Tailored AI Understanding: Master the Art of Fine-Tuning AI Models Across Diverse Fields Welcome to the Advanced Realm of AI Training!

About the Course: Dive into the sophisticated world of AI and language models with our comprehensive course. Here, you'll learn how to fine-tune OpenAI's state-of-the-art language models for a variety of specialized fields. Whether you're a professional in healthcare, finance, education, or another domain, or a researcher or student keen on exploring the depths of AI language comprehension, this course is your key to mastering domain-specific AI language understanding.


Course Content: You'll begin by exploring the intricacies of domain-specific datasets, learning how to dissect and understand the unique structures and challenges they present. The course then guides you through refining these datasets to prime them for AI training. You'll gain hands-on experience in fine-tuning techniques, learning how to tweak and enhance AI models for domain-specific accuracy. We'll also cover performance evaluation, offering strategies to assess and boost your model's effectiveness in your chosen field. Moreover, the course delves into the real-world applications of your fine-tuned model, showcasing its potential across various industries.

Course Highlights: Experience practical, hands-on training with real-world data in your field of interest. Our expert-led guidance walks you through every step of dataset preparation and model tuning. You'll engage with dynamic learning tools like Jupyter Notebooks for an interactive educational experience, gaining rich insights into the challenges and solutions in training AI for specialized domains. This cost-effective training also teaches you how to estimate and manage AI training expenses efficiently.

Who Should Enroll: Professionals in various fields seeking to integrate AI tools for enhanced data analysis, researchers and students in specialized areas looking to deepen their AI knowledge, and AI enthusiasts eager to explore domain-specific model training.

Course Outcome: By the end of this course, you'll have fine-tuned a sophisticated language model, boosting its proficiency in your specific area of interest. You'll possess the skills to navigate and utilize AI across various sectors, paving the way for innovative applications and research opportunities.

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# Title Duration
1 Course Welcome 02:38
2 How LLM Fine-Tuning Works 15:41
3 OpenAI Account and API Key 12:55
4 Dataset Processing 18:56
5 Dataset Statistics 10:38
6 Data Formatting 14:41
7 Training 09:41
8 Visualizing Losses 09:00
9 Application of Fine Tuned Model 12:30
10 OpenAI Platform Fine-Tuning GUI 02:03

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