Creating a simple portfolio website with WebGL and Barba.js

3h 41m 19s

Nothing beats smooth user experience. That is the reason we love WebGL, because we can do crazy effects with amazing performance. But if you combine that with smooth animation when the user navigates between pages, you get an awwward winning website. That’s exactly what we are going to create in this course.

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In this course I will focus on two main concepts. Firstly, we are going to learn how to do simple smooth page transitions with GSAP and Barba.js libraries. After that we will move to more advanced effects using FLIP concept for animations.

Secondly, I will teach you how you can create image-to-fullscreen animations on the website. That amazing zooming combined with WebGL shader effects that you often see on the coolest websites. I will explain the concept, and we will use it to create a couple of different effects. Don’t worry if you are not yet familiar with shaders, a short practical intro to them will be included in the course. So you can use it as your first step in learning them.

Then we will combine smooth page transition with cool WebGL effects. I will also include some tips on performance and where you can go from that. In the end we will have a simple but cool portfolio website with shader animations and smooth page transitions.

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# Title Duration
1 Intro 00:47
2 Creating Boilerplate 24:56
3 Using shaders in THREE.js 12:54
4 Vertex Shaders 22:00
5 Fragment Shaders 15:16
6 Combining shaders 09:32
7 Sync HTML and WebGL dimensions 07:26
8 Creating Zoom Effect 11:11
9 Create zoom Effect 04:05
10 Fixing UV aspect ratio 12:00
11 Effect with corners 12:01
12 Effect with wave 05:48
13 Merge HTML and WebGL with custom scroll 06:32
14 Create meshes from images 09:47
15 Correct positioning 06:47
16 Resizing website 08:43
17 Mouse events 04:10
18 Barba.js intro 04:35
19 Creating smooth Barba.js transition 20:32
20 Using 11ty as a site generator 21:26
21 Thank you 00:51

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