Laravel Livewire

11h 29m 28s

Building modern web apps is hard. Tools like Vue and React are extremely powerful, but the complexity they add to a full-stack developer's workflow is insane.

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How the he*k does this work?

  • Livewire renders the initial component output with the page (like a Blade include), this way it's SEO friendly.
  • When an interaction occurs, Livewire makes an AJAX request to the server with the updated data.
  • The server re-renders the component and responds with the new HTML.
  • Livewire then intelligently mutates DOM according to the things that changed.

Some questions you might have...

Does this use websockets?

No, Livewire relies solely on AJAX requests to do all its server communication. This means it's as reliable and scalable as your current setup.

Is this a Vue-replacement?

In some ways yes, but mostly for cases where your Vue components are already sending `axios` or `fetch` requests. (Think searching, filtering, forms)

If it doesn't replace Vue, what do I do when I need JavaScript, like a drop-down, modal, or datepicker?

Livewire works beautifully with the AlpineJS framework (It was built for this need). For third-party library integration (something like Select2, Pickaday, or Dropzone.js), Livewire provides APIs to add support for these. Livewire also has a plugin to support using VueJs components inside of your Livewire components.

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# Title Duration
1 Installation 03:35
2 Actions 05:54
3 Properties 07:41
4 Lifecycle Hooks 04:05
5 Page Components 07:49
6 Basic Table 09:59
7 Basic Form 06:35
8 Alpine 07:05
9 Testing 08:14
10 Nesting 10:52
11 Navigatetegrating With Filepond 03:42
12 Setup 05:08
13 Showing a success message 10:58
14 Adding validation 10:15
15 Extracting a Form Object 06:26
16 Accessibility 11:45
17 Radio buttons 13:18
18 Checkboxes 06:53
19 Select dropdowns 06:57
20 Enums 11:58
21 Building a modal 10:40
22 Extracting a Blade component 13:08
23 Confirmation dialogs 14:22
24 Forms inside modals 12:24
25 Extracting a nested Livewire component 12:36
26 Creating row components 07:27
27 Adding an edit modal 09:36
28 Adding a dropdown menu 10:27
29 Teleporting modals 07:38
30 Styling for mobile devices 06:57
31 Adding "swipe to close" 17:45
32 Teaser 03:46
33 Getting started 06:31
34 Building a static table 12:25
35 Page authorization 01:57
36 Pagination 08:02
37 Loading indicators 06:35
38 Text searching 07:18
39 Column sorting 19:23
40 Row dropdown actions 11:38
41 Exporting to CSV 09:40
42 Bulk actions 10:11
43 Select-all checkboxes 11:24
44 Indeterminate checkbox states 10:28
45 Lazy loading 05:28
46 Refactoring to traits 08:01
47 Extracting a nested component 03:35
48 Chart scaffolding 09:06
49 Charting real data 10:43
50 Making the chart reactive 11:36
51 Product filtering 18:47
52 Tracking products in the URL 04:48
53 Date range filtering 12:06
54 Charting different date ranges 03:54
55 Custom date range 26:08
56 Order status filtering 12:21
57 Using radio groups for filtering 09:05
58 Designing for mobile 06:17
59 Component Basics 06:55
60 Forwarding attributes 10:55
61 Slots 02:47
62 Advanced Slots 09:33
63 Nesting components 06:22
64 Using @aware 08:59
65 Conditional attributes 05:25
66 Using with `wire:model` 05:34
67 Dynamic components 03:26
68 Teaser 01:06
69 Building a Todo List 06:35
70 Storing positions in the database 07:57
71 Using Alpine's Sort Plugin 07:55
72 Sorting items in the database 13:52
73 Handling removals 03:05
74 Adding drag handles 06:36
75 Extracting a Blade Component 06:27
76 Extracting an Eloquent Trait 15:05
77 Re-arranging Items 06:12
78 Sorting between groups 11:20

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