How to Structure Laravel Project

4h 51m 17s
April 10, 2024

Basic Laravel is an MVC framework, it’s clear what should be in Model, View and Controller. But what if you have custom logic for processing data before passing it to the view? Where should it be?

  • In the same Controller method?
  • Separate private Controller method?
  • Static function in Model?
  • Separate class, like Service?
  • Or, maybe, global helper function without any class?
  • Also, I’ve heard Repository is a widely-used pattern?

And the list goes on.

Of course, the correct answer is it depends. But depends on what?
This is what I’m gonna talk about in this course.

The goal is to discuss practical examples of structuring larger Laravel applications, various approaches and patterns. We will analyze existing popular open-source projects and their structure.

Important notice: this course won’t be about design patterns. So fancy keywords like Singleton, Factory, Adapter, Repository etc will be used only when appropriate.
What I will try to do is focus on the practical side: folders, classes and methods, and not on how that pattern actually is called in theory. In reality, every project is actually a mix of patterns, and developers don’t even know how they’re called.

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# Title Duration
1 Use More Eloquent: Accessors/Mutators, Scopes, Observers & "Magic" Methods 10:10
2 Controllers and Routes: Where to Put "Extra" Methods? 08:54
3 Structuring Blade Files: @extends, @yield and Other Commands 13:18
4 Custom Base Controllers and Base Models 05:14
5 Configuration: Never Use env() Directly in Controllers/Models 05:27
6 Form Request Classes for Validation 04:36
7 User Notifications: Stop Using Mail::send() 05:51
8 Jobs, Queues and Scheduling Tasks 05:05
9 Events and Their Listeners 07:16
10 API Resources for Data Transformation 09:18
11 Global Helpers, External PHP Classes, Autoloading and PSR-4 06:53
12 1. Single-Responsibility Principle 06:36
13 2. Open-Closed Principle 11:37
14 3. Liskov Substitution Principle 04:23
15 4. Interface Segregation Principle 05:18
16 5. Dependency Inversion Principle 04:44
17 Repositories: to Use or Not to Use? 09:12
18 When/How to Use Service Classes? 06:36
19 Traits: Good Practice or Last Resort? 04:51
20 Dependency injection in PHP and Laravel 06:31
21 Adapter, Strategy, Factory and Other Fancy Words 05:29
22 Wait, What About Unit Testing? 05:35
23 Create Your Own Laravel Package 09:20
24 Laravel Modules: Package by Nicholas Widart 07:03
25 Review: Akaunting Open-Source Project Structure 40:51
26 Review: Community Portal Structure 12:03
27 Review: MonicaHQ - Personal CRM Project Structure 41:55
28 Public Website + Adminpanel: Reusing Classes and Features 12:16
29 Refactoring Big Controller Into Various Classes/Methods 14:55

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