Laravel Backends for Vue.js 3

3h 44m

Vue has held a special place in the front-end for Laravel developers since 2015. It started when the Laravel creator Taylor Otwell tweeted: "Learning @vuejs because it looks easy and has pretty website." Since then, many companies have paired the two technologies to create powerful and flexible web applications.

Over time, there have been many approaches to pairing the 2. It's possible to sprinkle in Vue.js just on the front-end with the bulk of the work done in blade templates. Inertia.js enables creating modern single-page Vue apps using classic server-side routing (dubbed "the modern monolith"). It's also common to use Laravel to power a REST API that a completely seperate Vue.js application can utilze as the backend.

In this course, we'll take the last approach. We'll provide a fully functional Laravel backend for you to startup locally and then together we'll build out a front-end to interact with it. Along the way, you'll learn not only how to interact with the REST API from Vue but we'll also peak behind the curtain of how the server side Laravel application assembles it's responses.

They'll be plenty of tips and tricks throughout the course, specific to working with Vue.js with a Laravel backend. Things like: setting up auth, handling form validation errors, efficiently and elegantly fetching data, handling with pagination, and more!

This course is perfect for:

  • the full stack dev who wants to pair Vue.js 3 with Laravel
  • the front end dev who works with a Laravel backend maintained by his/her colleagues
  • even for someone who is relatively new to Laravel and wants a high level overview of how it can power a REST API

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# Title Duration
1 Laravel Backends for Vue.js Frontends Course Introduction 10:18
2 Setup Development Environment for Backend 09:51
3 Setup Development Environment for the Frontend 08:36
4 Laravel Sanctum and Fortify for a Vue.js SPA 12:29
5 Register Users with Laravel Fortify for a Vue.js SPA 12:37
6 Tweak the Axios Base URL for Best Dev Experience 05:07
7 Login and Logout Users with Laravel Fortify for a Vue.js SPA 09:47
8 Cleanup the User Flow with Better Redirects 03:11
9 Protect Pages with Middleware 08:36
10 Create a Custom useAuth Composable 10:02
11 Format the User Data Once 06:58
12 Cache the User in Memory 07:41
13 Update the Guest Middleware to use the Cached User 01:09
14 Use Axios Intereptors to Redirect to Login Page on 401 Unauthorized Response 09:21
15 Take This Composable 01:31
16 Add Some Application-Wide TS Interfaces 03:10
17 Manually Handle Form Validation Errors with Laravel and Vue 08:21
18 Simplify Form Validation with FormKit 08:12
19 Create a handleInvalidForm Utility 04:01
20 Intro to CRUD with Laravel and Vue 04:55
21 Create New Resources with Laravel and Vue 06:55
22 Fetch Resource Lists from Laravel and Handle Pagination in Vue (Part 1) 05:58
23 Handle Pagination in Vue Part 2 07:13
24 Support a Page Query Param in the App URL 03:17
25 Filter Data on a Vue Frontend with Laravel Query Builder from Spatie 09:37
26 Debounce the Search Input 06:02
27 Sort Data on a Vue Frontend with Laravel Query Builder from Spatie 03:17
28 Build a Refresh Table Button 02:04
29 Create a useLinks Composable 09:40
30 Use the useLinks Compsable 06:12
31 Update a Resource with Vue and Laravel 04:45
32 Delete a Resource with Vue and Laravel 03:34
33 Server Render a Vue Page with Data from a Laravel API Endpoint 06:37
34 Course Conclusion 02:56

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