Laravel and Vue.js - Fullstack Web Development (2019)

28h 14s
May 2, 2024

Welcome to Laravel and Vue.js - Fullstack Web Development  course, the best online resource for learning how to build full stack web app with Laravel, Vue.js and other technologies. You will learn basic and advance Laravel features, integrating Bootstrap 4 to create beautiful and responsive website, Integrating Fontawesome 5, utilizing Laravel mix to write and compile Sass code and Javascript code and much more.


All of my courses are project-driven learning, in this course we will build real world project, that will make you proud of yourself and make you confident to build complex web applications that you can imagine.

Here's exactly what you will learn:

  • Basic Laravel features: database migration, database seeds, model factories, accessor & mutattors, form validation, authentication and authorization.

  • Advance Eloquent Relationship: Many to many and Many to Many polymorphic relationship.

  • Integrating Fontawesome 5 via Laravel mix.

  • Integrating Bootstrap 4 for UI Styling.

  • Implementing DRY principle.

  • Using Git for version control and Github as code repository.

  • Introduction to Vue js: Directive, list rendering, conditional rendering, class binding, style binding, components, mixins and much more.

  • Integrating Vue js & Ajax to make our application more interactive.

  • RESTfull API Development

  • Deploy Laravel applications in Heroku and Digital Ocean Virtual Private Server.

  • Upgrade Laravel application to the newer version to make our app up to date.

  • And much more

So what you're waiting for? Join today and learn how to build full stack web apps from scratch with Laravel & Vue.js.

  • You should have a basic understanding of HTML, PHP, OOP, CSS & Javascript
  • A Mac, Windows, or Linux computer with Local Development Environement installed (xampp, wamp or Laravel homestead, etc)
  • A Mac, Windows, or Linux computer with Nodejs installed
Who this course is for:
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to combine Laravel with Vue js and other web technologies to build full stack web application
  • This course is meant for students already familiar with the basics of Laravel and wants to level up their development skills by building real life project

What you'll learn:

  • Build real world Vue js & Laravel applications
  • Build RESTful API
  • Build Single Page Application (SPA) from scratch
  • Deploy Laravel application both in Heroku and Digital Ocean Virtual Private Server
  • Understand how Vue js works and how it interacts with Laravel Backend API
  • Use Laravel Mix for asset compilation

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome to the course 05:45
2 Installing Local Development on Windows 15:19
3 Installing Local Development on Mac 15:57
4 Intro to Vue.js 07:13
5 Setup Vue.js locally 05:31
6 List Rendering - Part 1 of 3 03:55
7 List Rendering - Part 2 of 3 05:01
8 List Rendering - Part 3 of 3 04:59
9 Conditional Rendering - Part 1 of 3 04:41
10 Conditional Rendering - Part 2 of 3 04:23
11 Conditional Rendering - Part 3 of 3 03:57
12 Event Handling - Part 1 of 4 04:12
13 Event Handling - Part 2 of 4 02:49
14 Event Handling - Part 3 of 4 04:09
15 Event Handling - Part 4 of 4 04:49
16 Class Binding - Part 1 of 2 04:12
17 Class Binding - Part 2 of 2 08:29
18 Style Binding - Part 1 of 2 03:11
19 Style Binding - Part 2 of 2 06:24
20 Computed Property - Part 1 of 3 03:01
21 Computed Property - Part 2 of 3 06:32
22 Computed Property - Part 3 of 3 13:15
23 Project Overview 01:15
24 Creating basic sorting functionality 07:36
25 Styling the sortable columns 05:31
26 Refactoring 04:54
27 Implementing sortable column to product name & category 06:27
28 Fixing sortable column indicator issue 03:14
29 Adding basic searching functionality 06:09
30 Realtime searching 09:27
31 Another approach in presenting search results 08:44
32 Adding Pagination 11:06
33 Adding Form Modal 08:38
34 Getting list of categories 05:01
35 Updating existing data 13:42
36 Deleting data 02:44
37 Routing 08:06
38 Request & Response 05:13
39 Views 09:17
40 Working with Artisan CLI & Tinker 06:59
41 Setting up our Database connection 03:57
42 Database Migration 10:05
43 Working with Foreign key column 13:01
44 Populating database table with Seeder 10:22
45 Working with Faker Library 05:52
46 Eloquent 14:29
47 Eloquent Relationship 08:39
48 Eloquent Relationship - Inserting Related Models 05:42
49 Model Factories 10:44
50 API Resources 10:41
51 Controllers 14:30
52 Validation 08:09
53 Project Setup 12:35
54 Designing Question Schema - Part 1 of 2 08:34
55 Designing Question Schema - Part 2 of 2 08:28
56 Generating Fake data via Model Factories - Part 1 of 2 09:52
57 Generating Fake data via Model Factories - Part 2 of 2 09:05
58 Displaying all questions 15:47
59 Adding Author info and Question creation date on Question item - Part 1 of 2 10:32
60 Adding Author info and Question creation date on Question item - Part 2 of 2 09:14
61 Adding votes, answers and views counter on Question item - Part 1 of 2 12:40
62 Adding votes, answers and views counter on Question item - Part 2 of 2 12:15
63 Buiding Question Form - Part 1 of 2 12:53
64 Buiding Question Form - Part 2 of 2 06:19
65 Validating and Saving the Question - Part 1 of 2 10:55
66 Validating and Saving the Question - Part 2 of 2 12:02
67 Updating The Question - Part 1 of 2 09:45
68 Updating The Question - Part 2 of 2 09:50
69 Deleting The Question 09:39
70 Showing The Question detail 13:20
71 Authorizing The Question - Using Gates 12:38
72 Authorizing The Question - Using Policies 15:52
73 Designing Answer Schema 15:20
74 Generating Fake Answers - Part 1 of 2 09:24
75 Generating Fake Answers - Part 2 of 2 08:26
76 Displaying answers for question 17:55
77 Adding Vote Controls on Question and Answer - Part 1 of 3 08:10
78 Adding Vote Controls on Question and Answer - Part 2 of 3 11:58
79 Adding Vote Controls on Question and Answer - Part 3 of 3 13:41
80 Saving The Answer - Part 1 of 3 04:11
81 Saving The Answer - Part 2 of 3 10:32
82 Saving The Answer - Part 3 of 3 05:56
83 Updating The Answer - Part 1 of 2 10:42
84 Updating The Answer - Part 2 of 2 05:01
85 Deleting The Answer - Part 1 of 3 04:12
86 Deleting The Answer - Part 2 of 3 09:27
87 Deleting The Answer - Part 3 of 3 09:36
88 Accepting the answer as best answer - Part 1 of 2 12:03
89 Accepting the answer as best answer - Part 2 of 2 08:24
90 Favoriting The Question - Part 1 of 4 10:56
91 Favoriting The Question - Part 2 of 4 10:47
92 Favoriting The Question - Part 3 of 4 10:48
93 Favoriting The Question - Part 4 of 4 10:45
94 Voting The Question & Answer - Part 1 of 6 09:41
95 Voting The Question & Answer - Part 2 of 6 10:53
96 Voting The Question & Answer - Part 3 of 6 08:07
97 Voting The Question & Answer - Part 4 of 6 06:45
98 Voting The Question & Answer - Part 5 of 6 10:20
99 Voting The Question & Answer - Part 6 of 6 12:44
100 Refactoring The Models 09:58
101 Refactoring The Views - Part 1 of 2 06:30
102 Refactoring The Views - Part 2 of 2 14:47
103 Preventing The Application from XSS Attack - Part 1 of 2 13:41
104 Preventing The Application from XSS Attack - Part 2 of 2 10:31
105 Miscellaneous 13:37
106 Tidying up our views 12:20
107 Creating our first Vue.js Component - Part 1 of 2 (Building The Component) 14:05
108 Creating our first Vue.js Component - Part 2 of 2 (Using The Component) 13:21
109 Creating Vue Answer Component - Part 1 of 5 (Using Vue.js Inline Template) 05:12
110 Creating Vue Answer Component - Part 2 of 5 (Ajaxifying The Edit button) 07:25
111 Creating Vue Answer Component - Part 3 of 5 (Build Answer Inline Form) 16:58
112 Creating Vue Answer Component - Part 4 of 5 (Undoing changes) 06:41
113 Creating Vue Answer Component - Part 5 of 5 (Validation) 08:20
114 Ajaxifying the Delete answer button 06:37
115 Beautifying The Flash & Confirm messages 10:34
116 Creating Favorite Component - Part 1 of 3 (From button to Vue.js Component) 07:47
117 Creating Favorite Component - Part 2 of 3 (Event Handler) 09:57
118 Creating Favorite Component - Part 3 of 3 (Authenticating the button) 08:24
119 Creating Accept Answer Component - Part 1 of 2 (from button into Vue component) 10:32
120 Creating Accept Answer Component - Part 2 of 2 (event handler) 09:06
121 Rewriting The Authorization Logic - Part 1 of 2 (Core authorization) 08:33
122 Rewriting The Authorization Logic - Part 2 of 2 (Refactoring) 06:48
123 Creating Vote Component - Part 1 of 3 (From blade to Vue Component) 13:24
124 Creating Vote Component - Part 2 of 3 (Event Handling) 08:52
125 Creating Vote Component - Part 3 of 3 (Fixing issues) 07:39
126 Creating Vue Answers Component 12:48
127 Building Load more answers Feature - Part 1 of 2 11:09
128 Building Load more answers Feature - Part 2 of 2 08:57
129 Implementing Vue.js Custom Events 09:12
130 Implementing Global Event Bus 09:02
131 Creating New Answer Component - Part 1 of 2 (From blade to Vue.js component) 07:56
132 Creating New Answer Component - Part 2 of 2 (Event Handling) 12:38
133 Creating Question Component - Part 1 of 3 (from blade to vue.js component) 06:41
134 Creating Question Component - Part 2 of 3 (Build inline Form) 17:25
135 Creating Question Component - Part 3 of 3 (Misc) 11:16
136 Working With Vue.js Mixins 17:19
137 Section Intro 01:51
138 Composing Editor Component 13:36
139 Enable Markdown Preview 05:44
140 Autosizing The Editor 07:38
141 Syntax Highlight Integration 07:34
142 Fixing Syntax Highlight issue on the first load 04:00
143 Fixing Syntax Highlight issue when cancel editing 10:14
144 Creating Highlight Mixin 07:16
145 Integrating Markdown Editor in Answer Component 12:11
146 Integrating Markdown Editor in New Answer Component 05:45
147 Fixing Syntax Highlight issue after new answer added 06:35
148 Fixing Syntax Highlight in Answers Component 05:31
149 Installing Laravel Passport 06:39
150 Requesting a Passport Token 12:31
151 Creating API Endpoint for displaying all questions 06:37
152 Transforming Data using Eloquent API Resources 08:12
153 Creating Answer Endpoints 13:43
154 Current User's Posts Endpoint 17:52
155 Updating npm packages 00:00
156 Getting started with SPA - Setting up Backend Route Fallback 03:35
157 Getting started with SPA - Installing and configuring Vue Router 13:56
158 Getting started with SPA - Using Vue router RouterLink component 09:02
159 Getting started with SPA - Vue Router Navigation Guards 05:59
160 Getting started with SPA - Handling 404 error page 06:35
161 The QuestionsPage Component - Setting up API baseURL 05:09
162 The QuestionsPage Component - Building User Interface 13:08
163 The QuestionsPage Component - Consuming API Endpoint 02:30
164 The QuestionsPage Component - Fixing Authorization issue 02:33
165 Creating Question Form Component - From Blade file to Vue.js component 13:18
166 Creating Question Form Component - Handling Form Data 10:56
167 The Question Page Component - Showing question details 09:43
168 The Question Page Component - Displaying related answers 06:27
169 Displaying current user's post - Building User Interface 10:52
170 Displaying current user's post - Consuming Backend API 10:17
171 Polishing up our app - Adding Transition effect 03:40
172 Polishing up our app - Adding AJAX Spinner on All questions page 10:03
173 Polishing up our app - Using Axios interceptor to control the Spinner globally 08:35
174 Introduction 03:17
175 Upgrading to Laravel 5.7 - Update Dependencies & Core Application 23:32
176 Upgrading to Laravel 5.7 - Syncing Application's structure 15:53
177 Upgrading to Laravel 5.7 - Testing 13:33
178 Upgrading to Laravel 5.8 - Update Dependencies & Core Application 12:52
179 Upgrading to Laravel 5.8 - Syncing Application's structure 16:26
180 Upgrading to Laravel 5.8 - Testing 06:43
181 Upgrading to Laravel 6.0 12:07
182 Introducing Heroku 03:05
183 Creating Heroku App 04:39
184 Creating a Database 02:56
185 Setting Heroku Config Variables 06:50
186 Fixing Insecure Assets Error 05:35

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