Laravel 8 PHP Framework A - Z Build Professional Ecommerce

71h 53m 34s
April 25, 2024

As i told you this complete project course which beings you to Beginner to Advance level by creating complete most advanced Ecommerce Project. You will able to understand how to complete one project, how to handle project bugs, Core structures of MVC. This complete project will help you to get a job with this new skill. You will be able to start work for your client. Add this project in your profolio and university assignment.


Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, which is robust and easy to understand. It follows a model-view-controller design pattern. Laravel reuses the existing components of different frameworks which helps in creating a web application. The web application thus designed is more structured and pragmatic. 

What is the Best Part of this Course?

  • Create Complete Ecommerce Project with Laravel 6

  • Get a Deep Understanding of Laravel 6

  • Laravel User Authorization

  • Multiple Language

  • Order Tracking

  • Stock Management

  • User Role Management

  • Socialite

  • Return Order

  • Apple Coupon

  • Facebook Comment

  • Product Search

  • Change Password Option

  • Product Discount Price

  • Online Payment Getway System

  • Mailing System

  • Reports System

  • Product Wishlist

  • JWT & Laravel Passport

  • Contact Page Form

  • Site Setting

  • Site SEO

  • Product Add to Cart

  • and much more functions ..

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction - What You Will Build 32:04
2 What is MVC and Its Benefits 02:14
3 Excise File for Download 00:25
4 Why Laravel Frameworks 01:56
5 Laravel Features 03:14
6 Course and Development Prerequisite 01:15
7 Essential Enviroment Setup 05:28
8 Laravel 8 installation 10:37
9 Discuss on Laravel Folder Structure 08:51
10 What is MVC and Its Benefits 02:14
11 What is Route 01:09
12 Laravel Routes 12:29
13 Laravel Blade Syntax 05:07
14 How to Make Controller And Get Url Request 11:47
15 Middleware 11:27
16 Laravel Url, URL to Route 10:32
17 Create Database and Configaration 04:11
18 Laravel 8 Authentication install 11:42
19 Laravel 8 Authentication Details 14:30
20 Eloquent ORM Read Users Data 22:59
21 Query Builder Read Users Data 06:02
22 Create Model And Migration 19:23
23 Form Validation & Show Custom Error Message 22:22
24 Eloquent ORM Insert Data 18:23
25 Insert Data With Query Builder 06:11
26 Eloquent ORM Read Data 12:21
27 Query Builder Read Data 03:33
28 Laravel Pagination 07:10
29 Eloquent ORM One To One Relationships 08:47
30 Query Builder Join Table 06:52
31 Eloquent ORM Edit & Update 25:33
32 Query Builder Edit & Update Data 07:34
33 Soft Delete ,Data Restore & ForceDelete Part 1 17:14
34 Soft Delete ,Data Restore & ForceDelete Part 2 12:07
35 Setup Brand Page 20:51
36 Eloquent ORM Insert Image 26:47
37 Eloquent ORM Edit,Update Data With Image & Without Image Part 1 12:29
38 Eloquent ORM Edit,Update Data With Image & Without Image Part 2 17:53
39 Delete Data With Image 07:59
40 Image Insert & Resize With Intervention Package 14:22
41 Multiple Image Upload Part 1 13:12
42 Multiple Image Upload Part 2 16:58
43 Update User Profile and Change Password 10:21
44 Forgot Password & Password Reset 08:57
45 Email Verify in Laravel 07:38
46 Middleware Auth Users Access Control 06:22
47 Admin Panel Setup Part 1 04:13
48 Admin Panel Setup Part 2- 24:28
49 Admin Panel Setup Part 3 05:33
50 Logout Page Setup 09:16
51 Login Page Setup 12:12
52 Fontend Templete Setup Part 1 19:11
53 Fontend Templete Setup Part 2 06:16
54 Setup Home Brand Page 15:47
55 Setup Home Slider Page Part 1 18:41
56 Setup Home Slider Page Part 2 24:03
57 Setup Home Slider Page Part 3 12:03
58 Setup Home page About Section Part 1 16:44
59 Setup Home page About Section Part 2 15:51
60 Setup Home page About Section Part 3 15:03
61 Setup Home page About Section Part 4 04:49
62 Setup Home page About Section Part 5 06:43
63 Setup Home page Portofolio Section 11:01
64 Setup Portofolio Page 12:14
65 Setup Contact Page Part 1 16:14
66 Setup Contact Page Part 2 13:43
67 Setup Contact Page Part 3 10:43
68 Setup Contact Page Part 4 19:29
69 Setup Contact Page Part 5 09:25
70 Change Password Option Part 1 17:29
71 Change Password Option Part 2 09:39
72 Change Password Option Part 3 16:46
73 Chage User Profile Part 1 11:30
74 Chage User Profile Part 2 20:13
75 How to add Toster in Project 15:27
76 How to deploy Project in cPanel 04:12
77 Remove Public from Deploy Project in Cpanel. 08:53
78 Install Laravel 8 08:59
79 Install Laravel 8 Auth 06:44
80 Create Database and Migrate 13:22
81 Deafult Auth System Profile Update 14:12
82 Setup Admin Table and Seed Data 15:49
83 Create Guards for Admin 17:45
84 Laravel 8 Multi Auth Part 1 14:23
85 Laravel 8 Multi Auth Part 2 07:42
86 Laravel 8 Multi Auth Part 3 06:51
87 Laravel 8 Multi Auth Part 4 05:47
88 How to Add User Dashboard Part 1 18:03
89 How to Add User Dashboard Part 2 11:11
90 How to Add User Logout 14:00
91 How to Add Admin Dashboard Part 1 06:17
92 How to Add Admin Dashboard Part 2 07:35
93 How to Add Admin Logout Part 2 17:51
94 Create User Profile Part 1 14:34
95 Create User Profile Part 2 07:35
96 Create User Profile Part 3 17:59
97 Create User Profile Part 4 05:53
98 How to Add Toster in User Dashboard 10:02
99 Change User Password Option Part 1 12:47
100 Change User Password Option Part 2 13:11
101 Create Admin Profile Part 1 12:24
102 Create Admin Profile Part 2 03:10
103 How to Add Toster in User Admin 14:44
104 Change Admin Password Option 03:46
105 Importent Lession - Don't Miss It. Must Watch. 08:53
106 How to Update Your Local Host PHP Version 07:05
107 How to Install Laravel 6 in your localhost 04:00
108 Laravel File Structure 10:08
109 Create Page by Laravel Material Design Part 1 10:56
110 Create Page by Laravel Material Design Part 2 02:38
111 Create Database and Configuration 06:21
112 Create Larave Routes 07:44
113 Create Larave Controller 08:44
114 Create Laravel Model and Migrate 11:01
115 Design Create Page 11:37
116 How to Insert Data From Create Page Part 1 11:31
117 How to Insert Data From Create Page Part 2 11:13
118 How to Read Data From the Database 16:33
119 How to Edit Data in Laravel 05:38
120 How to Update Data in Laravel 12:32
121 How to Delete Data from the Database 04:02
122 How to Add Pagination in Laravel 06:50
123 Install Laravel 6 In Localhost 03:21
124 Create Database and Configuration 12:05
125 Laravel Default Authentication Login, Register 11:52
126 Laravel Default Authentication Reset Password 14:12
127 Laravel Default Authentication Change Password Part 1 13:29
128 Laravel Default Authentication Change Password Part 2 07:59
129 Laravel Default Authentication Change Password Part 3 02:48
130 Update Authentication Page 06:35
131 Install Laravel in Local Host 03:07
132 Crate Database and Configuration 07:03
133 Laravel Default Authentication System 06:46
134 Design Database Table 08:31
135 Multi-auth Users and Roles Part 1 04:47
136 Multi-auth Users and Roles Part 2 12:18
137 Multi-auth Users and Roles Part 3 15:14
138 Multi-auth Users and Roles Part 4 10:11
139 Multi Auth Logic with Middleware Part 1 11:15
140 Multi Auth Logic with Middleware Part 2 13:05
141 Multi Auth Logic with Middleware Part 3 16:19
142 Multi Auth Logic with Middleware Part 4 16:02
143 Update Register Form 01:34
144 What is Middleware 11:04
145 How to use Middleware 04:39
146 Multi Auth Introduction What We Will Build 00:58
147 Pre Introduction 10:01
148 Install Laravel in Local Host With Auth 07:23
149 Configur Database and Migrate 08:58
150 Understand the Default Layouts 15:49
151 Add Theme in The Project 11:11
152 Add Theme in Login Page 11:51
153 Add Theme in Register Page 05:59
154 Setup User Logout Sytstem 15:20
155 Adding Toastr for Notification 09:47
156 Setup Admin Layouts 06:46
157 Setup Controller Model and Migrate 20:24
158 Create Route for Admin Home and Setup 09:39
159 Admin Home Page Design 10:06
160 Setup Admin Login Page 10:38
161 Setup Admin Logout 01:01
162 Build Professional Ecommerce Project 32:04
163 Project Introduction : What you will build end of this course. 00:25
164 Download Excies Files for Ecommerce Project 13:48
165 Project Setup Ready for work 18:23
166 Admin Panel Customization Part 1 16:35
167 Admin Panel Customization Part 2 09:25
168 Admin Panel Customization Part 3 14:14
169 Setup Admin Password Change Option 09:20
170 Laravel controller model and migration making Part 1 08:41
171 Laravel controller model and migration making Part 2 13:40
172 Project Frontend Mastering Part 1 15:42
173 Project Frontend Mastering Part 2 17:23
174 Project Category Option Design Part 1 09:54
175 Project Category Option Design Part 2 12:27
176 Project Category CRUD Part 1 19:15
177 Project Category CRUD Part 2 07:55
178 Project Category CRUD Part 3 20:18
179 Project Category CRUD Part 4 16:34
180 Project Brands CRUD Part 1 20:07
181 Project Brands CRUD Part 2 08:45
182 Project Brands CRUD Part 3 23:54
183 Project Brands CRUD Part 4 24:27
184 Ecommerce Sub category Part 1 09:59
185 Ecommerce Sub category Part 2 05:11
186 Ecommerce Sub category Part 3 20:57
187 Ecommerce Sub category Part 4 21:16
188 Ecommerce User Coupons Part 1 17:47
189 Ecommerce User Coupons Part 2 17:01
190 Ecommerce User Newslaters Part 1 17:07
191 Ecommerce User Newslaters Part 2 16:17
192 Ecommece Product Design Part 1 11:05
193 Ecommece Product Design Part 2 21:55
194 Ecommece Product Design Part 3 14:24
195 Ecommece Product Design Part 4 26:07
196 Ecommece Product Design Part 5 20:17
197 Ecommerce Product Image Upload 26:03
198 Multiple image upload,Image Intervention 21:48
199 Ecommerce Product Delete,Active,Inactive Part 1 19:00
200 Ecommerce Product Delete,Active,Inactive Part 2 12:25
201 Ecommerce Product Show Part 1 11:11
202 Ecommerce Product Show Part 2 19:37
203 Ecommerce Product Edit Part 1 18:36
204 Ecommerce Product Edit Part 2 36:01
205 Ecommerce product Update Part 3 22:53
206 Add Multi language Prepare Part 1 10:24
207 Add Multi language Prepare Post Category CRUD Part 2 21:43
208 Add Multi language Prepare Post Category CRUD Part 3 17:55
209 Add Multi language Prepare Post Category CRUD Part 4 21:59
210 Add Multi language Prepare Post Category CRUD Part 5 16:03
211 Post Update Part 1 19:26
212 Post Update Part 2 26:09
213 Update Demo Data for Store 17:15
214 Dynamic category,subcategory Part 1 15:30
215 Dynamic category,subcategory Part 2 19:44
216 Ecommerce Product Show By category Part 1 21:36
217 Ecommerce Product Show By category Part 2 12:14
218 Ecommerce Product Show By category Part 3 14:18
219 Product Hot Deal + Discount 21:33
220 Mid Slider Setup 21:27
221 Auth design Login and Register page +Mail Verification Part 1 22:45
222 Auth design Login and Register page +Mail Verification Part 2 25:25
223 Sepup Profile Page Design 18:24
224 Setup User Password Reset Page 16:35
225 Update Profile Header 09:22
226 Home page design update and Add another Filed 16:14
227 Add Laravel Shopping Cart Package 04:45
228 Product Wishlist Part 1 09:11
229 Product Wishlist Part 2 15:30
230 Ajax wishlist & Cart Part 1 15:34
231 Ajax wishlist & Cart Part 2 09:02
232 Add Skip & Show Categories Product 16:16
233 Add Skip & Buy One Get One Option 19:59
234 Add Cart with Ajax Part 1 21:44
235 Add Cart with Ajax Part 2 06:22
236 Product Details Page Part 1 18:40
237 Product Details Page Part 2 24:03
238 Product Dynamic Size ,Color Part 1 23:25
239 Product Dynamic Size ,Color Part 2 16:07
240 Add Cart for Prodcut Details Page 15:56
241 Product Cart Update,Remove Part 1 14:16
242 Product Cart Update,Remove Part 2 22:52
243 Product Cart Update,Remove Part 3 06:08
244 Product Cart Update,Remove Part 4 12:37
245 Product Cart Popup Model Part 1 17:59
246 Product Cart Popup Model Part 2 22:25
247 Product Cart Popup Model Part 3 17:47
248 Product Cart Popup Model Part 4 15:16
249 Product Checkout Option Part 1 13:25
250 Product Checkout Option Part 2 11:47
251 Create Migration File for Setting 08:12
252 Create Wishlist Page 15:24
253 Product Coupon Apply,Shipping charge, Vat Part 1 17:38
254 Product Coupon Apply,Shipping charge, Vat Part 2 19:58
255 Product Coupon Apply,Shipping charge, Vat Part 3 06:18
256 Multiple language ⁄ localization Part 1 13:49
257 Multiple language ⁄ localization Part 2 19:46
258 Multiple language Single Blog Page 13:38
259 Add Passport , Payment Process Part 1 09:02
260 Add Passport , Payment Process Part 2 19:46
261 Add Passport , Payment Process Part 3 17:32
262 Create Shop Pages Part 1 25:23
263 Create Shop Pages Part 2 13:02
264 Create Shop Pages Part 3 14:53
265 Sigment Header Menu part to Every Page 10:37
266 Payment Getway 16:22
267 Stripe Payment Credit or Debit Card Part 1 20:38
268 Stripe Payment Credit or Debit Card Part 2 07:03
269 Stripe Payment Gateway Part 1 18:59
270 Stripe Payment Gateway Part 2 22:43
271 Stripe Payment Gateway Part 3 25:48
272 Stripe Payment Gateway Part 4 08:42
273 Order Done Process Part 1 12:41
274 Order Done Process Part 2 09:39
275 Order Status and Checking Part 1 20:02
276 Order Status and Checking Part 2 22:47
277 Order Status and Checking Part 3 11:19
278 Order Status and Checking Part 4 16:46
279 Product Delevery Done Part 1 21:22
280 Product Delevery Done Part 2 24:37
281 Show Order in Profile Page 11:07
282 Dynamic SEO and Profile Page Part 1 18:35
283 Dynamic SEO and Profile Page Part 2 11:32
284 Update Order Status Code Field 08:17
285 Order Tracking Part 1 21:15
286 Order Tracking Part 2 24:26
287 Order Tracking Part 3 13:20
288 All Report Part 1 20:46
289 All Report Part 2 23:05
290 All Report Part 3 19:48
291 All Report Part 4 10:29
292 User Role ACL Part 1 15:56
293 User Role ACL Part 2 17:35
294 User Role ACL Part 3 22:57
295 User Role ACL Edit and Delete 21:15
296 Put User Privilege for Admin User 11:25
297 Site Setting Part 1 13:43
298 Site Setting Part 2 19:36
299 Site Setting Part 3 10:03
300 Return Order Cancel Order Part 1 14:50
301 Return Order Cancel Order Part 2 16:27
302 Return Order Cancel Order Part 3 24:13
303 Product Review facebook Comment 07:13
304 Share Product on Social Site 07:44
305 Update Admin Dashboard 24:58
306 Stock Management Part 1 14:39
307 Stock Management Part 2 16:46
308 Create Contact Page Part 1 14:32
309 Create Contact Page Part 2 21:56
310 Search Product 14:18
311 Socialite Login with google ,facebook 19:38
312 Laravel ecommerce tutorial Mail Send 22:45
313 Laravel ecommerce tutorial (Database Backup) 03:38
314 Adding Cash On Delivery Method 18:21
315 Update Show Category And Subcategoy name in Page 08:21
316 Delete Multiple Select Data At a Ttime 16:47

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