Hibernate and Spring Data JPA: Beginner to Guru

24h 4m 4s
November 1, 2023

Hibernate is the default JPA implementation used by Spring Data JPA.

NOTE: Java 17 and Spring Boot 3 are required for this course.

JPA stands for Java Persistence API. This is a common Java API used to work with Relational Databases.

Spring Data JPA is an abstraction built on top of the JPA API specification.

Being an abstraction, Spring Data JPA makes working with database entities very efficient.

Spring Data JPA eliminates a lot of the boilerplate / cerimonial code, and allows developers to focus on developing business logic.


The downside of the efficient abstraction is that accessing the database can become a mystery. Developers who just understand how to use Spring Data JPA do not understand the complexities of JDBC and Hibernate.

You will start this course with a basic demonstration of Spring Data JPA. In this section you will learn how to work with a H2 in-memory database.

You'll see how easy it is to work with Spring Data JPA. You will also begin to understand how the Hibernate interaction is being abstracted away.

Since JPA is the Java API for working with Relational Databases, the course takes a closer look at Relational Databases and MySQL specifically.

MySQL is the most popular open source relational database in the world. You will learn how to configure Spring Boot to test with a H2 in-memory database and to run integration tests against a MySQL database. This is a common real-world example leveraging the power of Spring and Hibernate to give you a very flexible environment.

Once we've established a persistent database, we can explore using database migration tools.

Liquibase and Flyway are two very popular database migration tools. Spring Boot supports both options. And you will learn about both options and database security best practices.

By establishing a MySQL database, Spring Boot Integration Tests, and automated database migrations we can use Test Driven Development to explore the features of JDBC and Hibernate.

In the course you will learn:

  • What is the DAO pattern, and how to implement it using JDBC, Spring's JDBCTemplate, and Hibernate

  • Relational Database Principles

  • Schema Creation in MySQL

  • Schema Generation using Hibernate

  • Database Migrations using Liquibase

  • Database Migrations using Flyway

  • Database Integration Testing using Spring Boot and JUnit 5

  • Defining Primary Key's with Hibernate

  • Hibernate Criteria Queries

  • Named JPA Queries

  • Spring Data JPA query methods

  • Spring Data JPA @Query Annotation

  • Entity Relationships - One to One, One to Many, Many to One, Many to Many

  • Embedded Types

  • Natural Keys

  • Composite Keys

  • Spring Data JPA Query Methods

  • Paging and Sorting

  • Database Transaction Management

  • Database Fetch Operations

  • Data Validation

  • JPA Inheritance

  • Hibernate Interceptors and Listeners

  • JPA Callbacks

  • Legacy Database Mapping

  • Using Multiple Data Sources

  • Spring Data REST

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:13
2 Getting the Most out of this Course 05:16
3 Setting up your Development Environment 05:09
4 GitHub Work Flow 12:21
5 Is your IDE Free Like A Puppy? 02:46
6 Introduction 02:04
7 Introduction to Spring Data JPA 14:33
8 Use Spring Initializr to Create Project 06:16
9 JPA Entities 06:05
10 Equality in Hibernate 03:53
11 Spring Data Repositories 06:44
12 Initializing Data with Spring 08:05
13 SQL Logging 05:17
14 H2 Database Console 03:47
15 Introduction 01:23
16 What is a Database? 04:22
17 Relational Database Principles 12:09
18 What is a Relational Database Management System 08:37
19 History of MySQL 05:09
20 RDBMS Deployment Architectures 06:43
21 Data Mapping SQL to Java 06:36
22 Create Schema and User for Spring Boot 12:08
23 Introduction 01:32
24 Spring Boot Test 04:46
25 Spring Boot JPA Test Splice 05:22
26 Test Transactions 08:06
27 Bootstrapping Data 04:05
28 Introduction 01:19
29 Hibernate DDL Update Modes 07:44
30 MySQL Spring Boot Configuration 08:12
31 Integration Test for MySQL 09:39
32 H2 MySQL Compatibility Mode 07:43
33 Schema Initialization with Hibernate 06:08
34 Schema Initialization with MySQL 03:09
35 Use H2 for Spring Boot Application 04:50
36 Introduction 01:18
37 Overview of Liquibase 11:09
38 Liquibase Maven Plugin 07:41
39 Generate Changeset from Database 05:29
40 Organizing Change Logs 05:51
41 Spring Boot Configuration 07:46
42 Initializing Data with Spring 06:43
43 Alter Table with Liquibase 08:47
44 Introduction 00:55
45 Overview of Flyway 10:06
46 Spring Boot Configuration 10:17
47 Alter Table with Flyway 05:25
48 Clean and Rebuild with Flyway 04:47
49 Introduction 01:53
50 Hibernate Primary Keys Overview 06:53
51 Auto Incremented Primary Key 06:28
52 Vendor Specific Flyway Migrations 06:43
53 UUID Primary Key 07:40
54 UUID RFC 4122 Primary Key 07:14
55 H2 Workaround 05:48
56 Natural Primary Key 05:34
57 Composite Primary Key 06:38
58 Embedded Composite Primary Key 07:13
59 Introduction 02:14
60 Introduction to DAO Pattern 05:12
61 Create Author DAO 08:47
62 Implement Get Author By Id 07:55
63 Release Database Resources 05:45
64 IntelliJ Database Configuration 03:50
65 Using Prepared Statements 06:33
66 Refactoring Duplicate Code 05:28
67 Save New Author 08:30
68 Update Author 05:45
69 Delete Author 06:27
70 Refactor Author id to Author 10:08
71 Introduction 01:25
72 Introduction to Spring JDBC Template 02:40
73 Create Row Mapper 03:37
74 Implement Get Author By Id 04:54
75 Implement Find Author By Name 02:25
76 Save New Author 06:32
77 Update Author 03:42
78 Delete Author 04:00
79 Implement Author with List of Books 16:12
80 Introduction 01:02
81 Introduction to Hibernate 08:53
82 Project Code Review 04:07
83 Implement Get Author By Id 05:19
84 Implement Find Author By Name 07:05
85 Save New Author 06:59
86 Update Author 04:46
87 Delete Author 03:55
88 Introduction 00:52
89 Query 04:25
90 Typed Query 04:08
91 Named Query 04:41
92 Named Query with Parameters 05:01
93 Criteria Query 09:17
94 Native SQL Queries 07:13
95 Introduction 01:16
96 Spring Data JPA Query Methods 03:33
97 Project Code Review 03:14
98 Author CRUD Operations 06:59
99 Query Methods 03:23
100 Optional Return Type 03:37
101 Null Handling 05:54
102 Stream Query Results 04:37
103 Asynchronous Query Results 04:31
104 Declaring Queries Using @Query 03:21
105 Named Parameters with @Query 03:10
106 Native SQL Queries 03:05
107 JPA Named Queries 03:44
108 Introduction 01:06
109 Overview of Paging and Sorting 04:23
110 JDBCTemplate Code Review 02:43
111 Find All Books with JDBCTemplate 04:19
112 Find All Books with Paging 05:27
113 Find All Books Using Pagable 06:27
114 Find All Books Order By Title 10:04
115 Hibernate Code Review 02:13
116 Paging with Hibernate 05:14
117 Sorting with Hibernate 04:04
118 Paging with Spring Data JPA 06:30
119 Sorting with Spring Data JPA 05:03
120 Query, Paging, and Sorting with Spring Data JPA 05:23
121 Introduction 01:28
122 JPA Inheritance 10:23
123 JPA Mapped Super Class 06:07
124 Embedded Types 11:36
125 Java Enumerated Types 05:19
126 Hibernate Created Date 03:50
127 Hibernate Update Date 03:32
128 Introduction 01:17
129 Overview of Database Relationships 10:43
130 One to Many 08:46
131 Cascade on Persist 08:07
132 Many to One Unidirectional 06:50
133 Association Helper Methods 04:17
134 Many to Many 12:31
135 JPA Buddy Plugin 06:49
136 One to One 05:20
137 Cascade Delete 06:12
138 Orphan Removal 06:00
139 One to One Bi-Directional 06:36
140 Hibernate Cascade Types 03:17
141 Introduction 01:04
142 Load Test Data 18:10
143 Load Test Data Fix 05:40
144 Lazy vs Eager Fetch 08:54
145 Hibernate N + 1 Problem 13:19
146 Introduction 01:12
147 Overview of Database Transactions 18:48
148 Database Locking Demo 07:44
149 Spring Data JPA Transactions 18:50
150 Create Bootstrap Class 03:30
151 Lazy Initialize Error 05:27
152 Transactional Proxy Mode 05:25
153 Adding Version Property 04:49
154 Optimistic Locking Demo 06:55
155 Version Property Cannot Be Null 05:15
156 Pessimistic Locking 09:27
157 Introduction 01:05
158 Java Bean Validation Overview 11:02
159 Java Bean Validation Maven Dependencies 02:36
160 Adding Validation 08:40
161 When and Where to Use Validation? 05:41
162 Introduction 01:18
163 Overview of JPA Inheritance 03:23
164 Project Code Review 02:00
165 Mapped Super Class 04:29
166 Table Per Class 06:41
167 Single Table 05:43
168 Joined Table 07:43
169 Introduction 02:18
170 Overview 03:04
171 Initial Project Creation 04:04
172 Database Setup 02:04
173 Spring Configuration 04:16
174 Flyway Initialization Script 04:39
175 Table and Column Naming 05:51
176 LOB Columns 02:46
177 Basic Annotation 02:51
178 Column Properties 05:11
179 Database Indexes 03:27
180 Refactor for Bi-Directional Association 04:14
181 Summary 03:10
182 Introduction 01:31
183 Overview of Listeners and Interceptors 04:24
184 Project Code Review 05:05
185 Initial Persistence Test 05:36
186 Encryption Service 05:19
187 Verify Data at Rest 04:16
188 Create Hibernate Interceptor 06:19
189 Custom Encryption Annotation 01:46
190 Implement Encryption Interceptor 08:23
191 Introduction 01:17
192 Remove Listener Example 02:15
193 Create Hibernate Listeners 02:20
194 Register Hibernate Listeners 08:12
195 Implement Hibernate Encryption Listeners 05:57
196 Introduction 02:07
197 Disable Hibernate Event Listeners 01:36
198 JPA Callback on Entity Methods 02:56
199 JPA Callback Listener 03:33
200 Spring Context Helper 03:16
201 Implement Callback Encryption 03:09
202 JPA Converters 04:56
203 Introduction 01:52
204 Project Code Review 02:51
205 Adding Project Lombok 06:28
206 My SQL Configuration 02:51
207 Data Source Properties 04:23
208 Create Data Source Connections 03:11
209 Create Entity Managers 04:42
210 Create Transaction Managers 02:54
211 Spring Data JPA Repository Configuration 04:24
212 Create Flyway Migration Scripts 04:31
213 Flyway Datasource Configuration 03:27
214 Custom Flyway Migrations 03:43
215 Flyway Migration Testing 04:09
216 Hikari Database Pooling Properties 04:34
217 Configure Hibernate Schema Validation 03:39
218 Configure Hibernate Naming Conventions 06:20
219 Hibernate Transient Properties 02:45
220 Create Credit Card Id References 04:47
221 Save New Credit Card 05:45
222 Get Credit Card by Id 05:00
223 Summary 02:49
224 Introduction 02:15
225 Project Code Review 04:58
226 Add Spring Data REST Dependency 02:39
227 List All With Spring Data REST 04:26
228 Set Base Path 01:54
229 Customize URL Path 04:57
230 Version Property - ETag Header 02:47
231 API Profile 03:46
232 Create with Spring Data REST 02:40
233 Update Data with Spring Data REST 02:14
234 Delete Data with Spring Data REST 01:52
235 Use Repository Methods 02:47
236 GitHub Workflow 12:21
237 Restful Web Services with Spring MVC 49:48
238 Dependency Injection Best Practices 18:51
239 Introduction to Testing with Spring 17:29
240 Introduction to MockMVC 04:37
241 Building a Spring Boot Application 30:33
242 Kube By Example - Building a Spring Boot Docker Images 56:34

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