Classic React

4h 10m 15s
February 16, 2024

The best course in the world to take you from zero to enterprise grade React. Stop reading out-of-date tutorials and watching crappy screen-share videos. We use a linear approach to take you step by step from the fundamental building blocks of React — all the way to building real-world applications from with confidence. And it’s all thanks to our secret sauce...

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# Title Duration
1 Why React 09:59
2 (Bonus) Imperative vs Declarative Programming 04:38
3 An Introduction to npm 06:06
4 Webpack- A Gentle Introduction 08:48
5 (Project) First Component 29:57
6 JSX Tips and Gotchas 02:54
7 (Bonus) Elements vs Components 01:00
8 Props 01:40
9 (Solution) Props 1 01:00
10 (Solution) Props 2 00:56
11 (Solution) Props 3 02:07
12 Rendering Lists 01:20
13 (Solution) Rendering Lists 1 00:44
14 (Project) Popular Navbar 05:12
15 The -this- keyword 13:35
16 Managing State in React 03:11
17 (Solution) State 1 01:17
18 (Solution) State 2 01:51
19 (Solution) State 3 01:10
20 (Project) Navbar State 03:13
21 Function Components 01:01
22 (Project) Languages Nav 03:01
23 PropTypes 02:16
24 (Solution) PropTypes 02:25
25 (Project) Language Nav PropTypes 01:27
26 The Component Lifecycle 03:56
27 (Project) Fetch Repos 07:22
28 (Project) Repositories Table 07:45
29 Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components 02:08
30 (Project) Player Input 12:31
31 (Project) Player Preview 06:04
32 (Project) Result's Skeleton 03:02
33 (Project) API 09:20
34 (Project) Results 06:20
35 children in React 01:01
36 Default Props 01:05
37 (Project) Loading Component 08:57
38 Higher Order Components 04:47
39 (Project) Tooltip 06:35
40 (Project) withHover Higher Order Component 04:53
41 Render Props 02:16
42 (Project) Hover Render Prop 03:33
43 React Context 04:57
44 React Router - The Fundamentals 02:24
45 (Project) Adding Routes 02:57
46 (Project) Navbar 07:52
47 React Router Query Strings 02:38
48 (Project) withSearchParams 07:37
49 Class Fields 02:14
50 (Project) Migrating to Class Fields 03:33
51 Code Splitting 05:30
52 (Project) Code Splitting 01:45
53 (Project) Production Build 02:06
54 (Project) Hosting with Vercel 04:19

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