From Zero to Hero: Kubernetes for Developers

5h 46m 28s
June 5, 2024

Kubernetes (or K8s for short) has categorically won the container orchestration war. When people think of running a system using containers, no technology even comes close to the versatility and popularity of Kubernetes. It is a crucial skill that every developer working in modern software should have mastery over. Dan will teach you what Kubernetes is and how to use it in this massive course, from the basics to some of its most advanced features. This course is tailored towards software engineers or developers with existing knowledge of some programming language but no idea what Kubernetes is or how it works. Don't miss your chance to take this course and learn one of the most requested skills of any job description.

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 00:58
2 What will you learn in this course? 01:49
3 Who is this course for and prerequisites 00:53
4 What is Kubernetes? 02:31
5 Introduction to Kubernetes 05:20
6 Teaser demo 05:35
7 Docker Desktop and Minikube 01:31
8 KinD 02:00
9 Authentication and the kube config file 02:54
10 Kubectl, imperative commands, and Contexts 08:05
11 K9s 04:20
12 Lens / OpenLens 01:04
13 VsCode and IDE integration 02:12
14 Your first declarative Deployment 05:00
15 ReplicaSets 03:22
16 Rolling updates and strategies 06:26
17 Readiness/liveness/startup probes 11:28
18 Resource limits and requests 05:27
19 Sidecar containers and their use-cases 04:56
20 Types of Services 04:52
21 Demo 08:12
22 How Services actually work under the hood 06:03
23 Ingresses, and why we need them 02:15
24 Demo 07:32
25 TLS 07:45
26 A better local development experience 02:47
27 Configmaps 15:43
28 Secrets 03:09
29 Jobs and Cronjobs 16:25
30 Storage 19:13
31 StatefulSets 11:18
32 DaemonSets 03:50
33 Architecture overview 05:47
34 Node Taints and Tolerations 11:41
35 Cordoning and Draining nodes 02:18
36 Overview 00:30
37 CRDs 06:23
38 Operators 04:27
39 Overview 01:19
40 Kustomize 10:36
41 Helm 11:57
42 RBAC 16:18
43 Network policies 08:05
44 Overview 00:51
45 Metrics server and Horizontal Pod Autoscalers 05:25
46 Prometheus stack 04:38
47 OpenTelemetry with Prometheus, Loki, and Jaeger 25:10
48 Service meshes 09:25
49 Managed Kubernetes Services 03:56
50 Rancher 06:01
51 DIY with kubeadm 02:26
52 Overview 00:23
53 Easy LetsEncrypt certificates with cert-manager 07:34
54 kubectx and kubens 03:25
55 Kubernetes Dashboard 05:18
56 Authenticating with container registries 03:18
57 Parsing kubectl output with jq 02:20
58 Course conclusion 02:02

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