Mastering Kubernetes
Kubernetes is the world's most popular open-source container orchestration engine. It offers the ability to schedule and manage containers.
We’ll go through Kubernetes use cases, you will learn how K8s actually works and how you can use it by showcasing all the main components, like Pods, Deployment, Services, ConfigMap, Secrets, Volumes, Service Discovery, Jobs, RBAC, EKS, and much more. In this course we will go through a practical use case, where we’ll deploy a full stack application using microservices architecture. Together we will setup in a cluster locally to get your first hands-on experience with K8s
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Upon completing this course you will have a clear and full understanding on to get any microservice up and running inside any Kubernetes cluster.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | What is Kubernetes | 04:17 |
2 | Master and Control Plane | 08:31 |
3 | Worker Nodes | 06:22 |
4 | Running Kubernetes Clusters | 04:45 |
5 | Installing Docker | 07:18 |
6 | Installing Minikube | 04:27 |
7 | Installing Kubectl | 05:53 |
8 | Kubernetes Hello World | 07:13 |
9 | Exploring Cluster | 05:22 |
10 | SSH Into Nodes | 03:22 |
11 | Startling and Stopping Cluster | 02:35 |
12 | Cluster with 2 nodes | 04:37 |
13 | Minikube Logs | 02:48 |
14 | Pods | 03:03 |
15 | Imperative vs Declarative Management | 02:26 |
16 | Create pods Imperative Command | 03:04 |
17 | Create pods Using Declarative Configuration | 08:18 |
18 | Pod yaml config Overview | 01:54 |
19 | Create and Delete Resources | 06:32 |
20 | List Resources | 04:06 |
21 | Kubectl Describe | 04:03 |
22 | Formatting Output | 01:39 |
23 | Logs | 05:58 |
24 | Shell Access To A Running Pod | 03:29 |
25 | Access Pod via Port Forward | 03:20 |
26 | List All Resource Types | 02:59 |
27 | Kubectl Cheatcheat | 02:52 |
28 | Dont use pods on its own | 02:32 |
29 | Deployments Overview | 01:47 |
30 | Creating Deployment | 06:26 |
31 | Managing Deployments | 05:04 |
32 | Replica Sets Overview | 01:39 |
33 | Listing Replicate Sets | 04:46 |
34 | Port Forward Deployments | 02:33 |
35 | Scaling Deployment Replicas | 04:27 |
36 | Rolling Updates | 01:36 |
37 | Rolling Updates In Action | 06:22 |
38 | Rollbacks | 05:58 |
39 | Manage Your Cluster Using Declarative Approach | 04:07 |
40 | Revision History Limit | 02:39 |
41 | Configure Deployment Rolling Strategy | 07:18 |
42 | Pausing and Resuming Rollouts | 01:44 |
43 | Kubernetes Service | 03:01 |
44 | Customer Microservice Deployment | 06:18 |
45 | Exercise | 01:23 |
46 | Exercise Sol | 02:28 |
47 | Mircoservice Communication using POD IP address | 10:12 |
48 | ClusterIP Service | 07:51 |
49 | Inspecting ClustreIP Service and Endpoints with Kubectl | 07:14 |
50 | Cluster IP Service In Action | 10:20 |
51 | NodePort Service | 04:43 |
52 | Createting NodePort Service | 06:31 |
53 | Accessing API with NodePort Service | 09:29 |
54 | NodePort with Random Port | 06:31 |
55 | Accessing NodePort Service Using Cluster IP Address | 03:15 |
56 | LoadBalancer Service | 03:24 |
57 | Exercise | 02:58 |
58 | Full Stack App exposed with LoadBalancer Service | 08:11 |
59 | Default Kuberenetes Service | 03:23 |
60 | Labels | 04:35 |
61 | Selectors | 06:00 |
62 | Labels and Selectors with Objects | 10:46 |
63 | Querying with In and NotIn | 02:32 |
64 | Annotations | 02:17 |
65 | Service Discovery and DNS | 04:20 |
66 | CoreDNS & DNS Resolution | 09:59 |
67 | Accessing services from Different namespaces | 06:14 |
68 | Endpoints | 02:57 |
69 | Kube-Proxy | 05:23 |
70 | Intro to Volumes | 01:48 |
71 | EmptyDir Volume Part 1 | 08:28 |
72 | EmptyDir Volume Part 2 | 09:56 |
73 | HostPath Volume | 13:32 |
74 | Other Volume Types | 03:49 |
75 | PersistentVolumes | 02:54 |
76 | Persistent Volume SubSystem | 02:14 |
77 | Create PersistentVolume and PresistentVolumeClaim | 08:17 |
78 | PersistentVolume and PresistentVolumeClaim in Action | 07:38 |
79 | What are ConfigMaps | 01:53 |
80 | Creating ConfigMap Declaratively | 07:06 |
81 | ConfigMaps Using Imperative Command | 03:39 |
82 | ConfigMaps and Environment Variables | 09:06 |
83 | ConfigMaps and Volumes | 09:13 |
84 | Mount Multiple ConfigMaps in same Folder | 03:15 |
85 | Kubernetes Secrets | 00:45 |
86 | GenericSecret | 04:55 |
87 | Consuming Secrets with Volumes and Environment Variables | 06:27 |
88 | Secrets are not Secrets in Kubernetes | 04:09 |
89 | ImagePullSecrets | 08:10 |
90 | Secret Types | 01:00 |
91 | Namesapaces | 02:49 |
92 | Creating Namespaces | 05:44 |
93 | Using Namespaces | 07:44 |
94 | Kubens | 03:29 |
95 | NS Cross Communication and Network Policies | 01:46 |
96 | Kubernetes Health Checks | 01:19 |
97 | Liveness Probe | 09:08 |
98 | Readiness Probe | 04:22 |
99 | Resource Management | 02:42 |
100 | Resource Requests and Limits | 04:12 |
101 | Lets max out our cluster | 05:34 |
102 | Jobs | 05:00 |
103 | Running Tasks with Kubernetes | 03:19 |
104 | DeamonSet | 01:53 |
105 | Lets create Fluentd DeamonSet | 06:27 |
106 | StatefulSets | 02:31 |
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