React Node FullStack - Ecommerce from Scratch to Deployment

16h 15m 14s
April 30, 2024

Learn to Deploy your fully functioning Ecommerce app to production by using Digital Ocean cloud servers. Learn to add your own custom Domain name. Learn to use Cloudflare's CDN to supercharge the speed of your site and also use free SSL to secure your app.


Full Stack / MERN Stack (Mongo Express React Node) Powered Ecommerce App from Scratch to Deoplyment

As a Web Developer, I have always wanted to build an Ecommerce App.

I wanted to know how to implement Add to Cart, Payment Gateways, Order Management System and so much more...

And I know a lot of you out there want to experience building Ecommerce app. The experience is absolutely amazing and it gives you loads of must have knowledge and confidence to start off your next big project using React Node and MongoDB.

This course also uses latest React Hooks which is an absolute joy. Your code will be so much simplified and readable, you wont believe it.

Our Node API will follow MVC Pattern. The codebase will be so clean and elegant, you will be absolutely loving it.

You will also get introduced with Braintree (A PayPal Company) for handling Payments. Braintree is hands down the best payment gateway you could possibly use in a production site for both PayPal and Credit Card payments.

By the end of the course you will learn to deploy your fully functioning Ecommerce app to Digital Ocean cloud servers for production.

Not only that... you will also learn to add your own custom Domain, use Cloudflare's CDN to supercharge your app and free SSL to secure your app.

All this goodness for the price of lunch? YES! Thats right!

We are really living in an age of goodness. Aren't we?

OK. Enough said, I know you cant wait to get your hands on this course :)

By the way, you will never get stuck with this course because each lecture has the Source Code available. Really?

Here are some of the course highlights:

  • Search product

  • Search products based on particular category

  • New arrivals

  • Best sellers

  • Product image

  • Product information

  • Product in stock/out of stock

  • View product

  • Related product

  • Add to cart

  • Remove product

  • Adjust quantity

  • Signin to checkout

  • User dashboard

  • Admin dashboard

  • Private routes

  • Admin routes

  • Shopping cart

  • Checkout with credit card and paypal

  • Checkout with delivery address

  • Success message

  • Update profile

  • Advance search of products

  • Advance search based on category and price range

  • Load more products

  • Admin dashboard

  • Create category

  • Create product

  • View orders

  • Manage products update/delete

  • Role based access

  • and lots more...............

Let me welcome you in an Incredible Journey of Building a  MERN Stack React, Node and MongoDB powered Ecommerce Application from the groud up. Let's do it. Let's code together.

  • Basic Understanding JavaScript or any other programming language
  • Basic Understanding of React Js
  • Basic Understanding of Node Js
Who this course is for:
  • A Web Developer looking to Build API with Node JS and MongoDB
  • A Web Developer looking to Build Fast, Interactive and Scalable Web Applications using React JS
  • A Web Developer looking to Build a FullStack Ecommerce Application using MERN Stack

What you'll learn:

  • Learn Node JS API (Backend) Development
  • Learn React JS (Frontend) Web Development
  • Learn to Write Functional Components with React Hooks
  • Learn the Fundamental Concepts of Building Ecommerce Application
  • Learn to Implement Payment Gateway using Credit Card and PayPal
  • Learn to Integrate Braintree (A PayPal Company) for Payment Processing
  • Learn to Implement Advance Searching/Filtering based on Categories
  • Learn to Implement Advance Searching/Filtering based on Price Range
  • Learn to Implement Standard Products Search System with Categories option/dropdown
  • Learn to Build Shopping Cart
  • Learn to Implement Authentication based on JWT
  • Learn to Build Scalable React App with Proper Layouts and Routes
  • Learn to build Admin and User Dashboard
  • Learn to Implement Flexible Private and Admin Routing System
  • Learn advance CRUD with Products and Categories
  • Learn to handle File Upload
  • Learn to use LocalStorage (CRUD) to Minimize Requests to Backend
  • Learn to Store Sold Products Record into the Database for Further Processing
  • User Profile and Update Ability
  • Learn to implement Order Management System by Admin
  • Learn to Deploy your app to Digital Ocean's Cloud Servers
  • Learn to add a Custom Domain name to your app
  • Learn to use Cloudflare's CDN to serve your app (for speed)
  • Learn to use Cloudflare's free SSL to secure your app

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# Title Duration
1 Course introduction 02:00
2 Are you ready for this course? 04:16
3 Course roadmap (optional) 09:51
4 Express server 09:04
5 Using MongoDB Atlas 01:43
6 Connecting to MongoDB 03:22
7 Routes 04:46
8 Controllers 04:53
9 User schema 05:42
10 Virtual fields and methods 05:20
11 User signup 06:00
12 Using Postman to signup user 05:15
13 Friendly error message 04:44
14 Using express validator 09:17
15 User signin using JWT 10:08
16 Using Postman to signin user 04:13
17 User signout 02:03
18 Require signin middleware 03:17
19 Renaming from user to auth 02:40
20 User by id middleware 11:25
21 Auth and admin middlewares 07:50
22 Category model route and controller 06:08
23 Creating category using postman 04:49
24 Product model 06:18
25 Create product with file upload 09:26
26 Creating product using postman 07:00
27 Create product validation 06:13
28 Product by id middleware and single product 07:26
29 Product delete 06:37
30 Product update 07:10
31 Category by id and single category 05:10
32 Category update delete and get all 09:47
33 Products by sell and arrival on request query params 09:39
34 Fetch products based on request query using postman 05:15
35 Related products 07:32
36 List product categories 03:22
37 List products by search 07:33
38 Send product photo 03:46
39 User profile read and update 07:33
40 Installing CORS 01:49
41 React hooks 01:31
42 Why we used class components? 00:51
43 Counter app using class 05:45
44 useState hook 03:49
45 useEffect hook 06:01
46 News app using hooks 06:39
47 Search news on input change 05:56
48 Controlling useEffect's behaviour 04:44
49 Loading 03:11
50 Code Organization 04:24
51 Create react app 02:54
52 Routing pages 08:38
53 Menu and active links 09:28
54 Shared layout component 07:42
55 Environment variables 03:09
56 Signup form handle change 10:21
57 User signup 10:05
58 User signup success and error 09:17
59 Code refactoring - Signup 03:09
60 User signin 08:22
61 Save user and token in local storage 05:12
62 User signout 05:25
63 Show and hide signin signout links conditionally 06:22
64 Private route for authenticated users only 08:13
65 User dashboard 07:42
66 Links on user dashboard 05:14
67 Admin dashboard 02:59
68 Private route for admin 08:06
69 Add category component 10:27
70 Category create success and error 09:55
71 Create product part one 04:19
72 Create product part two 19:14
73 Create product part three 07:13
74 Create product with categories 13:13
75 Products by arrival and sell 10:05
76 Show products in card 07:38
77 Show product image 06:26
78 Styling buttons and jumbotron 04:34
79 Shop page 03:30
80 Get categories in shop page 03:10
81 Show categories in shop sidebar 05:27
82 Handle categories toggle 07:34
83 Passing categories filter to parent component 04:30
84 Set filters with category 04:49
85 Fixed price range 04:42
86 Radio buttons for price range 07:25
87 Filter with price range 07:04
88 Show products by filter on shop page 11:24
89 Pass products to card component 05:03
90 Load more button 06:24
91 Search component 06:12
92 Search form 09:11
93 Implementing search 09:55
94 Backend implementation of search 11:38
95 Search message to users 04:57
96 Single product component 09:08
97 Reuse card for single product 10:23
98 Product detail on single product page 10:09
99 Show related products 09:01
100 Add to cart 13:25
101 Cart items total in menu 05:06
102 Show products in cart page 10:01
103 Conditionally show hide add to cart 02:57
104 Product quantity update in cart 11:45
105 Remove product from cart 07:14
106 Cart total 09:10
107 Braintree as payment gateway 03:40
108 Signup to braintree 04:00
109 Braintree setup backend 09:56
110 Braintree setup frontend 12:36
111 Handling payment frontend 08:17
112 Processing payment backend 03:45
113 Successful transaction 10:38
114 Empty cart after successful purchase 03:19
115 Activate paypal payment 05:44
116 Steps to create paypal sandbox account 05:37
117 Order routes and controller setup - Backend 03:28
118 Create order - Frontend 06:37
119 Save orders in the database 11:14
120 Save delivery address of orders 02:15
121 Push orders to user's purchase history 07:33
122 Update sold products quantity 06:56
123 List all orders for admin 03:48
124 Fetch all orders for admin 07:43
125 Loop through orders 08:55
126 Show product details of each order 05:20
127 enum status values of each order 10:17
128 Find order by id and update order status 06:20
129 Update order status by admin 04:32
130 User profile update methods 09:41
131 Get user info for profile update 08:24
132 User profile update 10:43
133 User purchase history - Backend 03:13
134 User purchase history - Frontend 11:13
135 Manage products for admin 03:54
136 Product CRUD requests 05:58
137 Products list and delete single product 09:44
138 Get all products for admin CRUD 03:44
139 Product Update 15:57
140 Deploy to Digital Ocean Part 1 07:21
141 Deploy to Digital Ocean Part 2 12:09
142 Update user role to Admin in production 01:58
143 Fully functioning Ecommerce app in production 03:04
144 Adding a Domain name 03:03
145 Using Cloudflare's CDN and free SSL for our app 02:49

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