Cypress End-to-End Testing - Getting Started

6h 17m 7s
May 16, 2024

Automated testing is a vital part of modern application development. Of course, website development is no exception - you must be able to run automated tests to efficiently detect bugs and regressions. This course teaches you how to write and run end-to-end (E2E) tests with Cypress - one of the most popular web development E2E testing tools can you can use these days!


You will learn:

  • What exactly Cypress is and why E2E testing matters
  • How to install and use Cypress
  • How to write and run E2E tests with Cypress
  • How to simulate realistic website user flows by selecting elements and simulating user interaction (button clicks, keyboard typing & more)
  • How to write good assertions (and what assertions are)
  • Which core features and concepts Cypress offers
  • How to use basic and more advanced Cypress concepts
  • How to efficiently test third-party code
  • How to deal with network (HTTP) requests and databases
  • How to test user authentication flows
  • And much more!

All these topics will be taught from the ground up, with no prior Cypress knowledge required! You do need basic web development and JavaScript knowledge though.

This course focuses on the core Cypress concepts and explores all basic as well as various more advanced Cypress features.

By the end of this course, you'll have a solid set of Cypress fundamentals and you'll be ready to dive deeper into Cypress and end-to-end testing!

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome To The Course! 01:06
2 What is Cypress & End-to-End Testing? And Why Should You Care? 04:16
3 Installing & Using Cypress 06:01
4 How Cypress Tests Are Organized & Stored 02:12
5 Adjusting Our First Test 02:52
6 Writing A More Realistic Test 03:56
7 About The Course 04:37
8 Module Introduction 01:25
9 Project Setup 03:29
10 Creating Suites & Tests 02:34
11 Visiting Pages inside of E2E Tests 03:34
12 Let the IDE (VS Code) Help You 01:40
13 Selecting Elements & Evaluating Test Results 03:41
14 Selecting By Text 04:24
15 Implicit and Explicit Assertions 05:57
16 get() vs find() 04:52
17 Why You Need To Simulate User Interaction 01:54
18 Simulating User Interaction 08:20
19 Proper Assertions Are Key! 04:13
20 Time To Practice! 04:00
21 Simulating Keyboard Typing & Writing Good Assertions 11:36
22 Checking For Partial Text 03:46
23 Selecting Dropdown Values 07:36
24 Cypress Tests Run In Isolation 02:02
25 Time For More Queries 06:01
26 Summary 04:30
27 Module Introduction 00:35
28 Project Setup 01:42
29 Selecting Elements - The Best Practice Way 07:31
30 Testing Page Navigation 05:06
31 More on Selecting Elements 04:01
32 Repetition and More Assertions 07:02
33 Chaining Commands 02:02
34 Working with Values & Aliases 03:01
35 Getting More Direct Element Access via then() 06:35
36 Simulating Special Key Presses 03:16
37 Another Example 06:48
38 Losing & Gaining Focus 05:57
39 Aliases In Action 04:00
40 Using Cypress Studio For Test Evaluation 02:37
41 Running Tests Without Cypress Studio & Working with Screenshots + Videos 02:55
42 Changing Subjects 07:10
43 Taking Screenshots 01:33
44 should() instead of then() 03:27
45 Summary 04:22
46 Module Introduction 01:12
47 Project Setup 00:52
48 The Global Config File 01:54
49 Understanding Timeouts 02:49
50 Global vs Local Config 01:31
51 Setting the Test Browser 01:06
52 Configuring the baseURL 02:29
53 Sharing Logic with Test Hooks 04:38
54 Introducing Custom Commands & Queries 01:34
55 Creating a Custom Command 05:40
56 Creating a Custom Query 08:20
57 Understanding Tasks 05:18
58 Summary 03:00
59 Module Introduction 00:53
60 Starting Project 02:04
61 Understanding the Problem 04:19
62 Understanding Stubs 02:39
63 Creating & Using a Stub 08:26
64 When Empty Stubs Are Not Enough 05:13
65 Adding a Fake Stub Implementation 07:26
66 Using Stubs Across Tests 05:51
67 Stubs with Return Values 06:14
68 Evaluating Stub Arguments 05:34
69 Using Fixtures 06:38
70 Understanding Spies 03:54
71 Creating & Using Spies 04:20
72 The Problem With Timers 05:55
73 Manipulating the Clock 02:41
74 Summary 01:38
75 Module Introduction 01:11
76 Starting Project 03:56
77 Writing a First (Problematic) Test 05:48
78 The Problem with Tests & Databases 02:14
79 Creating a Test Database 03:14
80 Seeding the Test Database Before Every Test 05:28
81 Another Database-dependent Test 04:35
82 Understanding & Using Interceptors 07:45
83 You Can't Always Use Interceptors 01:27
84 More Intercepting! 02:19
85 Testing APIs with Test Requests 05:52
86 Summary: Different Network Request Strategies 01:48
87 Testing Authentication Flows & Asserting Cookie Values 08:06
88 Adding a "Login" Test 02:24
89 Creating a Reusable Login Command 03:38
90 Accessing Interceptor Request & Response Data 07:53
91 Summary 01:39
92 Roundup & Next Steps 03:28

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