Building Modern Web Applications with Go (Golang)

29h 6m 20s

Learn to write modern, fast, and secure web applications in Google's Go programming language, and learn it from an award winning University professor with 20 years of teaching experience, and 20 years of experience working in the industry as an entrepreneur. Go is a modern, type safe, compiled, and extremely fast programming language. It it is ideally suited for building safe, scalable, incredibly fast web applications.

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This course is well-suited for both absolute beginners, and for developers who already know something about web development, but want to add Go to their toolbox.

We start with an overview of the Go language, and then cover everything you need to get started writing web applications, including an overview of HTML5, a survey of JavaScript and JavaScript modules, how to work with Cascading Style Sheets to make our application look the way we want, and much more.

The major project in this course is building a bookings and reservation system for a Bed & Breakfast. Visitors to our site will be able to search for accommodations by date and make an online reservation, and the site owner will be able to manage reservations from a secure back end.

By the time you finish this course, you will have a solid grasp of what it takes to build a completely functional, secure, and fast web application from the ground up, and you will have a solid understanding of the Go programming language.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction: who I am, and what we're going to do 05:21
2 Why Go? Why not PHP, or Python, or Node.js, or whatever? 04:21
3 Why Go? - System Resources 03:09
4 Installing Go, an IDE, and writing a simple program 14:23
5 Getting help: How to ask questions 01:43
6 A note about the terminal on Windows: Git Bash 01:35
7 Variables & Functions 19:23
8 Pointers 06:54
9 Types and Structs 15:12
10 Receivers: Structs with functions 04:14
11 Other data structures: Maps and Slices 17:08
12 Decision Structures 13:18
13 Loops and ranging over data 09:23
14 Interfaces 08:34
15 Packages 05:04
16 Channels 11:40
17 Reading and Writing JSON 10:31
18 Writing Tests 15:17
19 How web applications work: the request/response lifecycle 04:55
20 Making a "Hello, World" web application 13:09
21 Functions and handlers 13:11
22 Error checking 06:11
23 Serving HTML Templates 09:14
24 Reorganizing our code, and adding some basic styling to pages 07:32
25 Enabling Go Modules and refactoring our code to use packages 09:38
26 Working with Layouts, and building a template cache (part one) 24:29
27 Building a template cache (part two) 08:23
28 Setting application wide configuration 06:42
29 Why the application wide config is so useful 01:30
30 Optimizing our template cache by using an application config 15:25
31 Sharing data with templates 15:00
32 Using pat for routing 06:50
33 Using chi for routing 07:00
34 Developing our own middleware 09:40
35 Installing and setting up a sessions package 14:53
36 Experimenting with sessions 06:45
37 What are we going to build? 04:10
38 Setting up our project 19:57
39 Enabling static files 08:02
40 Creating pages as HTML 14:08
41 Creating a landing page 45:17
42 Creating a page for each room 17:19
43 Adding a form to search for availability 11:52
44 Improving our form 06:37
45 Creating the reservation page 04:35
46 What is Javascript, and why should I care? 21:15
47 Making a better date picker 12:28
48 Custom alerts using Notie 08:30
49 Creating modals with SweetAlert 08:37
50 Implementing a Javascript module 06:07
51 Adding custom alerts in our Javascript module 08:50
52 Using our Javascript module on the "Book Now" button 16:34
53 What is CSS, and how does it work? 14:27
54 Converting our pages to Go templates 23:15
55 Creating handlers for our forms & adding CSRF Protection 15:36
56 Creating a handler that return JSON 12:09
57 Sending and processing an AJAX request 11:08
58 Sending AJAX post and generalizing our custom function 09:15
59 Refactoring to use internal packages 03:56
60 Server-side form validation 17:28
61 Server side form validation II 16:35
62 Server side form validation III 19:27
63 Server Side form validation IV 05:19
64 Displaying a response to user after posting form data 16:11
65 Finishing up our response to user, and adding alerts 09:31
66 An aside: Alternate Templating Engines 08:48
67 Writing tests for our main package 16:51
68 Writing tests for our GET handlers 22:37
69 Writing tests for our POST handlers 08:11
70 Writing tests for our Render package I 12:08
71 Writing tests for our Render package II 13:45
72 Getting test coverage 05:47
73 Exercise: Writing tests for the Forms package 04:55
74 Solution to writing tests for the Forms package 22:35
75 Making running our application easier 02:47
76 Centralizing our error handling to a helpers package 13:09
77 Using our ClientError and ServerError helper functions 05:25
78 Updating our tests 02:11
79 Installing PostgreSQL 03:58
80 Connecting to the database with DBeaver on a Mac 03:48
81 Connecting to the database with DBeaver on Windows 06:06
82 Basic SQL syntax 12:31
83 More complex queries 14:45
84 Identifying database structure, and Entity Relationship Diagarams 17:44
85 Install Soda 01:43
86 Creating the users table using migrations 11:57
87 Creating the rest of our database using migrations 07:17
88 Setting up a foreign key 04:10
89 Setting up the rest of our foreign keys 05:21
90 Adding Indices & Exercise 06:02
91 Solution to Exercise 06:38
92 How to connect a Go application to a database 33:17
93 Creating a Driver package 11:25
94 Connecting to the database and adding the SQL connection to our Repository 14:11
95 Setting up models 06:33
96 Cleaning up our code 05:54
97 A word about ORMs 02:45
98 Setting up database functions: inserting a reservation 17:08
99 Testing our insert reservation function 05:26
100 Inserting Room Restrictions 10:57
101 Searching for availability by room 15:56
102 Searching for availablity for all rooms 15:44
103 Connecting our handlers to our new database functions 18:21
104 Connecting search availablity to the make reservation page 11:03
105 Cleaning up our make reservation page and testing everything 16:40
106 Cleaning up the reservation summary page and improving validation 14:21
107 Searching for availability by Room 08:26
108 Providing feedback when searching by room, and connecting to the reservation pag 11:31
109 Connecting the rooms page to the make reservation page 09:36
110 Connecting the Major's Suite page, and extracting our javascript module 04:44
111 Adding a migration for seeding rooms 01:26
112 Adding a migration for seeding restrictions 01:28
113 Creating a test database repository 10:05
114 Updating our existing tests to handle sessions 15:02
115 Improving our tests by handling multiple cases 12:10
116 Testing Post handlers 28:21
117 Testing AvailabilityJSON 08:22
118 Simplifying adding post parameters 03:07
119 Sending email using the Standard Library 04:27
120 Installing a mailer package and setting up a mail channel 20:25
121 Installing Mailhog on a Mac for testing purposes 02:57
122 Installing Mailhog on Windows for testing purposes 00:57
123 Creating and sending mail notifications 05:29
124 Solution to sending notification to property owner 01:23
125 Sending nicely formatted email using Foundation 12:17
126 Updating our tests 04:20
127 Create the login screen 04:07
128 Creating the authentication handlers for the login screen 02:59
129 Creating the authentication and user database functions 17:47
130 Creating our handler to log in 09:20
131 Writing Authentication Middleware 06:49
132 Adding a user to the database 03:04
133 Testing Login 01:21
134 Checking to see if a user is logged in, and logging a user out 07:29
135 Protecting our routes with authentication middleware 04:40
136 Picking an admin template 03:30
137 Convert the admin template into a Go template 03:51
138 Solution to creating admin templates 04:59
139 Create stub handlers for admin functionality 05:53
140 Listing all reservations 24:57
141 Listing new reservations 08:13
142 Showing one reservation 24:01
143 Database functions for editing a reservation 06:24
144 Editing a reservation 07:14
145 Marking a reservation as processed 14:27
146 Deleting a reservation 06:11
147 Showing the reservation calendar 14:21
148 Reservation Calendar II 23:36
149 Reservation Calendar III 22:41
150 Reservation Calendar IV 14:51
151 Handling Calendar changes I 03:21
152 Handling Calendar changes II 05:54
153 Handling Calendar changes III 13:53
154 Handling Calendar changes IV 07:40
155 Fixing our redirects 19:11
156 Updating our tests 31:26
157 Fixing a bug missed by our tests 02:55
158 A word about the updated tests 01:15
159 Changing our app to use command line flags 10:25
160 An alternative: the .env file 01:14
161 Using vi to edit files on remote server 05:40
162 Choosing a server platform 08:18
163 Add admin user to migrations 02:22
164 Connecting the application to the web server 13:15
165 Setting up Supervisor 04:05
166 Writing an update script for the server 02:57
167 A note about sending mail from the live server 01:28
168 Updating to Bootstrap 5 07:34
169 Updating the footer and page title 05:28
170 Finishing touches, and fixing a bug 07:20
171 Populating the rest of the pages 01:36
172 Additional resources 02:43

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