Build 15 Augmented Reality (AR) apps with Unity & Vuforia
Curious about Augmented Reality, You have come to the right place. Learn the basics fundamentals and programming techniques required for building fully functional Augmented Reality android and iOS apps. For this course you will need an Android Smartphone or iPhone.
Read more about the course
So what is Augmented Reality?
According to Wikipedia, Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are "augmented" by computer-generated or extracted real-world sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.
In Augmented Reality the real view is modified by a computer (Smartphone in this case). Augmented reality (AR) enhances one’s current perception of reality, whereas in contrast, virtual reality replaces the real world with a simulated one. Augmentation techniques are basically performed in real time,
Eg : Displaying live scores and statistics inside a live video of a sporting event
Power of Augmented Reality
I came across Augmented Reality in 2015 after watching a video of Augmented Reality Book. I was fascinated to know that such technology actually exists. So I started researching on different Augmented Reality platform. Vuforia platform seemed very promising as developers all over the World have used Vuforia for developing Augmented Reality apps.
Pokemon Go game is the best example of Augmented Reality. Other than that Augmented Reality apps expand over a wide range of topics from Education, Business, Architecture, Health Industry, Home Decoration and obviously mobile gaming.
Course Content and Overview
This course is designed for students interested in creating Augmented Reality apps. No coding experience is required; all you need is an Android or iOS device for testing your Augmented Reality apps. We will start from basics of Unity, C# platform and then move to higher topics
Intro & Basics of Augmented Reality
In the first section you will first understand as to what is Augmented Reality? Next we will look at the four different augmented reality techniques and its application. After this I will explain you what is Virtual Reality and the differences between Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR)
Basics of Unity
After understanding Augmented Reality next we will look at the basics of Unity as Unity is the main software which we will use for building Augmented Reality apps.
Augmented Reality One (ARONE) application
ARONE is the first Augmented Reality Application which you are going to create. In this app you will
Create Vuforia account
Create License Key for the AR app
Upload an Image as Image Target
Understand Vuforia Image Recognition system
Solution to White ImageTarget problem in Vuforia version 6.2.10
Download 3D model from Unity Asset Store
Place 3D Model on top of Image Target
Download ARONE app database from Vuforia and activate it inside Unity
Build this app for Android & Ios
Augmented Reality Book (ARBOOK) application
In the ARBook application we will first create few sketches inches a drawing book. Next we will download some 3D Models from the asset store and project the 3D Model on top of each image target.
Application like ARBOOK can be implemented in Schools & Colleges for teaching complicated subjects in a fun and easier way.
Virtual Button & Augmented Reality Business Card (ARBusinessCard)
In this section I will explain first explain you the concept of Virtual Button in Vuforia and the six important factors that should be considered while working with Virtual Button.
Next you will create a simple Virtual Button app called AugmentedRealityVirtualButton in which you will understand the important function & interface that are required for working with Virtual Button.
After the ARVirtualButton app we will then create and ARBusinessCard. In the ARBusinessCard app you will first place multiple virtual buttons on top of an Image Target. Next I will show you how to play video file inside Unity, After this we will write a C# script to play a particular video when the virtual button for a particular video is pressed
Augmented Reality Greeting Card
In this section, you will learn the process of detecting multiple image targets simultaneously at the same time. You will also add an mp3 file in the app that will start playing only when the greeting card is opened.
Superimposition based AR | Object tracking –
In this section you will first scan a 3D model using Vuforia’s 3D scanning android application. Next we will import this model inside Unity and on top of this model we will superimpose a digital car.
Cylindrical Object tracking
In this section you will learn the technique for detecting a cylindrical object. After detecting the cylindrical object you will create a beautiful 3D scenic view around the cylinder with the help of airplanes, low poly clouds and low poly terrains.
Vuforia Cloud Recognition
In this section you will understand the working of Vuforia cloud databases. You will create an application called BookInfoAR. This application will scan a book cover(marker) and display information panel beside the book cover. The information of the marker is stored in cloud database.
Ground Planes and MidAir
In this section you will create your first markerless augmented reality using Vuforia Ground Plane. With ground plane feature we will place a lifesize Lamborghini model in real world. Next using the MidAir feature we will place a drone in mid air.
User Defined Target
In this section you will understand a feature called User Defined Target feature from the Vuforia Core Sample. With the help of User Defined Target feature we can use any image as an marker.
So after explaining you the course content I hope to see you inside this Augmented Reality course.
- A Windows or Mac Computer system
- Android SmartPhone or an iPhone
- Basic programming knowledge will be of Great help
- Computer programming students interested in C# programming for building Augmented Reality applications
- Unity Developers interested in Augmented Reality platforms
- Anyone who wants to develop their own AR Applications
What you'll learn:
- Understand different forms of Augmented Reality and their applications
- Build 15 Augmented Reality Apps from scratch for Android & iOS
- Developing and ARBook app which will detect multiple image targets.
- Creating an interactive business card using AR Virtual buttons
- An AR greeting card app, which plays sound, and animation once opened.
- Detecting a real toy car using 3D Object tracking and superimposing a digital car on top of the real car.
- Tracking of cylindrical objects and placing digital models surrounding the cylinder
- Placing a life size Lamborghini car in real world using Markerless tracking
- Placing a life size drone in air using Vuforia Mid Air feature.
- Play / Pause video's in real world.
- Cloud recognition and best practices.
- Understand the basic difference between Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality
- Students will create AR apps by writing codes in C# programming language
Watch Online Build 15 Augmented Reality (AR) apps with Unity & Vuforia
# | Title | Duration |
1 | What is Augmented Reality | 04:42 |
2 | WHAT IS VIRTUAL REALITY | Differences between AR & VR | 05:59 |
3 | Installation of Unity, 2019.2 Update | 10:52 |
4 | Basics of Unity | Section Intro | 00:52 |
5 | Understanding different panels in Unity | 04:54 |
6 | Moving, rotating & scaling Gameobjects in Unity | 10:37 |
7 | Game Panel in Unity | 07:38 |
8 | Physics in Unity | 08:32 |
9 | Increasing the light intensity | 01:46 |
10 | Adding colors to Gameobject | 03:56 |
11 | Adding textures to Gameobject | 03:56 |
12 | Parent and child Gameobjects in Unity | 04:23 |
13 | Local/Global and Pivot/Center tools in Unity | 05:13 |
14 | Prefabs in Unity | 06:59 |
15 | What are Scripts? | 04:45 |
16 | Rotating the spheres | 07:57 |
17 | Revolving the spheres | 03:21 |
19 | Importing Vuforia package inside Unity | 05:58 |
20 | Importing Vuforia package via Vufora Core Samples | 09:14 |
21 | Web Camera output and creating the ARONE License Key | 04:33 |
22 | Capturing an Image | 02:14 |
23 | Creating a Vuforia Database and uploading Image Targets | 08:12 |
24 | Projecting Barbarian 3D Model on Image Target | 11:01 |
25 | Testing the output on an Android smartphone | 12:38 |
26 | Testing the output on iPhone or iPad | 11:53 |
27 | Sketching the Images for ARBook | 03:42 |
28 | Importing the License Key | 07:31 |
29 | Upload the Image Targets inside Vuforia Database | 05:16 |
30 | Customising the Sun Image Target | 13:20 |
31 | Customising the House Image Target | 10:43 |
32 | Customising the Car Image Target | 07:15 |
33 | Customising the Ship Image Target | 11:21 |
34 | Customising the Aeroplane Image Target | 07:59 |
35 | Adding and moving the cloud objects | 05:34 |
36 | Understanding the problem behind Aeroplane Image Target | 06:04 |
37 | Resetting the position of Aeroplane model | 14:54 |
38 | Resetting the position of Cloud models | 12:48 |
39 | Customising the AR Book Cover Image Target | 07:52 |
40 | Integrating 3D Text | 09:24 |
41 | Building the ARBook app | 08:37 |
42 | Augmented Reality Book Intro | 00:47 |
43 | Sketching images on a drawing book | 05:54 |
44 | Setting Up License Key for ARBook app | 11:47 |
45 | Customizing Sun Image Target | 09:25 |
46 | Customizing the HOUSE Image Target | 10:10 |
47 | Customizing the SHIP Image Target | 10:26 |
48 | Customizing the CAR Image Target | 06:12 |
49 | Customizing the FOREST Image Target | 07:47 |
50 | Customizing the AeroPlane Image Target | 10:00 |
51 | Adding Cloud models | 07:32 |
52 | Customizing the ARBOOK Cover Image Target | 08:49 |
53 | Adding 3D Text on top of Image Target | 09:19 |
54 | Building the APK file of ARBOOK App | 05:13 |
55 | Output of ARBook Application | 02:26 |
56 | Problem related to Ship & Aeroplane Image Target | 03:51 |
57 | DefaultTrackableEventHandler Script Update | 08:11 |
58 | Solution for Ship & Aeroplane Image Target problem | 17:23 |
59 | ARBOOK FINAL OUTPUT | 01:13 |
60 | Reset the SHIP to it's original position | 12:59 |
61 | Reset the Aeroplane and Cloud Gameobject | 12:37 |
62 | Section Introduction | 01:04 |
63 | Which greeting card to use? | 01:13 |
64 | Importing the Vuforia package and adding the License key | 02:58 |
65 | Creating Image Target within Unity | 05:58 |
66 | Customising the first Image Target | 11:40 |
67 | Creating a college on second Image Target | 12:29 |
68 | Tracking multiple image targets simultaneously | 02:08 |
69 | Playing a video file in Augmented Reality | 06:11 |
70 | Playing an audio file when the card is opened | 10:10 |
71 | Happy birthday text using 3D Text | 06:26 |
72 | Crediting the author | 04:03 |
73 | Building the app on an Android smartphone | 07:30 |
74 | Section Introduction | 01:09 |
75 | Creating a Canvas and adding a Background image | 06:07 |
76 | Adding a 2D UI Text | 06:35 |
77 | Designing UI buttons inside the Canvas | 08:25 |
78 | What is an Eventsystem in Unity | 01:31 |
79 | Programming the UI buttons | 11:23 |
80 | Programming Back and Exit button inside the AR Scene | 10:51 |
81 | Section Introduction | 00:49 |
82 | Adding license key and database | 07:04 |
83 | Creating a Virtual Button on the Image Target along with Sphere and Cube | 05:34 |
84 | Programming the Virtual Button | 10:06 |
85 | Building the App | 06:04 |
86 | Section Introduction | 01:29 |
87 | Adding License Key and Database | 06:00 |
88 | Creating Multiple Virtual Buttons | 04:16 |
89 | Playing multiple video files on Image Target | 11:35 |
90 | Deactivating the videos | 03:28 |
91 | Programming the 3 Virtual Buttons | 13:06 |
92 | Building the app and testing the output | 04:45 |
93 | Section Introduction | 00:50 |
94 | List of Ground Plane supported device | 02:16 |
95 | Setting up the Project | 01:17 |
96 | Markerless Augmented Reality : Placing an object on ground surface | 07:13 |
97 | Placing a Life Size Car in Real World | 10:01 |
98 | Adding Realistic shadows to the Car | 07:39 |
99 | Mid Air feature : Placing a miniature Helicopter in Mid air | 09:54 |
100 | Superimposition Based AR Section Introduction | 00:50 |
101 | Criteria for Object Recognition & Scanning | 02:53 |
102 | Procedure for scanning a 3D Object | 07:25 |
103 | Generating License Key | 06:00 |
104 | Superimposing a CAR 3D Model on top of a Real Toy Car | 05:39 |
105 | Building the ARObject Tracking app | 04:27 |
106 | Cylindrical Target Section Introduction | 00:48 |
107 | Steps for creating a Cylinder Target | 03:55 |
108 | Creating Cylinder Target Database | 11:10 |
109 | Projecting Plane 3D Models surrounding the Cylinder Target | 10:55 |
110 | Projecting Cloud 3D Models | 06:59 |
111 | Adding Earth & Terrain Models | 04:31 |
112 | Animating the GameObjects | 09:24 |
113 | Building the AR Cylindrical Target Project | 04:24 |
114 | Vuforia Video Playback App Intro | 00:42 |
115 | Importing Vuforia Core Samples | 09:10 |
116 | ARCamera's Far Clip plane Bug | 05:54 |
117 | Customizing Thumbnail and Video | 04:53 |
118 | Playing Two Video's | 07:55 |
119 | Changing the Video's shader | 02:41 |
120 | Deleting the Common UI component & building the app | 06:22 |
121 | Vuforia Cloud Recognition Intro | 01:05 |
122 | Understanding the Cloud Reco Scene & testing it's output | 08:52 |
123 | Creating Vuforia Cloud Database and linking it with Unity Project | 13:42 |
124 | 2 Adjustments for viewing Gameobject properly on top of Image Target | 13:18 |
125 | Information Panel for the Cloud Image Targets | 18:40 |
126 | Information Panel for the 3rd Cloud Image Target | 07:13 |
127 | Removing the Cloud Target Info & Common UI | 02:25 |
128 | User Defined Target App Intro | 00:32 |
129 | Adding License Key & Importing Vuforia Core Samples | 04:44 |
130 | Understanding the Working of User Defined Target Scene | 05:41 |
131 | Rearranging the Canvas Component | 07:43 |
132 | Installing Illustrator and setting up Vumark designer files | 05:12 |
133 | Designing a Vumark Template | 14:35 |
134 | Encoding Numeric data & generating Image Targets from Numeric Vumark Template | 06:21 |
135 | Understanding the components inside Vumarks Sample Scene | 11:09 |
136 | Resolving the bugs inside Vumarks scene | 08:19 |
137 | Decoding Numeric data from Vumark Image Targets | 16:20 |
138 | Encoding String data & generating Image Targets from String Vumark Template | 09:29 |
139 | Decoding String data from Vumark Image Targets | 11:24 |
140 | Encoding Byte data & generating Image Targets from Byte Vumark Template | 06:06 |
141 | Decoding Byte data from Vumark Image Targets | 07:12 |
142 | What is Multi-Target? Capturing images for multi target | 04:39 |
143 | Rescaling the images from cm to pixels as per aspect ratio | 17:58 |
144 | Adding images to Cuboid Target | 06:42 |
145 | Testing the Multi Target output | 05:49 |
146 | Adding animations and effects to Multi Target scene | 13:58 |
147 | Seeing through the Box using depth mask material | 14:41 |
148 | Creating a square hole on top of the box | 04:25 |
149 | Adding fire monster and flames | 11:33 |
150 | Editing the DepthMask Shader | 03:05 |
151 | Adding Nebula and Galaxies to the window portal | 17:42 |
152 | Creating a mini solar system | 13:14 |
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