Kotlin Coroutines for Android Masterclass

11h 57m 28s
November 22, 2023

This course is your complete guide into the world of Kotlin Coroutines in Android. By the end of this course, you will feel confident to use Coroutines to write reliable, maintainable and responsive applications.


The philosophy of this course is "learn by coding", so you're going to master Coroutines by solving a series of carefully designed, hands-on exercises. These exercises are built into a tutorial Android application to make them as similar to the "real world" as possible. Therefore, you'll gain practical experience with Coroutines in various typical scenarios that you'll surely encounter in your own Android apps.

All aspects of Coroutines framework are covered in this course:

  • Coroutines as concurrency framework

  • Suspending vs blocking functions

  • Coroutine scope, context and jobs hierarchy

  • Coroutines cancellation

  • Exceptions handling inside Coroutines

  • Structured Concurrency

  • Unit testing with Coroutines

  • and more...

Even though the main goal of this course is to give you practical skills, it also covers all the theory required to understand Coroutines framework at a more conceptual level. In particular, you're going to learn what Structured Concurrency is, what benefits it provides and how Coroutines implement this advanced paradigm.

We will go beyond the functionality of Coroutines framework itself and discuss important design considerations that you need to be aware of to write code that both works right now, and will also be maintainable in the long term.

Given the ever-increasing adoption of Kotlin, it's evident that Coroutines are the future of concurrency in Android world. Therefore, knowledge of this framework is going to become a mandatory skill for Android developers going forward. After completing this course, you'll be able to write reliable and maintainable concurrent code in Android projects using Coroutines framework, and you'll be able to answer even the most tricky questions about this framework at job interviews.

So, if you're serious about Android development and you want to master Kotlin Coroutines, this course is a perfect match for you!

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 03:50
2 Tutorial Application 02:51
3 Udemy Course Review System 01:20
4 UI Thread Blocking 09:04
5 Concurrency 07:08
6 Background Threads 10:48
7 Coroutines Basics 26:47
8 Coroutines Basics Nuances 05:33
9 Exercise 1 08:48
10 Exercise 1 Solution 07:47
11 Coroutines Cancellation Basics 15:19
12 Exercise 2 05:45
13 Exercise 2 Solution 05:20
14 Concurrent Coroutines 18:23
15 Suspension vs Blocking 07:54
16 Coroutine Scope's Children Cancellation 04:59
17 Exercise 3 04:02
18 Exercise 3 Solution 07:29
19 Coroutines Intuition Summary 09:11
20 Coroutine Scope Cancellation 01:12
21 Scope Cancellation vs Scope's Children Cancellation 08:01
22 Coroutine Scope Inside ViewModel 14:34
23 Coroutine Scope From Kotlin Extensions for ViewModel 03:56
24 Coroutine Scope Cancellation Summary 01:47
25 Structured Concurrency Intro 01:28
26 Fibonacci Computation 05:09
27 Concurrent Fibonacci Computation 15:34
28 Concurrent Fibonacci Computation with Callback on UI Thread 08:20
29 Concurrent Fibonacci Computation Using ThreadPoster Library 10:18
30 Structured Concurrency 18:15
31 Concurrent Fibonacci Computation Using Coroutines (Callback) 24:53
32 Concurrent Fibonacci Computation Using Coroutines (Suspending) 17:30
33 Exercise 4 06:48
34 Exercise 4 Solution 06:29
35 Structured Concurrency Summary 07:18
36 The Main Rule of Concurrency in Android 05:22
37 Encapsulating Concurrency in Use Cases 10:28
38 Exercise 5 02:21
39 Exercise 5 Solution 05:25
40 Design with Coroutines Summary 04:24
41 Coroutine Dispatchers 01:50
42 Main Dispatcher 11:10
43 Background Dispatchers 06:02
44 Unconfined Dispatcher 07:36
45 The Best Dispatching Strategy for Android Applications 13:49
46 Coroutines Cancellation Intro 01:46
47 Cooperative Cancellation 19:22
48 The Importance of Cancellation Exception 17:40
49 Exercise 6 02:42
50 Exercise 6 Solution 06:06
51 NonCancellable 12:14
52 Coroutines Cancellation Summary 04:31
53 Main Coroutines Building Blocks 03:00
54 Coroutines Mechanics Part 1: CoroutineScope and CoroutineContext 17:29
55 Coroutines Mechanics Part 2: CoroutineContext Elements 09:04
56 Coroutines Mechanics Part 3: withContext Function 08:41
57 Coroutines Mechanics Part 4: Jobs Hierarchy 10:21
58 Coroutines Mechanics Part 5: Cancellation Propagation 13:34
59 Coroutines Mechanics Part 6: NonCancellable vs Job() 13:15
60 Exercise 7 05:25
61 Exercise 7 Solution 22:52
62 Exercise 7 Solution Amendment 03:35
63 Coroutines Mechanics Summary 10:45
64 Parallel Decomposition 03:11
65 Exercise 8 11:45
66 Exercise 8 Solution 11:24
67 Shared Mutable State 15:52
68 Async Coroutine Builder 19:03
69 Exercise 9 02:48
70 Exercise 9 Solution 04:45
71 Parallel Decomposition Summary 04:40
72 Exceptions Handling Intro 02:21
73 Uncaught Exception in a Coroutine 10:50
74 CoroutineExceptionHandler 07:26
75 Cancellation Chain on Uncaught Exception 10:09
76 SupervisorJob 05:49
77 Exercise 10 03:08
78 Exercise 10 Solution 09:23
79 Uncaught Exception in Async Coroutine 10:07
80 The Best Way to Handle Exceptions in Coroutines 10:16
81 Exceptions Handling Summary 05:34
82 Course Summary 04:18

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