Blazor Bootcamp - .NET 6 (WASM and Server)

15h 36m 29s

This course will provide you a complete real world scenario with Blazor which will make you face many challenges and solve those issues as we proceed with the course. There are other courses on Udemy, but this is the ultimate course, it covers everything there is to Blazor from Blazor Server to Blazor WASM applications which consumes .NET 6 API. This course will help developers transition from building basic sample apps to implementing more real world concepts, design patterns, and features.

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We will be using the latest .NET 6 for this course along with Entity Framework Core and Stripe for payment processing.

For years JavaScript frameworks have dominated the front end/client side development! But things are about to change with Blazor!

Blazor is an exciting new part of .NET Core (.NET 6) designed for building rich web user interfaces in C#. This course will help developers transition from building basic sample apps to implementing more real world concepts, design patterns, and features.

With that there are many questions:

  • What is Blazor? How do I get started with fundamentals of Blazor?

  • How do you scale an existing application? 

  • How do you architect a mid-large scale project?

  • How to correctly process payments?

  • How to efficiently understand Blazor and use it in real world projects?

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 03:08
2 Project Demo 08:19
3 5 What is Blazor 04:23
4 Blazor client vs Blazor server 03:46
5 What this course is not about 02:18
6 Create Project 02:26
7 Run the application 03:47
8 Source Control 01:03
9 Blazor Files Overview 10:19
10 Blazor Server Project Flow 15:03
11 Blazor Web Assembly Project Brief Overview 04:38
12 Understand the Default Home Page 02:17
13 Creating Razor Component 04:51
14 One way Data Binding 04:11
15 3 Two Way Data Binding 05:35
16 4 Assignment 1 - Data Binding 01:06
17 5 Assignment 1 Solution - Data Binding 03:34
18 6 Dropdowns and Data Binding 06:25
19 7 Organizing Individual Product Playground 04:57
20 8 Product List 03:30
21 9 Assignment 2 - Bind Property 01:24
22 10 Assignment 2 Solution - Bind Property 05:19
23 Assignment 3 - Razor Component 01:30
24 12 Assignment 3 Solution - New Razor Component 06:03
25 1 Create Shared Component 04:55
26 2 Passing Props to Shared Component 02:29
27 3 Assignment 4 - Shared Components 00:58
28 4 Assignment 4 Solution - Shared Components 01:28
29 5 Favourites CheckBox 03:13
30 6 Event Callback 07:09
31 7 Assignment 5 - Event Callback 01:29
32 8 Assignment 5 Solution - Event Callback 05:16
33 2. Render Fragment 06:04
34 3 Another way for Basic Event Call Back 03:29
35 4 Multiple Render Fragment 03:13
36 5 Assignment 6 - Render Fragment 00:42
37 6 Assignment 6 Solution - Render Fragment 01:24
38 7 why we need attribute splatting 05:21
39 8 Attribute Splatting 02:42
40 9 - Capture all values with splatting 02:34
41 10 Passing Parameters at multiple level 03:36
42 11 Cascading Parameter 03:12
43 12 Cascading Parameter with Name 03:37
44 13 - Routing Basics 05:16
45 14 Routing - Query Parameters 05:34
46 15 Routing - Navigation Manager 03:10
47 1 Confirm Box in Blazor 05:14
48 2 Toastr JS 07:23
49 3 JsRuntime Extensions 05:20
50 4 Assignment 7 - SweetAlert 01:13
51 5 Assignment 7 Solution - SweetAlert 03:48
52 6 Referencing Components 03:11
53 7 Remove Default Components 02:57
54 2 OnInitialized Lifecycle 07:21
55 3 OnParameterSet Lifecycle 04:05
56 4 OnAfterRender 05:52
57 5 Should Render and StateHasChanged 05:59
58 2 Add Projects to Solution 01:53
59 3 Setup ApplicationDbContext 04:56
60 4 Add DbContext to Container 05:51
61 5 Push Category to Database 06:59
62 6 Category DTO 03:19
63 8 ICategory Repository 03:30
64 9 Category Repository Setup 04:16
65 10 AutoMapper 05:38
66 11 Implement Category Repository 09:36
67 2 Create Category List Component 04:09
68 3 Forms in Blazor Part 1 05:50
69 4 Forms in Blazor Part 2 01:47
70 5 Validations in Blazor Form 06:30
71 6 Create Category 02:45
72 7 List Category 04:19
73 8 Loading Spinner 04:50
74 9 Load Category on Edit 04:23
75 2 Delete Confirmation Component 06:23
76 3 Delete Method and Assignment 8 02:51
77 4 Assignment 8 - Delete Confirmation EventCallBack 02:46
78 Processing on Delete Confirmation 03:32
79 Cleaning Up Task 04:41
80 Assignment 9 - OnAfterRenderAsync 00:34
81 Assignment 9 Solution - OnAfterRenderAsync 01:22
82 Async Repository 03:42
83 1 Section Introduction 03:03
84 2 Create Product Table 03:29
85 3 Product DTO 01:36
86 4 Assignment 10 - Product Rpeository 00:49
87 5 Assignment 10 Solution - Product Repository 03:00
88 6 Product List Component 05:01
89 7 Product Upsert Component 06:17
90 8 Error Solving in Blazor 02:57
91 9 Category Dropdown 04:26
92 10 FileUpload Service 07:19
93 Handle File Upload 04:29
94 Create Product 02:39
95 Update Product 02:14
96 14 Delete Product 05:29
97 15 Syncfusion Components 01:47
98 16 Syncfusion RichTextEditor in Action 10:20
99 17 Create Products 00:56
100 What we will cover? 01:12
101 Product Price Model and DTO 04:34
102 Assignment 11 - Product Price Repository 00:48
103 Assignment 11 Solution - Product Price Repository 02:43
104 Load Product Details and Product Price 06:23
105 Show Product Summary 03:51
106 Add Syncfusion DataGrid 04:03
107 Syncfusion DataGrid Settings Part 1 05:38
108 Syncfusion DataGrid Settings Part 2 04:56
109 Syncfusion DataGrid Settings Part 3 03:27
110 Syncfusion DataGrid Settings Part 4 07:06
111 Create Tangy API 02:14
112 Add Connection String to API Project 03:19
113 Success Error DTO 03:40
114 Product Controller API Endpoint 06:16
115 Return Product Prices from Product API 03:45
116 Add AppSettings to WASM Project 03:19
117 Changing default navigation 04:39
118 Basic Settings like Server Project 03:24
119 Product Service Interface 04:38
120 Product Service Calls 05:52
121 Home Page UI 04:29
122 Retrieve Products from API 06:27
123 Home Page In Action 05:54
124 Details UI 08:08
125 Details VM 03:51
126 Selecting Product Price 03:28
127 Details UI - Add to Cart Toggle 03:43
128 Add Blazored Local Storage 03:34
129 Cart Service 02:29
130 Implement Cart Service 08:48
131 Cart Service Add to Cart in Action 04:22
132 Shopping Cart UI 05:08
133 Shopping Cart Load Data 06:55
134 Increment and Decrement Cart 05:57
135 Displaying Cart Counter 03:47
136 Update NavBar On Cart Update 06:14
137 Create Order Header and Detail 07:23
138 Create Order Model and DTO 04:08
139 Order Repository 03:01
140 Order Create Method 05:52
141 Order Repository Implementation 09:18
142 API - Create order controller 02:21
143 Order Service 03:00
144 Order Summary Part 1 03:24
145 Order Summary Part 2 05:37
146 Order Summary UI 06:17
147 Scaffold Identity in Blazor Server 07:29
148 Add Identity Tables 05:14
149 Add Columns to ASP Net Users Table 03:23
150 Register First User 05:21
151 Login and Logout 07:03
152 Show Email of Logged in User 01:27
153 Authorize Attribute 03:12
154 Authentication State in OnInitialized 05:10
155 Create Admin User 07:17
156 Roles in Action 03:06
157 DbInitializer 06:53
158 Seed New Database 04:11
159 Authorization In NavMenu 02:32
160 Add Identity to API 01:59
161 Account Controller 02:04
162 SignIn SignUp DTO 04:58
163 SignUp API Endpoint 04:22
164 Demo - SignUp API 02:49
165 SignIn API Endpoint Part 1 02:52
166 API Settings Section 05:02
167 SignIn Helper Methods 05:34
168 Sign In Endpoint Part 2 06:27
169 Add Authentication to API 03:42
170 Add Bearer to Swagger 04:24
171 JwtParser 03:32
172 Add AuthenticationState Provider 05:23
173 Custom Authentication State Demo 05:37
174 IAuthenticationSerivce 01:49
175 Login Service 05:14
176 Register and Logout Service 01:51
177 Register and Login UI 02:00
178 Register Component 05:55
179 Registration in Action 03:40
180 Splitting code files 03:19
181 Login in Action 04:14
182 Toggle Navbar on Authorization 01:28
183 Login and Logout in Action 02:30
184 Avoid force load on auth state change 05:22
185 Redirect to Login 08:52
186 Load User Details 02:05
187 Call Create Order From Summary 06:45
188 Create Order Header and Details 03:52
189 Create Stripe Account 01:48
190 Add Stripe to API Project 02:43
191 Payment Service in Blazor WASM 03:52
192 Stripe Payment Controller Method 11:10
193 Call Stripe 07:11
194 Issue with Order Total 03:04
195 Order Confirmation 04:46
196 Stripe Session Status and Payment Successful 06:32
197 Summary Processor 00:55
198 Create Order List Component 05:36
199 Radzen Component 08:59
200 Order Details Component 04:58
201 Order Details UI 06:46
202 Update Order Details 04:27
203 Ship Order 02:23
204 Payment Intent ID 05:08
205 Refund Order 08:22
206 Send Email using MailKit and MimeKit 08:07
207 Send Email using SendGrid 05:13
208 Blazor WebAssembly Package Issues 02:13
209 Azure SQL Database 06:17
210 Blazor Server Deployment 05:59
211 API Deployment 03:31
212 Blazor Client Deployment 05:49

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