AlgoExpert | Become an Algorithms Expert

116h 40m 8s

Become an Expert in Algorithms. 65 videos explaining popular interview questions with solutions in JavaScript, Python, C ++, Java, and Go. Practice with popular questions. Topics range from string manipulation and graph traversal to dynamic programming and recursion.

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In-depth complexity analysis using performance optimization methods and techniques.

What is AlgoExpert?

65 hand-selected questions

Interview Preparation is a number game that many candidates lose. We have selected 65 of the best interview questions to truly prepare you.

50+ hours of video explanations

Algorithms are hard to learn on paper. Each of our questions is accompanied by a two-part video explanation for maximum learning. This is more than 50 hours of content, all in your hands.

Solutions in 5 languages

Not everyone speaks the same programming language. We give you solutions for every question in 5 different languages: JavaScript, Python, C ++, Java and Go. 

Difficulty analysis

Understanding how much memory the algorithm uses and how fast it works is extremely important. All of our explanations include a rigorous analysis of complexity.

Experience Tips

Algorithm interviews go beyond just algorithms and data structures. Our video series of interview tips give you important tips and tricks to help you stand out.

65 questions covering 14 categories.

If you want to go through a technical interview, knowledge of all common data structures and popular problem-solving methods is paramount. 65 questions covering 14 categories and 5 difficulty levels will help you with this.

  • Binary search trees
  • Binary trees
  • Linked Lists
  • Searching
  • Strings
  • Arrays
  • Stacks
  • Dynamic programming
  • Famous algorithms
  • Recursion
  • Sorting
  • Graphs
  • Heaps
  • Tries

Our videos set us apart

The truth is that the questions and algorithms in the interview are complex. It’s even harder to try to understand the inner workings of a complex algorithm from a book or from a poorly thought-out video shot on your grandmother’s camera. Our clear 1080p videos are crystal clear and strategically split into two parts to give you the most complete explanation of the issues. These are over 50 hours of content specifically designed to simplify interview questions and algorithms.

We speak 5 languages.

There is nothing more disappointing than opening a book to prepare for an interview, just finding a bunch of solutions in a programming language that you don’t know. That’s why all our questions come with complete written solutions in 5 popular languages.

  • JavaScript for all of you web developers
  • Python, for all of you, Data Scientists 
  • C ++, for all of you old schoolchildren
  • Java, for all of you masochists
  • Go, for all of you Kool Kidz

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# Title Duration
1 Two Number Sum 28:25
2 Validate Subsequence 18:54
3 Sorted Squared Array 21:14
4 Tournament Winner 21:51
5 Non-Constructible Change 20:13
6 Transpose Matrix 10:52
7 Find Closest Value In BST 24:40
8 Branch Sums 23:55
9 Node Depths 29:45
10 Evaluate Expression Tree 09:56
11 Depth-first Search 15:07
12 Minimum Waiting Time 18:25
13 Class Photos 19:00
14 Tandem Bicycle 28:15
15 Optimal Freelancing 14:02
16 Remove Duplicates From Linked List 22:41
17 Middle Node 11:56
18 Nth Fibonacci 31:06
19 Product Sum 19:03
20 Binary Search 27:34
21 Find Three Largest Numbers 15:29
22 Bubble Sort 19:02
23 Insertion Sort 11:59
24 Selection Sort 14:48
25 Palindrome Check 29:15
26 Caesar Cipher Encryptor 21:41
27 Run-Length Encoding 27:04
28 Common Characters 26:57
29 Generate Document 28:34
30 First Non-Repeating Character 18:47
31 Semordnilap 10:22
32 Three Number Sum 27:23
33 Smallest Difference 23:13
34 Move Element To End 23:43
35 Monotonic Array 33:16
36 Spiral Traverse 33:40
37 Longest Peak 35:51
38 Array Of Products 33:28
39 First Duplicate Value 30:16
40 Merge Overlapping Intervals 25:40
41 Best Seat 15:41
42 Zero Sum Subarray 11:55
43 Missing Numbers 30:49
44 Majority Element 25:35
45 Sweet And Savory 15:05
46 BST Construction 51:39
47 Validate BSTI 23:04
48 BST Traversal 19:27
49 Min Height BST 40:13
50 Find Kth Largest Value In BST 29:04
51 Reconstruct BST 56:58
52 Invert Binary Tree 29:23
53 Binary Tree Diameter 23:21
54 Find Successor 30:16
55 Height Balanced Binary Tree 26:12
56 Merge Binary Trees 24:28
57 Symmetrical Tree 21:35
58 Split Binary Tree 14:22
59 Max Subset Sum No Adjacent 21:47
60 Number Of Ways To Make Change 18:56
61 Min Number Of Coins For Change 23:55
62 Levenshtein Distance 41:58
63 Number Of Ways To Traverse Graph 39:20
64 Kadane's Algorithm 22:36
65 Stable internships 27:30
66 Union Find 35:02
67 Single Cycle Check 24:06
68 Breadth-first Search 19:35
69 River Sizes 43:47
70 Youngest Common Ancestor 21:35
71 Remove Islands 49:05
72 Cycle In Graph 47:20
73 Minimum Passes Of Matrix 33:34
74 Two-Colorable 16:11
75 Task Assignment 25:48
76 Valid Starting City 42:50
77 Min Heap Construction 57:31
78 Linked List Construction 59:41
79 Remove Kth Node From End 21:26
80 Sum of Linked Lists 31:57
81 Merging Linked Lists 22:14
82 Permutations 55:43
83 Powerset 26:24
84 Phone Number Mnemonics 37:06
85 Staircase Traversal 47:45
86 Blackjack Probability 21:21
87 Reveal Minesweeper 19:02
88 Search In Sorted Matrix 20:27
89 Three Number Sort 39:53
90 Min Max Stack Construction 25:43
91 Balanced Brackets 19:42
92 Sunset Views 33:46
93 Best Digits 16:23
94 Sort Stack 29:52
95 Next Greater Element 45:43
96 Reverse Polish Notation 14:53
97 Colliding Asteroids 16:46
98 Longest Palindromic Substring 26:58
99 Group Anagrams 35:09
100 Valid IP Addresses 29:32
101 Reverse Words In String 48:03
102 Minimum Characters For Words 27:30
103 One Edit 18:42
104 Suffix Trie Construction 34:31
105 Four Number Sum 46:17
106 Subarray Sort 28:28
107 Largest Range 26:32
108 Min Rewards 59:25
109 Zigzag Traverse 33:11
110 Longest Subarray With Sum 23:07
111 Knight Connection 24:04
112 Count Squares 25:47
113 Same BSTs 54:11
114 Validate Three Nodes 45:49
115 Repair BST 27:32
116 Sum BSTs 31:24
117 Max Path Sum In Binary Tree 46:24
118 Find Nodes Distance K 55:40
119 Max Sum Increasing Subsequence 32:52
120 Longest Common Subsequence 54:38
121 Min Number Of Jumps 34:13
122 Water Area 35:47
123 Knapsack Problem 43:01
124 Disk Stacking 38:36
125 Numbers In Pil 44:45
126 Maximum Sum Submatrix 45:38
127 Maximize Expression| 35:41
128 Dice Throws 42:52
129 Juice Bottling 26:41
130 Dijkstra's Algorithm 01:01:56
131 Topological Sort 01:08:04
132 Kruskal's Algorithm 20:42
133 Prim's Algorithm 37:41
134 Boggle Board 01:06:24
135 Largest Island 38:40
136 Continuous Median 33:50
137 Sort K-Sorted Array 29:12
138 Laptop Rentals 48:27
139 Find Loop 24:22
140 Reverse Linked List 28:47
141 Merge Linked Lists 44:38
142 Shift Linked List 32:17
143 Lowest Common Manager 29:51
144 Interweaving Strings 44:09
145 Solve Sudoku 37:27
146 Generate Div Tags 30:57
147 Ambiguous Measurements 45:16
148 Shifted Binary Search 28:43
149 Search For Range 29:45
150 Quickselect 35:49
151 Index Equals Value 27:33
152 Quick Sort 46:20
153 Heap Sort 29:28
154 Radix Sort 40:51
155 Shorten Path 46:20
156 Largest Rectangle Under Skyline 48:30
157 Longest Substring Without Duplication 27:17
158 Underscorify Substring 59:58
159 Pattern Matcher 44:42
160 Multi String Search 01:08:42
161 Longest Most Frequent Prefix 19:51
162 Shortest Unique Prefixes 20:21
163 Apartment Hunting 01:02:09
164 Calendar Matching 52:35
165 Waterfall Streams 33:56
166 Minimum Area Rectangle 53:18
167 Line Through Points 41:35
168 Right Smaller Than 56:08
169 Iterative In-order Traversal 29:15
170 Flatten Binary Tree 41:57
171 Right Sibling Tree 41:45
172 All Kinds Of Node Depths 01:06:25
173 Compare Leaf Traversal 52:34
174 Max Profit With K Transactions 48:37
175 Palindrome Partitioning Min Cuts 01:00:24
176 Longest Increasing Subsequence 01:15:29
177 Longest String Chain 44:55
178 Square of Zeroes 01:19:51
179 Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm 59:08
180 A* Algorithm 01:00:52
181 Rectangle Mania 01:13:27
182 Detect Arbitrage 51:13
183 Two-Edge-Connected Graph 46:50
184 Airport Connections 01:06:28
185 Merge Sorted Arrays 01:05:40
186 LRU Cache 54:47
187 Rearrange Linked List 48:03
188 Linked List Palindrome 33:02
189 Zip Linked List 33:52
190 Node Swap 29:30
191 Number Of Binary Tree Topologies 46:10
192 Non-Attacking Queens 57:36
193 Median Of Two Sorted Arrays 32:18
194 Optimal Assembly Line 28:35
195 Merge Sort 01:17:07
196 Count Inversions 38:50
197 Largest Park 30:05
198 Smallest Substring Containing 50:31
199 Longest Balanced Substring 45:28
200 Strings Made Up Of Strings 35:11

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