Design Microservices Architecture with Patterns & Principles

17h 26m 52s

In this course, we’re going to learn how to Design Microservices Architecture with using Design Patterns, Principles and the Best Practices with Iterate Design Architecture from Monolithic to Microservices. We will using the right architecture design patterns and techniques. By the end of the course, you will Learn how to handle millions of request with designing system for high availability, high scalability, low latency, and resilience to network failures on microservices distributed architectures.

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This course is will be the journey of software architecture design with step by step evolving architecture from monolithic to event driven microservices.

We will start the basics of software architecture with designing e-commerce Monolithic architecture that handles low amount of requests.

After that step by step evolves the architecture with;

  • Layered Architecture

  • Clean Architecture

  • Modular Monolithic Architecture

  • Microservices

  • Event-Driven Microservices Architectures

  • and lastly Serverless Microservices Architectures with designing together that handle millions of requests. This is a step-by-step process for software system design and evolve from monolithic to microservices following the patterns & principles.

We will discuss microservices architectures with all aspects,

  • Microservices Decomposition

  • Microservices Communications (Sync / Async Message-Based Communication, API Gateways)

  • Microservices Data Management (Databases / Query / Commands)

  • Microservices Transaction Management

  • Microservices Distributed Caching

  • Microservices Deployments with Containers and Orchestrators

  • Microservices Resilience

with applying microservices design patterns and practices.

We are going to design with together and step by step with refactor architectures with all aspects of microservices pillars.

We will start with designing Monolithic Architecture. And you can see that we have Functional and Non-functional requirements that should cover our design and we have patterns and principles toolbox that we will learn and use these principles when evolving architectures.

Way of Learning — The Course Flow

We will always starts with the problem and try to solve this problem with learning and designing new architectures, patterns and best practices.

  • Problem -> Learn -> Design -> Adapt -> Evaluate

We will complete this circle for every section of the course. You will find that we will add new requirements in order to handle millions of request and learn new patterns and practices that will use these principles when evolving architectures.

You will find that we will add new requirements in order to handle millions of request and learn new patterns and practices that will use these principles when evolving architectures.

We will see full of patterns and principle toolbox is loading with new patterns and apply them into current designs. We will see latest patterns that we use more than 30 patterns and practices with implementing high scalability, high availability and handle millions of request requirements.

Let me write some microservices pattern which we covered in this course:

  • The Database-per-Service Pattern

  • API Gateway Pattern, Gateway Routing/Aggregation/Offloading Pattern

  • Backends for Frontends pattern BFF

  • Service Aggregator Pattern, Service Registry/Discovery Pattern

  • Fan-out Publish/Subscribe Messaging Pattern

  • Topic-Queue Chaining & Load Balancing Pattern

  • The Shared Database Anti-Pattern and Polyglot Persistence

  • Database Sharding Pattern, CAP Theorem

  • Materialized View Pattern

  • CQRS and Event Sourcing Patterns

  • SAGA Pattern  Choreography-based/Orchestration-based SAGA

  • Compensating Transaction Pattern

  • Transactional Outbox Pattern

  • Dual Write Problem

  • CDC — Change Data Capture with Outbox Pattern

  • Event Hubs and Real-time Event Streaming in Event-Driven Microservices Architecture

  • Cache-Aside Pattern for Microservices Distributed Caching

  • Sidecar Pattern

  • Service Mesh Pattern

  • DevOps and CI/CD Pipelines for Microservices Deployments

  • Deployment Strategies for Microservices: Blue-green, Rolling and Canary deployments

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and usage in Microservices Deployments

  • Microservices Resilience, Observability and Monitoring Patterns

  • Retry and Circuit Breaker Patterns

  • Bulkhead / Timeout / Cache / Fallback Patterns

  • Elastic Stack for Microservices Observability with Distributed Logging

  • Microservices Health Checks: Liveness, Readiness and Performance Checks

  • Serverless Microservices Architecture implementation on AWS

So the course flow will be the both theoretical and practical information:

  • We will always start with a business problem

  • We will learn a specific pattern, why and where we should use

  • After that we will see the Reference architectures that applied these patterns

  • After that we will design our architecture with applying this newly learned pattern with together

  • And lastly we will decide which Technologies can be choices for that architectures.

And at the last section, we will made Code Review for Existing Microservices Architecture Repository on GitHub for practical implementation of microservices architecture.

So this course will includes:

  • Hands-on Design Activities

  • Iterate Design Architecture from On-Premises to Cloud Server-less architectures

  • Evolves architecture monolithic to Event-Driven Microservices Architectures

  • Refactoring System Design for handling million of requests

  • Apply best practices with microservices design patterns and principles

  • Examine microservices patterns with all aspects like Communications, Data Management, Caching and Deployments

  • Prepare for Software Architecture Interviews

  • Prepare for System Design Architecture Interview exams.

I have been joined several famous company's architecture position interviews, also involved software architect positions assessment process more than 50+ interviews collect the architecture requirements for software industry positions.

So with this course, you will gain real-world experience about all architecture positions from monolithic to event-driven microservices architectures.

This course prepared for the beginner but at least you should familiar with basics of software architectures. This course will have good theoretical information but also will be 90% of hands-on design activities. All course architecture steps will designed step by step and together.

I hope you'll join me on this journey and develop this project with me.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 07:53
2 Architecture Design Journey - Evolution of Architectures 03:18
3 Way of Learning - The Course Flow 05:07
4 Choosing the Right Architecture for your Application 05:15
5 How to Follow the Course & Course Slides 02:46
6 First Problem: Sell Products Online 01:07
7 Understand E-Commerce Domain - Use Cases - Functional Requirement 02:23
8 Understand E-Commerce Domain - Non-Functional Requirements 03:00
9 Introduction - Monolithic Architecture 03:38
10 When to use Monolithic Architecture 04:04
11 Benefits of Monolithic Architecture 01:45
12 Challenges of Monolithic Architecture 03:18
13 Design principles of Monolithic Architecture -- KISS, YAGNI, DRY 03:48
14 Design the Architecture - E-Commerce App - KISS & YAGNI 03:41
15 Design & Iterate : Monolithic Architecture - E-Commerce Application 01:58
16 Evaluate : Monolithic Architecture - E-Commerce Application 01:19
17 Problem: Code Become Too Complex over time - Monolithic Architecture -E-Commerce 01:23
18 Layered (N-Layer) Architecture 03:37
19 Design principles - Separation of Concerns (SoC) 02:07
20 Design principles - SOLID 04:06
21 Design the Architecture - E-Commerce App - Layered Architecture 05:01
22 Adapt Technology Stack - E-Commerce App - Layered Architecture 02:01
23 DEMO: Layered Monolithic Architecture Code Review - E-Commerce App 05:28
24 Evaluate: Layered Monolithic Architecture 02:04
25 Problem: Highly Coupling Dependent Layers 01:52
26 Introduction the Clean Architecture 01:41
27 What is Clean Architecture 02:14
28 The Dependency Rule 01:05
29 Layers of Clean Architecture 02:42
30 Benefits of Clean Architecture 01:24
31 Design the Architecture - Clean Architecture - E-Commerce App 03:45
32 Adapt: Clean Architecture - E-Commerce App 01:29
33 DEMO: Clean Architecture Code Review - E-Commerce App 10:31
34 Evaluate: Clean Architecture 02:44
35 Problem: Increased Traffic, Handle More Request 01:18
36 Introduction Scalability - Why need to Scale ? 02:01
37 Scalability - Vertical Scaling - Horizontal Scaling 02:09
38 Vertical Scaling - Scale up 01:46
39 Horizontal Scaling - Scale out 01:34
40 What is Load Balancer ? Use Load Balancer Split the Load with Consistent Hashing 02:33
41 Design the Architecture - Scalability - E-Commerce App 03:49
42 Adapt the Architecture - Scalability - Load Balancer - E-Commerce App 00:59
43 Evaluate: Clean Architecture with Scalability - Load Balancer - E-Commerce App 04:17
44 Problem: Agility of New Features, Split Agile Teams 01:19
45 Introduction - Modular Monolithic Architecture 01:19
46 What is Modular Monolithic Architecture ? 04:19
47 Benefits of Modular Monolithic Architecture 01:37
48 Challenges of Modular Monolithic Architecture 00:52
49 When to use Modular Monolithic Architecture 02:18
50 Monolith First Approaches from Martin Fowler and Sam Newman 05:11
51 Monolithic Architecture Vertical Considerations, Communications of Monolithic 01:56
52 Transaction Management of Monolithic Architecture 02:17
53 Deployments of Monolithic Architecture 01:15
54 Design the Architecture - Modular Monolithic Architecture - E-Commerce App 04:16
55 Evaluate: Complexity of Presentation UI Operations- Modular Monolithic Architect 02:10
56 Problem: Improved customer experience with Separated UI and Omnichannel 01:53
57 Headless Architecture and Separated Presentation with SPA 03:22
58 Design the Architecture - Modular Monolithic Architecture with SPA -Separated UI 03:25
59 Adapt the Architecture - Modular Monolithic Architecture with SPA - Separated UI 01:45
60 DEMO: Modular Monolithic Architecture Code Review - E-Commerce App 10:39
61 Evaluate: Modular Monolithic Architecture with SPA 03:31
62 Problem: Agility of New Features, Split Agile Teams 02:24
63 Introduction - Microservices Architecture 02:19
64 What are Microservices ? 01:36
65 What is Microservices Architecture ? 02:43
66 Microservices Characteristics 04:17
67 Benefits of Microservices Architecture 05:44
68 Challenges of Microservices Architecture 04:03
69 When to Use Microservices Architecture - Best Practices 05:27
70 When Not to Use Microservices - Anti-Patterns of Microservices 04:59
71 Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture Comparison 04:42
72 The Database-per-Service Pattern - Polyglot Persistence 03:19
73 Design the Architecture - Microservices Architecture - First Iteration 04:49
74 Adapt the Architecture - Microservices Architecture - First Iteration 02:23
75 Evaluate: Microservices Architecture - First Iteration 02:46
76 Problem: Break Down Application into Microservices 01:27
77 Introduction - Decomposition of Microservices Architecture 02:41
78 Why we need to Decompose ? - The Scale Cube 04:45
79 Microservices Decomposition Pattern - Decompose by Business Capability 01:57
80 Microservices Decomposition Pattern - Decompose by Subdomain 01:46
81 Bounded Context Pattern (Domain-Driven Design - DDD) 03:50
82 Identify Bounded Context Boundaries for Each Microservices 03:47
83 Using Domain Analysis to Model Microservices and Checklist After Decomposition 03:49
84 Analysis E-Commerce Domain - Use Cases 02:23
85 Analysis E-Commerce Domain - Nouns and Verbs 04:04
86 Identifying and Decomposing Microservices for E-Commerce Domain 02:58
87 Design & Adapt: Microservices Architecture with Decomposition Patterns 02:47
88 Evaluate & Problem : Microservices Architecture and Client-Service Communication 01:54
89 Introduction - Microservices Communications - The Basics 03:16
90 What is Changed for Communications Between Monolithic to Microservices 03:46
91 Microservices Communication Types - Synchronous or Asynchronous Communication 05:54
92 Microservices Communication Styles: Request-Driven or Event-Driven Architecture 06:54
93 Microservices Synchronous Communications and Best Practices 04:40
94 Designing HTTP based RESTful APIs for Microservices 03:50
95 RESTful API design for Microservices 05:04
96 RESTful API design for Single Microservices 04:01
97 RESTful API design for E-Commerce Microservices 06:32
98 API versioning in Microservices RESTful APIs 01:22
99 Design: Microservices Architecture with RESTful API design 04:40
100 Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with RESTful API design 02:18
101 Problem: Multiple Request (N+1) for Retrieving Relational Data 01:45
102 GraphQL: A query language for APIs 02:41
103 GraphQL Core Concepts: Schemas, Queries, Mutations and Resolvers 02:44
104 Advantages and disadvantages of GraphQL 02:59
105 REST vs GraphQL APIs 01:44
106 Fetching data with REST and GraphQL 03:41
107 Design & Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with GraphQL API design 02:57
108 Problem: Inter-service communication makes heavy load on network traffic 04:12
109 gRPC: High Performance Remote Procedure Calls 01:36
110 How gRPC works ? 01:44
111 Main Advantages of gRPC 00:59
112 When to use gRPC ? Use Cases of gRPC 01:11
113 gRPC Usage in Microservices Communication 02:00
114 Design & Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with gRPC API design 02:46
115 Problem: Chat with Support Agent to answer Customer queries 01:19
116 WebSocket API: Real-time two-way communications 02:40
117 When to use WebSocket API and Uses Cases of WebSocket API 01:50
118 Design & Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with WebSocket API Design 02:08
119 Problem: Direct Client-to-Service Communication 03:44
120 Introduction: Microservices Communication Patterns - API Gateways 03:03
121 Problems of Direct-to-Microservices Communication 01:32
122 Why should we use API Gateway ? 03:56
123 The Solution - API Gateway Patterns 01:34
124 Gateway Routing pattern 02:52
125 Gateway Aggregation Pattern 03:12
126 Gateway Offloading Pattern 02:47
127 API Gateway Pattern 02:47
128 Main Features of API Gateway Pattern 02:41
129 A Request Flow of API Gateway Pattern 03:15
130 Design & Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with API Gateway Design 03:57
131 Problem: Client Apps has Different UI Requirements 03:09
132 Backends for Frontends Pattern-BFF 04:28
133 Design & Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with Backends for Frontend Pattern 03:23
134 Service-to-Service Communications between Backend Internal Microservices 02:56
135 Service-to-Service Communications Chain Queries 02:10
136 Problem: Service-to-Service Communications Chain Queries 01:23
137 Service Aggregator Pattern - Microservices Communications Design patterns 01:52
138 Service Registry/Discovery Pattern - Microservices Communications Design pattern 05:55
139 Design & Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with Service Aggregator, Registry 04:19
140 Adapt the Architecture - Microservices Architecture - Second Iteration 02:55
141 Problem: Long Running Operations Can't Handle with Sync Communication 04:04
142 Introduction - Microservices Asynchronous Message-Based Communication 02:17
143 Microservices Asynchronous Communication 05:09
144 Benefits of Asynchronous Communication 02:45
145 Challenges of Asynchronous Communication 01:43
146 Asynchronous Message-Based Communication Types in Microservices Architecture 02:03
147 Single-receiver Message-based Communication (one-to-one model-queue) 01:42
148 Multiple-receiver Message-based Communication (one-to-many model-topic) 04:02
149 Design Principles - Dependency Inversion Principles (DIP) 04:02
150 Fan-Out Publish/Subscribe Messaging Pattern 04:37
151 Topic-Queue Chaining & Load Balancing Pattern 04:33
152 Design: Microservices Architecture with Fan-Out Publish/Subscribe Messaging 02:30
153 Adapt: Microservices Architecture with Fan-Out Publish/Subscribe Messaging 02:54
154 Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with Fan-Out Publish/Subscribe Messaging 02:03
155 Problem: Databases Create Bottlenecks When Scaling 03:59
156 What is Apache Kafka ? 02:32
157 Apache Kafka Benefits 01:11
158 Apache Kafka Use Cases 01:54
159 Kafka Components - Topic, Partitions, Offset and Replication Factor 04:11
160 Apache Kafka Cluster Architecture 02:51
161 Apache Kafka Core APIs - Producer, Consumer, Streams and Connect API 02:23
162 What is RabbitMQ ? 01:20
163 RabbitMQ Components: Producer, Queue, Consumer, Message, Exchange, Binding 02:26
164 RabbitMQ Exchange Types: Direct, Fanout, Topic, and Headers 02:09
165 RabbitMQ Architecture 01:39
166 Introduction - Scale the Microservices Architecture Design 05:13
167 The Scale Cube 04:30
168 Stateless and Stateful Application Horizontal Scaling 04:31
169 Introduction - Microservices Data Management 04:39
170 Polyglot Persistence Principle in Microservices 03:41
171 Microservices Database Management Patterns and Principles 05:18
172 Design Patterns - The Database-per-Service Pattern 03:59
173 The Shared Database Anti-Pattern and Polyglot Persistence 03:51
174 Relational and NoSQL Databases - Document, Key-value, Graph-based, Column-based 03:40
175 NoSQL Databases Types - Document, Key-value, Graph-based, Column-based Databases 03:36
176 When to Use Relational Databases ? 02:48
177 When to Use No-SQL Databases ? 04:27
178 Best Practices When Choosing Data Store - Use Right Tool for Right Job 03:32
179 How to Choose a Database for Microservices 07:01
180 CAP Theorem 05:01
181 Problem: Single Database Server Performs Low Performance 02:23
182 What is Data Partitioning ? and Why we are using Data Partitioning ? 02:56
183 Data Partitioning: Horizontal, Vertical and Functional Data Partitioning 04:30
184 Database Sharding Pattern 02:36
185 Tinder System Design Example of Database Sharding Pattern 01:15
186 Cassandra No-Sql Database - Peer-to-Peer Distributed Wide Column Database 02:48
187 Design: Microservices Architecture with Database Sharding Pattern 04:09
188 Adapt: Microservices Architecture with Database Sharding Pattern - Cassandra 02:36
189 Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with Database Sharding Pattern - Cassandra 01:58
190 Problem: Cross-Service Queries and Write Commands on Distributed Scaled Database 01:48
191 Introduction - Microservices Data Management - Commands and Queries 03:39
192 Microservices Data Management - Cross-Service Queries 07:02
193 Problem: Cross-Service Queries with Sync Response, Decouple Way and Low Latency 03:23
194 Materialized View Pattern 05:02
195 CQRS — Command Query Responsibility Segregation Pattern 05:36
196 CQRS — Benefits and Drawbacks 02:36
197 Best Practices for CQRS and Instagram Database Architecture with CQRS 03:06
198 How to Sync Read and Write Databases in CQRS ? 03:14
199 Event Sourcing Pattern 02:15
200 CQRS with Event Sourcing Pattern 03:59
201 Eventual Consistency Principle 02:51
202 Design: Instagram System Architecture 03:02
203 Design: Instagram Database Architecture 02:59
204 Design: Microservices Architecture with CQRS, Event Sourcing,Eventual Consistent 03:31
205 Adapt: Microservices Architecture with CQRS, Event Sourcing, Eventual Consistent 03:01
206 Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with CQRS, Event Sourcing, Eventual Consist 03:11
207 Problem: Manage Consistency Across Microservices in Distributed Transactions 03:29
208 Introduction - Microservices Distributed Transactions 04:18
209 Transaction Fundamentals and ACID Principles 02:36
210 Transaction Management of Monolithic Architecture 02:04
211 Microservices Distributed Transactions 07:12
212 Microservices Bounded Context for Transactional Boundaries 03:38
213 Microservices Transactional Boundaries 05:54
214 SAGA Pattern for Distributed Transactions 04:54
215 SAGA Pattern - Choreography-based SAGA Implementation 05:12
216 SAGA Pattern - Orchestration-based SAGA Implementation 03:09
217 Compensating Transaction Pattern 02:23
218 Problem: Dual Write Problem 05:07
219 Transactional Outbox Pattern 02:56
220 Transactional Outbox Pattern in Microservices 04:06
221 Problem: Listen and Polling Outbox Table 02:58
222 What is CDC - Change Data Capture ? 01:41
223 CDC - Change Data Capture with Outbox Pattern 05:50
224 Implementation of CDC and Outbox Pattern with Cloud Databases - CockroachDB 02:30
225 Implementation of CDC and Outbox Pattern with Cloud Databases: Azure CosmosDB 06:36
226 Design: Microservices Architecture with SAGA, Outbox Pattern and CDC 07:10
227 Adapt: Microservice Architecture with SAGA, Transactional Outbox and CDC Pattern 02:12
228 Evaluate: Microservices Architecture with SAGA, Transactional Outbox and CDC 04:36
229 Problem: Handle Millions of Events Across Microservices 02:05
230 Introduction - Event-Driven Microservices Architectures 03:04
231 Event-Driven Microservices Architecture 02:58
232 Real-time Processing and High Volume Events in Event-Driven Microservices 01:59
233 Event Hubs and Event Streaming in Event-Driven Microservices Architecture 03:15
234 Real-world Examples of Event-Driven Microservices Architecture 03:15
235 Design: Event-Driven Microservices Architecture 02:35
236 Adapt: Event-Driven Microservices Architecture 02:21
237 Evaluate: Event-Driven Microservices Architecture 03:30
238 Problem: Database operations are expensive, low performance 02:56
239 Introduction - Microservices Distributed Caching 02:24
240 What is Caching ? 01:31
241 Types of Caching 01:19
242 Distributed Caching in Microservices 04:02
243 Cache Hit and Cache Miss 01:28
244 Caching Strategies in Distributed Caching for Microservices 05:21
245 Cache-Aside Pattern for Microservices 03:29
246 Design: Microservices Distributed Caching with Cache-Aside Pattern 03:35
247 Adapt: Microservices Distributed Caching with Cache-Aside Pattern 02:46
248 Evaluate: Microservices Distributed Caching with Cache-Aside Pattern 02:24
249 Problem: Deploy Microservices at Anytime with Zero-downtime and flexible scale 03:48
250 Introduction - Microservices Deployments with Containers and Orchestrators 03:07
251 What are Containers ? 04:23
252 What is Docker ? 01:26
253 Docker Containers, Images, and Registries 02:24
254 Why we use them for microservices deployments ? 02:29
255 What are Container Orchestrators ? 04:24
256 What is Kubernetes and why we use them for microservices deployments ? 02:43
257 Kubernetes Architecture 04:41
258 Kubernetes Components 04:35
259 Helm Charts with Kubernetes for Microservices Deployments 02:15
260 Sidecar Pattern and How Does the Sidecar Pattern Work for Microservices Deploy 06:11
261 Service Mesh Pattern and How Does the Service Mesh Pattern Work for Microservice 03:14
262 Devops and CI/CD Pipelines for Microservices Deployments 02:24
263 CI/CD Pipeline Steps for Microservices Deployments 03:57
264 CI/CD Tools for Microservices Deployments 04:58
265 Deployment Strategies for Microservices: Blue-green, rolling and canary deploy 02:41
266 Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and usage in Microservices Deployments 02:15
267 Design: Microservices Deployments with Containers and Orchestrators 07:54
268 Adapt: Microservices using Containers and Orchestrators 07:29
269 Evaluate: Microservices with using Containers and Orchestrators 03:17
270 Problem: Fault tolerance Microservices able to remains operational for any fail 03:53
271 Introduction - Microservices Resilience, Observability and Monitoring 04:35
272 What is Microservices Resiliency 04:26
273 Microservices Resiliency Patterns 03:48
274 Retry Pattern 04:17
275 Circuit Breaker Pattern 04:09
276 Circuit Breaker States 01:11
277 Retry + Circuit Breaker Pattern 03:58
278 Bulkhead Pattern 04:54
279 Timeout Pattern 01:47
280 Fallback Pattern 01:32
281 Microservices Observability with Distributed Logging and Distributed Tracing 04:26
282 Elastic Stack for Microservices Observability with Distributed Logging 05:38
283 Microservices Distributed Tracing with OpenTelemetry using Zipkin 03:37
284 Microservices Health Checks: Liveness, Readiness and Performance Checks 02:54
285 Microservices Health Monitoring with Kubernetes, Prometheus and Grafana 03:22
286 Design: Microservices Resilience, Observability and Monitoring 04:36
287 Adapt: Microservices Resilience, Observability and Monitoring 02:20
288 Implementation of Microservices Architecture 08:36
289 DEMO: Microservices Architecture Code Review - E-Commerce App 16:20
290 Catalog Microservices Code Review - E-Commerce App 08:04
291 Basket Microservices Code Review - E-Commerce App 10:07
292 Discount Microservices Code Review - E-Commerce App 05:04
293 Ordering Microservices Code Review - E-Commerce App 06:35
294 API Gateways Microservices Code Review - E-Commerce App 07:06
295 Client Applications Code Review - E-Commerce App 03:32
296 Microservices Resilience, Observability, Monitoring Code Review - E-Commerce App 08:26
297 Introduction - Serverless Microservices 02:28
298 AWS Serverless Microservices with Patterns & Best Practices 05:01
299 AWS Lambda as a Microservice 04:38
300 Mapping Microservice Architecture with AWS Serverless Services for Microservice 04:26
301 Event-driven Serverless Microservices Design with AWS Lambda 06:22
302 Thanks 01:03

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