Adobe After Effects for Beginners

4h 25m 18s

In this hands-on course, you'll learn how to use After Effects. In 4.5 hours of detailed instruction from video production expert Dave Bode, you’ll start at the absolute beginning by learning the interface, and then you'll move on to tools, workflow, keyframing, comps and precomping, shapes, masks, and so much more! You'll then practise your new skills by building a lower third from scratch.

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# Title Duration
1 1.1 Introduction 00:50
2 2.1 After Effects Tour 09:57
3 2.2 Main Panels 10:05
4 2.3 Settings 07:47
5 2.4 Tools 08:53
6 2.5 More Tools 06:18
7 3.1 Compositions 08:54
8 3.2 Precomposing 08:11
9 3.3 Layer Properties 09:33
10 4.1 Keyframe Basics 06:40
11 4.2 More Than Linear 10:38
12 4.3 Spatial Interpolation 08:06
13 5.1 Masks 08:43
14 5.2 Shape Layers: Part 1 09:25
15 5.3 Shape Layers: Part 2 10:06
16 5.4 Text 07:17
17 5.5 More Text 10:10
18 6.1 2.5D 08:38
19 6.2 More 2.5D 05:06
20 7.1 Motion Tracking, Camera Tracking, and 3D Text 09:12
21 7.2 More Motion Tracking 06:16
22 7.3 Camera Tracking 07:36
23 7.4 3D Text 11:04
24 8.1 Mattes 10:56
25 8.2 EFFECTS! 10:51
26 8.3 MORE EFFECTS! 11:20
27 8.4 Mind-Blowing Third-Party Effects 10:40
28 9.1 Build a Lower Third From Scratch! 11:02
29 9.2 Final Touches on the Lower Third 10:35
30 10.1 Exporting 09:12
31 11.1 Conclusion 01:17

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