Logo Animation in After Effects

8h 18m 36s

A structured online course for the future logo animation rockstar. You will learn how to animate almost any icon or logotype, morph it to everything and tell short fun stories.

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What is this course about?

Our team enjoys logo animation as it’s always really funny. It’s a perfect chance for you to develop your own creativity, to experiment on new techniques and technologies, and a good opportunity to attract the attention of community and potential clients to yourself (yep, that really works).

Logo animation has an extremely low cost of a mistake. If something went wrong, you can always change everything quickly and easily. It gives free rein and allows you to learn something new quickly. That is why we have decided to create this course, which is full of experiments, lifehacks and techniques, cheating in a workflow, analyzing someone else's works, and lots of fun.

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# Title Duration
1 1. Plot And Idea Generation 19:23
2 2.Animation Principles In Action - Lesson 11:33
3 2.2 Animation Principles In Action - Lesson 11:24
4 3. Animation Principles in action pt. 2 37:51
5 3.1 Bonus 06:42
6 4.1 Magic of Morphing 09:37
7 4.2 Magic of Morphing 34:52
8 5. Stroke Style 32:39
9 6. Advanced Stroke Techniques 33:32
10 7. Modern Lettering Animation 29:53
11 8. Classic Lettering Animation 44:02
12 9. Basic glitch animation 22:28
13 10.Stylized glitch based on shape layers 36:38
14 11. Advanced glitch animation 45:11
15 12. Animation of liquids 42:22
16 13. Liquid elements in logo animation 27:05
17 14. How to deal with mascot 53:24

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