WebAssembly: A Practical Guide

2h 29m 41s

Learn WebAssembly to develop high-performance applications with near-native performance. Take your programming skills to the next level by learning this cutting-edge web technology.

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This intro to WebAssembly course will teach you how to use WebAssembly to develop high-performance applications with near-native performance. You’ll even learn Rust programming language fundamentals and build an image processing project that you can add to your portfolio and see the power of WASM using Rust.

You might be thinking... what does Rust have to do with WebAssembly? Well using Rust with WebAssembly is the most common and recommended way to use WebAssembly. And like all of our courses, we only teach you what matters.

The main goal of this course is to help JavaScript developers who aren't used to systems programming.

You will learn what WebAssembly is, why you would consider adding it to your stack, and how to properly integrate it into your project.

You will get to experience what it's like to access a user's hardware to perform intensive tasks, such as image processing and even develop an image processing project that you can add to your portfolio.

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# Title Duration
1 What is WebAssembly? 08:54
2 Getting Started with Rust 06:21
3 Exploring the Starter Project 06:47
4 Variables 05:11
5 Data Types 06:48
6 Debugging with Macros 06:52
7 Control Flow 04:37
8 Match Expressions 07:49
9 Arrays 02:50
10 Vectors 05:22
11 Structures 04:08
12 Ownership 06:52
13 Results 08:19
14 Preparing the Project 03:38
15 Installing Webpack 03:38
16 Configuring Webpack 10:06
17 Reading Files 08:11
18 Compiling Rust with Webpack 04:50
19 Importing Web Assembly 05:51
20 Logging Files 09:17
21 Base64 Decoding 03:12
22 Loading an Image from Memory 03:00
23 Grayscaling an Image 02:58
24 Buffering an Image 04:23
25 Encoding an Image 05:42
26 App Deployment 04:05

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