Getting started with WebAssembly & Emscripten

2h 28m 53s
A complete guide for learning the WebAssembly JavaScript API and Emscripten toolset. Learn to create and use WebAssembly Modules from scratch using Emscripten. Bring your skills up to date with the very latest technology in Web Development.
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This course is suitable for both beginners and experienced developers looking to get started with WebAssembly.

  • Understand what WebAssembly is and how it speeds up the web

  • Use native JavaScript APIs to load and run WebAssembly modules

  • Learn to use Emscripten and compile your own C or C++ code as a WebAssembly module

  • Use WebAssembly in a real-world project and micro benchmark

An invaluable skill for any developer looking to future-proof their skills

WebAssembly is the most promising new technology for the web, allowing browsers, and other JavaScript environments, to run blazing-fast raw binary modules, compiled directly from C, C++ and many other languages.

Understanding WebAssembly is an invaluable skill for anyone working with JavaScript or compiled languages, allowing you to bridge the gap between native software development and web-based JavaScript.

This course will provide a very practical and concise approach to learning WebAssembly & Emscripten, and will give you a solid base to immediately start creating and implementing fast, optimised WebAssembly modules.

Content and Overview

This course aims to teach a solid foundational understanding of what WebAssembly is, and why it's so powerful.

Section one starts with an overview of WebAssembly and a detailed setup lesson to help you follow along every step of the way.

Section two covers the native JavaScript browser API for loading and running WebAssembly modules. This section also includes importing and exporting functions to and from a WebAssembly module, and shows how to access WebAssembly memory.

The third and most substantial part of the course, covers Emscripten in-depth. Teaching everything from installing Emscripten on either Mac, Windows or Linux, compiling C code from scratch and the general Module runtime cycle.

This Emscripten section also teaches some more advanced features of Emscripten, including calling JavaScript from a WebAssembly module and vice-versa.

The final section of the course is a practical 4-part lesson, teaching how to implement a fully animated HTML5 Canvas project using WebAssembly as the main processor.

Upon completion of this course you will have the practical skills to immediately start creating high performance WebAssembly modules.

This course is to the point and everything is demonstrated in the most simple, yet practical ways.


  • Must understand JavaScript in the Browser environment

  • Be capable of basic Command Line (Terminal) usage

  • Some experience with C or C++ beneficial, but not required.

Who this course is for:
  • Web Developers wanting to learn WebAssembly from scratch
  • C, C++ or other compiled language developers looking to expand their software reach by developing for the web
  • JavaScript Developers of all levels.

What you'll learn:

  • Understand what WebAssembly is and how it will impact Web Development
  • Learn to load and run WebAssembly modules, using native JavaScript browser APIs
  • Compile C and C++ code using Emscripten
  • Advanced Emscripten features such as calling JS from WA and vice-versa

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:00
2 Prerequisites & Lesson Structure 06:09
3 Loading a WASM 06:40
4 Exports: Calling C from JavaScript 04:48
5 Imports: Calling JavaScript from C 07:30
6 Memory Access: Reading Strings 08:21
7 Custom Memory Imports 06:01
8 What is Emscripten? 02:36
9 Installing Emscripten Tools 12:00
10 Compiling your first WASM 06:57
11 Compilation Options 06:07
12 Exporting C functions to JavaScript 09:05
13 Calling JavaScript functions from C 09:27
14 Preamble Conversion Functions 05:06
15 Emscripten Module & Memory Buffer 02:57
16 Debugging 03:27
17 Runtime Initialisation 02:55
18 Emrun 02:14
19 Micro Benchmark: Prime Numbers 10:28
20 Canvas Project 1: Setup 09:24
21 Canvas Project 2: Data Structure 13:11
22 Canvas Project 3: Animation 10:39
23 Bonus Lecture: Feedback & Courses 00:51

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