Vue JS 3: Composition API (with Pinia, Firebase 9 & Vite)

9h 10m 13s
October 30, 2024

If you’re already familiar with Vue 2 & The Options API, then this course will teach you everything you need to know to switch over to (and get started with) Vue 3 & the amazing new Composition API. My name’s Danny, I’m an Indie App Developer & Creator of Fudget, the highest rated personal finance app for iOS, Android, Mac & Windows. And I’ve spent the last 12 months creating Fudget 2 - which is built on Vue 3 & The Composition API.


In this course you’ll start by learning the key differences between the Options API & Composition API by creating a simple Options API app & converting it to the Composition API.

You’ll then master all of the basics including:

  • Reactive data with Refs & Reactive Objects

  • Methods, Computed Properties & Watchers

  • Lifecycle Hooks

  • Directives

  • Vue Router

  • Child Components - including the new ways of handling props, emits & modelValue

  • Dynamic Components

  • Composables - how to create them from scratch & how to import them from the VueUse library

  • And you’ll learn State Management using Pinia, the incredible successor to Vuex

After learning the basics, you’re gonna create a real world app called Noteballs from scratch - which has full CRUD capabilities, uses Pinia for State Management and demonstrates real-world use of all the basics you learned earlier.

After this course, you’ll be able to create your own Vue 3 apps based entirely on the Composition API - from scratch.

This course requires a basic understanding of Vue 2 & The Options API, HTML, CSS & JavaScript.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 08:03
2 What is the Composition API? 05:37
3 Editor & Software Setup 07:45
4 Vue Devtools 02:08
5 Vue 3 Docs & Install Node.js 01:06
6 Create a Vue Project 02:39
7 Project Setup 03:44
8 Options API - Design 01:35
9 Options API - Data & Methods 02:00
10 Convert it to Composition API 01:28
11 Composition API - Data (refs) & Methods 03:21
12 Script Setup - An Easier Way! 02:52
13 Refs 01:28
14 Two-Way Data Binding 01:32
15 Reactive Objects 03:00
16 Non-Reactive Data 01:21
17 Methods 03:41
18 Computed Properties 04:15
19 A Note on Filters 01:33
20 Watch 03:42
21 Mounted Hooks 04:19
22 Activated Hooks 02:01
23 Updated Hooks 01:32
24 Multiple Hooks! 02:13
25 Local Custom Directives 03:49
26 Global Custom Directives 02:51
27 $route - Part 1 03:50
28 $route - Part 2 03:22
29 useRoute 02:41
30 useRouter 03:30
31 Lists (v-for) 02:55
32 Template Refs 03:05
33 nextTick 01:52
34 Teleport - Part 1 04:24
35 Teleport - Part 2 03:22
36 Child Components 02:52
37 Fix Lazy-Loading Views 01:36
38 Slots 03:35
39 Props 03:52
40 Emits 03:53
41 modelValue 02:25
42 update:modelValue 02:39
43 Dynamic Components - Part 1 02:47
44 Dynamic Components - Part 2 02:20
45 Provide / Inject - Part 1 04:11
46 Provide / Inject - Part 2 03:14
47 What is a Composable? 04:55
48 Create a Composable 02:40
49 Use Our Composable 03:27
50 Reuse our Composable 04:16
51 Add Composable from VueUse 03:28
52 What is State Management? 05:36
53 Composable State vs Vuex vs Pinia 05:03
54 State - Part 1 02:42
55 State - Part 2 05:42
56 Actions 03:41
57 Getters 02:43
58 Use our Store Anywhere 02:23
59 Introduction & Noteballs App 02:07
60 Create Project 02:15
61 Router - Install & Setup 03:03
62 Router - Add Some Routes 04:01
63 Add RouterView & Navigation 01:51
64 Router - Tidying Up 02:20
65 Install Bulma 03:10
66 Nav Bar - Design 02:47
67 Nav Bar - Navigation & Logo 02:55
68 Nav Bar - Responsive Design & Menu 05:06
69 Pages (Design) 02:05
70 Notes (Design) 01:52
71 Add Note Form (Design) 02:31
72 Notes Array (Ref) 02:38
73 Add Note Method 09:01
74 Child Component - Note 02:33
75 Props (Note) 01:35
76 Computed (Note Length) 05:46
77 Delete Note (Emit) 06:25
78 Pinia - Setup & State 04:21
79 Use Our Store 03:41
80 Action - Add Note 03:48
81 Action (with Parameters) - Add Note 02:39
82 Action - Delete Note 05:16
83 Edit Note Page & Route 04:39
84 Reusable Component - AddEditNote 03:58
85 Hook up with modelValue 05:33
86 Fix the Focus 05:05
87 Custom Color, Placeholder & Label Props 10:33
88 Getter - Get Note Content (useRoute) 05:36
89 Getter (with Parameters) - Get Note Content 03:10
90 Action - Update Note 06:25
91 useRouter - Redirect to Notes Page 01:21
92 More Getters & Stats Page 07:34
93 Directive - Autofocus 02:08
94 Global Directive - Autofocus 02:58
95 Watch the Number of Characters (Watch) 02:11
96 Composable - useWatchCharacters 04:25
97 Composable - Multiple Parameters 02:49
98 Click Outside Composable (VueUse, Template Refs) 06:11
99 Delete Modal Design (Reactive Objects) 07:20
100 Hide the Delete Modal (modelValue & update:modelValue) 05:22
101 Delete Modal - Click Outside to Close 03:35
102 Delete Modal - Keyboard Control (Lifecycle Hooks) 06:19
103 Delete Modal - Delete The Note 04:58
104 Introduction to Firebase 03:30
105 Create a Firebase Project 01:47
106 Create App & Install Firebase 02:04
107 Setup Firestore Database 02:36
108 Connect to Database 02:24
109 Display Notes from Firestore 07:18
110 Get Notes in Real Time 07:50
111 Add Note 06:22
112 Delete Note 02:37
113 Update Note 05:06
114 Order Notes by Date (ID) 05:33
115 Improve Document Structure & Auto ID’s 05:27
116 Display Date on Note 09:38
117 Add a Progress Bar 04:55
118 Show Placeholder when No Notes 02:09
119 Login & Register Page - Tabs 07:30
120 Login & Register Page - Form 08:32
121 Firestore Authentication & Auth Store 03:41
122 Register User 07:06
123 Logout User 02:25
124 Login User 03:26
125 Listen for Auth Changes & Store User Data 07:51
126 Improve Logout Button 04:04
127 Redirect User on Auth Change 05:24
128 Restructure Database for Multiple Users 05:43
129 Setup Refs for Multiple Users 07:19
130 Clear Notes array in State when user logs out 04:13
131 Unsubscribe from the Get Notes Listener 08:54
132 Navigation Guards - Part 1 03:49
133 Navigation Guards - Part 2 04:47
134 Firestore Security Rules - Part 1 03:31
135 Firebase Security Rules - Part 2 05:20
136 Hosting - Part 1 06:19
137 Hosting - Part 2 04:08
138 Bonus Lecture 02:23

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