The Complete Guide to Data Fetching in Nuxt

1h 32m 52s
In the world of Nuxt, there is a fascinating variety of options for obtaining data in an application. You can block navigation until loading is complete or load data lazily after page switching. Additionally, Nuxt allows you to fetch data exclusively on the client, exclusively on the server, or on both simultaneously. It also offers various caching strategies for optimizing performance. In this course, we will delve into useFetch and useAsyncData so you can become a true expert in data fetching! Fetching data in Nuxt seems simple, but there are many nuances: from controlling the timing and method of data retrieval to optimization through caching. All of this gives you flexibility but also requires deep knowledge.
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What you will learn:

  • Differences between useFetch, useAsyncData, and $fetch: when and how to use each of these tools to achieve optimal results.
  • Control over blocking and non-blocking requests: how to manage navigation behavior, implement loading indicators, and enhance user experience.
  • Caching strategies: how to use the key parameter in useFetch and useAsyncData for caching responses, reducing request numbers, and boosting performance.
  • Effective error management: learn to handle errors so that your application remains resilient even during failures.
  • Organization of parallel requests: find out how to execute multiple requests simultaneously to speed up your application.
  • Load optimization: reduce the size of transmitted data to increase loading speed and application performance.
  • Deep dive into data serialization: understand how data is transmitted from server to client and how built-in API endpoints affect this process.
  • Creating custom composable functions: expand your capabilities by developing unique data-fetching solutions tailored to your project's specifics.

Why this course?

If data fetching seems complex or a secondary process to you, this course will change your perspective. Through practical examples and step-by-step instructions, you will not only master Nuxt tools for data handling but also understand why they work the way they do. The knowledge gained will enable you to create fast, efficient, and reliable Nuxt applications that satisfy even the most demanding users.

Ready to level up? Join the course and learn to maximize the potential of Nuxt's capabilities in data handling!

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# Title Duration
1 Intro to Data Fetching in Nuxt 04:50
2 useFetch vs useAsyncData vs $fetch 10:26
3 Another Use Case for $fetch - in API Endpoints 02:42
4 To Await or Not Await useFetch (Blocking vs Non-Blocking) 05:27
5 Loading Indicators on Blocking and Non-Blocking Requests 06:08
6 ReRunning Fetch Requests Automatically and Manually 07:39
7 Error Handling with useFetch 05:53
8 Making Parallel Requests in Nuxt 04:42
9 How to Cache Data with the Key Option for useAsyncData and useFetch 06:59
10 Caching Responses with useFetch and useAsyncData in Nuxt 06:09
11 How to Minimize the Payload Size with Nuxt useFetch 05:57
12 A Brief Overview of Other Nuxt useFetch Configuration Options 07:02
13 How Data is Serialized from Server to Client In Nuxt 04:31
14 Data Serialization from Internal API Endpoints in Nuxt 11:33
15 Create a Custom useFetch Nuxt Composable 01:59
16 Conclusion 00:55

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