Internet of Things (IoT) - The Mega Course

3h 25m 36s

If you want to make career in Internet of Things: an evolving technology than this course is for you. You will learn everything from high level controllers to interactive  dashboard designing. Internet of Things is a general term used for devices talking over a network for the purpose of Monitoring, Analysis & Control without any human interference.  As per the definition you will learn the design for all three aspects of IoT i.e. Monitoring, Analysis & Control

Read more about the course

This course is based on hands on approach where you will be doing various projects with different hardware and with different communication technologies so that you will not be limited to one platform.

You will do these 4 Major Projects which you can include in your CV as well

1. Weather Station Using Arduino

2. Water Level Email Notifier using Raspberry Pi

3. Water Level Indicator with a Globally accessible Dashboard

4. Smart Bulb which can be controlled from anywhere on the globe.

After doing all these high level stuffs your IoT design skills will improve gradually.

All the best!

  • Beginner level knowledge of Programming.
  • Having a beginner level understanding of electronic and electrical circuits is recommended but not necessary
  • Having access to Raspberry Pi or Arduino
Who this course is for:
  • Anyone who is interested in learning about new technologies
  • Students , developers and technical designers

What you'll learn:

  • Understand what Internet of Things are?
  • Controlling home appliances from anywhere in the world
  • Use some of the physical devices like Arduino and Raspberry Pi
  • Design some of the IoT applications
  • Attractive Dashboard design for different applications

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# Title Duration
1 Who we are? & What we gonna do? 02:37
2 Exact Definition of IoT! 03:10
3 What are the Things in IoT? 01:27
4 Introduction to Section 3 01:25
5 Introduction to Section 4 01:05
6 General Block Diagram 04:49
7 Role of Micro-controllers 04:08
8 How Things Communicate? 04:27
9 Does every IoT has "Internet"? 01:51
10 Intro to Section 5 01:14
11 Some Basic Circuits 04:13
12 Intro to Section 6 03:12
13 Technical Description of Arduino 05:04
14 Setting Up Arduino IDE 06:52
15 Blinking LED 08:19
16 Reading a Button 07:18
17 Project 1: Smart Lighting for Your Smart Home 06:09
18 Intro to Section 7 02:00
19 Technical Description of RPi 08:38
20 Raspberry Pi Vs Arduino 04:22
21 Operating Systems for RPi 03:41
22 Preparing SD Card for Pi 04:11
23 Exploring Raspberry Pi Environment 05:15
24 Intro to Section 8 02:59
25 Basic Python Programming 13:41
26 Controlling GPIO's with Python 13:34
27 Project 2: Distance Measurement through UItrasonic Sensor 05:51
28 What we have covered in IoT? 03:06
29 Weather Station Using Arduino 01:52
30 Reading Temperature Sensor 04:00
31 Creating a Channel on Thingspeak 06:58
32 Introduction to Sim800/900 04:40
33 Code for Weather Station 08:50
34 Intro to Section 11 01:02
35 Fun with Node-RED 06:29
36 Building our Application 05:35
37 Water Level Indicator with a global dashboard 01:32
38 Creating account on IBM Bluemix 03:23
39 Creating Water Level Indicator Application on Bluemix 10:32
40 Coding Raspberry Pi as Data Logger 04:29
41 Control a bulb from anywhere in the world 01:19
42 Creating NodeRED Application for project 05:53
43 Programming RPi for Smart Bulb App 03:23
44 What we learnt? & Good Bye 01:01

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