Ultimate Next.js 13 Course + eBook
Enter the new era of React. Here’s a little known fact. 17% of the top 1 million websites use Next.js. And Next 13 usage in those top 1 million is doubling every month.
Read more about the course
1. Deep dive & understand how it works
Just knowing how to do something isn’t enough.
Not with ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot and new tools that can output better code every day.
See, understanding how the web actually works makes you future-proof.
You’ll be able to prompt little pieces of code and bring them together into a well-architectured app instead of getting replaced.
2. Build and deploy a complex app
If you have half the pieces of a puzzle?
You have a terrible puzzle.
That’s why theory, short tutorials, and docs aren’t enough. How do you actually bring it all together into a production-ready app?
That’s what separates a great dev from the mediocre junior who just takes on tasks given from above like a robot.
And finally ...
3. Active lessons so you’re 100% confident you can code it yourself
Look. The biggest issue with project-based tutorials is that people sometimes just follow along.
You need to practice yourself because no one will code the app for you.
This is why I added Active lessons.
Here you code the most important parts of the app.
You Master the features of Next13 to guarantee you walk away with the skills to build stunning apps with Next13 on your own.
Master the most sought-after tech stack of 2023 and beyond
You’ll need intermediate knowledge of JavaScript (eg. array methods, spread, try catch...) and beginner knowledge of React (components & JSX syntax, managing state, functional components) to take the course.
If you’re unfamiliar with these, don’t worry. We’ll provide you the resources to get you up to speed, but it definitely won’t be as easy as if you had experience beforehand.
If you’re asking if you need to know TypeScript - you don’t. Here at JSM we learn by building apps & this is the perfect chance to learn it since TypeScript is used in most industry projects.
Watch Online Ultimate Next.js 13 Course + eBook
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Intro | 12:02 |
2 | Prerequisites | 04:36 |
3 | Before Next.js | 08:51 |
4 | Introduction to Next.js | 13:01 |
5 | How Web Works | 08:21 |
6 | DevFlow Project Setup | 04:46 |
7 | Eslint Prettier Setup | 10:43 |
8 | Git-Github Setup | 02:16 |
9 | Tailwind CSS Setup | 17:39 |
10 | Code Architecture | 03:51 |
11 | What is Next.js Routing_ | 21:03 |
12 | Creating Routes for DevFlow | 07:23 |
13 | Client vs. Server Paradigm | 15:43 |
14 | Different Rendering Strategies | 15:26 |
15 | The Modern Auth Service | 02:05 |
16 | Setup Auth for DevFlow | 08:27 |
17 | Creating Layouts using Next-Font and Metadata in DevFlow | 08:38 |
18 | Creating a Global Theme Context for DevFlow | 12:15 |
19 | Container and User Account | 12:29 |
20 | Shadcn Installation | 03:28 |
21 | Theme Switcher and Mobile Navigation | 41:28 |
22 | Active Lesson 1 — Create a LeftSidebar | 04:37 |
23 | LeftSidebar Component | 10:50 |
24 | Active Lesson 2 — Create a RightSidebar | 00:39 |
25 | RightSidebar Component | 17:27 |
26 | Home Route | 05:03 |
27 | Active Lesson 3 — Create a LocalSearchbar | 00:21 |
28 | LocalSearchbar Component | 08:30 |
29 | Active Lesson 4 — Create a Filter | 00:44 |
30 | Home Filters | 16:25 |
31 | Create Question Card | 50:54 |
32 | Question Form and Validations | 17:20 |
33 | The Question Editor | 09:30 |
34 | Custom Multiple Tags Input | 10:35 |
35 | Making the Form Reusable | 05:09 |
36 | Thinking in Backend | 08:50 |
37 | MongoDB and Server Actions Setup | 13:02 |
38 | Creating Question Model | 05:47 |
39 | Creating a User Model | 05:55 |
40 | Creating a Tag Model | 02:16 |
41 | Create Question Action | 24:09 |
42 | Display Questions on the Home Page | 15:59 |
43 | Why _ what are Webhooks | 03:01 |
44 | Implement Webhooks and User Actions | 16:12 |
45 | Deploy Webhooks | 29:23 |
46 | Create Community Page | 22:52 |
47 | Create Tags Page | 09:01 |
48 | Create Question Details Page | 14:52 |
49 | Parse _ display Question Content | 13:42 |
50 | Create Answer Form | 15:10 |
51 | Create Answer Model | 04:09 |
52 | Implement Create Answer action | 04:02 |
53 | Integrate Create Answer action inside Answer Form | 10:47 |
54 | Display All Answers | 21:34 |
55 | Create Votes UI | 09:54 |
56 | Create Upvote-DownVote actions for Question | 06:57 |
57 | Integrate Question upvote-downvote actions on UI | 11:34 |
58 | Create Answer Voting | 09:36 |
59 | Implement Save Question Action and Create Collection Page | 05:34 |
60 | Display all saved questions | 12:21 |
61 | Create Question Details Page View | 14:23 |
62 | Create a Tag Details Page | 17:52 |
63 | Create Profile Page | 25:59 |
64 | Create User Stats UI | 09:08 |
65 | Implement User Questions Tab | 08:47 |
66 | Implement User Answers Tabs | 14:30 |
67 | Implement Edit-Delete Question-Answer Component | 16:37 |
68 | Create Edit Question Page | 15:30 |
69 | Create Edit Profile Page | 22:58 |
70 | Show Top Questions | 03:38 |
71 | Show Popular Tags | 03:44 |
72 | Manage search state | 22:12 |
73 | Implement Search functionality for the Home page | 06:49 |
74 | Implement Search functionality for the Community page | 03:16 |
75 | Implement Search functionality for the Collection page | 01:34 |
76 | Implement Search functionality for the Tags page | 04:24 |
77 | Manage Filter state | 06:25 |
78 | Integrate Filters on Home page | 04:46 |
79 | Integrate Filters on the Community page | 06:42 |
80 | Integrate Filters on the Collection page | 03:45 |
81 | Integrate Filters for Tags and Answers | 08:32 |
82 | Create Pagination component | 10:40 |
83 | Implement pagination on the Home page | 05:42 |
84 | Implement pagination for the rest of the pages | 22:04 |
85 | Create the Global Search UI | 09:10 |
86 | Create GlobalSearch Result Component | 19:29 |
87 | Create Global Search Filters | 09:22 |
88 | Implement the GlobalSearch action | 27:26 |
89 | What is Reputation and how to approach it | 01:42 |
90 | Implement Reputation points for Questions | 08:32 |
91 | Implement Reputation points for Answers | 06:03 |
92 | More on Reputation and how to extend it | 01:09 |
93 | Implement the Badge System | 15:56 |
94 | Setup AI Answer feature | 05:41 |
95 | Implement the API route for the AI feature | 08:46 |
96 | Display the AI results on the UI | 05:40 |
97 | Setup AI Answer feature | 05:41 |
98 | Create a Loading state for the Community page | 04:19 |
99 | Create Loading states for the rest of the pages | 02:15 |
100 | Create toasts for a few actions | 08:46 |
101 | What is Metadata and how to implement it | 05:07 |
102 | Fix bugs and implement Recommendations | 18:49 |
103 | Upgrade Next.js to the latest version | 03:52 |
104 | Deploy the application | 21:28 |
105 | Introduction to the Course | 01:59 |
106 | Where are the projects_ | 01:59 |
107 | Environment Setup | 03:41 |
108 | Visual Studio Code | 03:09 |
109 | Visual Studio Code Extensions | 01:57 |
110 | Our Workflow | 03:54 |
111 | Variables Intro | 04:34 |
112 | Variables | 07:12 |
113 | Data Types | 01:53 |
114 | Comments | 05:13 |
115 | Strings | 07:11 |
116 | Numbers | 05:01 |
117 | Booleans | 04:10 |
118 | Null and Undefined | 04:49 |
119 | Objects | 05:12 |
120 | Statically vs Dynamically Typed Languages | 03:23 |
121 | Operators Intro | 01:01 |
122 | Arithmetic Operators | 08:00 |
123 | Comparison Operators and Equality | 07:06 |
124 | Strict vs Loose Equality | 08:53 |
125 | Logical Operators Part 1 | 04:50 |
126 | Assignment Operators | 02:59 |
127 | Intro to Logic and Control Flow Intro | 00:41 |
128 | If Statement | 05:14 |
129 | Truthy _ Falsy Values | 09:23 |
130 | Logical Operators Part 2 | 12:06 |
131 | Switch Statement | 07:35 |
132 | Ternary Operator | 04:24 |
133 | Looping - While and For Loops | 10:08 |
134 | Functions Intro | 09:20 |
135 | Declaring and Invoking Functions | 06:52 |
136 | Function Return | 04:12 |
137 | Arrow Functions | 06:31 |
138 | Parameters vs Arguments | 06:08 |
139 | Tricky Parts Intro | 00:48 |
140 | Scope | 13:41 |
141 | Hoisting | 08:30 |
142 | Closures | 10:03 |
143 | Strings Intro | 07:46 |
144 | String Length and Basic Properties | 03:56 |
145 | Change String Case | 02:52 |
146 | Searching for a Substring | 09:09 |
147 | Getting a Substring | 02:30 |
148 | Split a String | 03:03 |
149 | Reverse, Repeat and Trim a String | 05:17 |
150 | String Exercise | 03:17 |
151 | String Exercise Solution | 04:25 |
152 | Arrays Intro | 07:10 |
153 | Array Methods | 13:48 |
154 | Array ForEach | 08:40 |
155 | Array Map | 04:31 |
156 | Array Filter | 11:15 |
157 | Array Find | 04:19 |
158 | Array Includes | 06:27 |
159 | Array Sort | 05:43 |
160 | Array Some and Every | 04:21 |
161 | Array Reduce | 09:28 |
162 | Objects Intro | 05:31 |
163 | Accessing, Adding and Updating Properties of an Object | 06:49 |
164 | Built in Methods | 04:56 |
165 | Methods | 09:27 |
166 | Value vs Reference Intro | 06:40 |
167 | Value vs Reference Explanation | 04:21 |
168 | Shallow Cloning | 08:19 |
169 | Deep Cloning | 06:50 |
170 | Intro to DOM | 03:34 |
171 | Selecting Elements | 06:57 |
172 | Elements Properties and Methods | 06:55 |
173 | Working with Classes | 05:16 |
174 | Creating, Traversing and Removing Nodes | 06:42 |
175 | The _new_ Keyword | 07:52 |
176 | The _this_ Keyword | 08:25 |
177 | Classes | 08:27 |
178 | Intervals and Timers | 06:12 |
179 | Introduction to Asynchronous JavaScript | 06:24 |
180 | Callbacks | 08:26 |
181 | Callback Hell_ | 09:03 |
182 | Promises | 10:12 |
183 | Async-Await | 08:47 |
184 | Modern JavaScript Intro _ Recap | 09:28 |
185 | Module Imports and Exports | 07:31 |
186 | Rest and Spread Operators | 06:47 |
187 | Object and Array Destructuring | 09:14 |
188 | Intro | 01:30 |
189 | Environment Setup | 03:41 |
190 | Visual Studio Code Setup | 03:17 |
191 | Business Masterclass Intro | 02:00 |
192 | Reading RFP | 06:22 |
193 | Proposal Template | 07:45 |
194 | CryptoKet Proposal | 14:25 |
195 | Project Setup | 10:53 |
196 | ESLint Setup | 07:27 |
197 | Tailwind Introduction | 03:13 |
198 | Git _ GitHub Setup | 06:19 |
199 | Next.js File-Based Routing and Setup | 06:40 |
200 | Reusable Logic | 08:20 |
201 | Navbar Development | 54:52 |
202 | Footer Development | 23:04 |
203 | Banner Development | 11:30 |
204 | Top Sellers | 36:04 |
205 | Hot Bids Part 1 | 20:12 |
206 | Hot Bids Part 2 | 05:07 |
207 | Create NFT Page | 21:35 |
208 | Create NFT Page Input | 14:58 |
209 | Hardhat Setup Metamask Configuration | 10:46 |
210 | Smart Contract Configuration | 16:37 |
211 | Update and Get Listing Price | 04:15 |
212 | Function Create Token | 05:48 |
213 | Function CreateMarketItem | 05:50 |
214 | Function ResellToken | 04:47 |
215 | Function CreateMarketSale | 07:09 |
216 | Fetching NFTs Solidity | 12:49 |
217 | Deploying Smart Contract | 13:20 |
218 | NFT Context | 13:21 |
219 | Connect MetaMask Wallet | 10:28 |
220 | Upload Image to IPFS | 12:37 |
221 | Create NFTs | 26:10 |
222 | Fetching NFTs Next.js | 19:12 |
223 | What We_ve Done so far | 06:55 |
224 | Listed NFTs Page | 16:30 |
225 | My NFTs Page | 14:50 |
226 | NFT Details Page | 23:31 |
227 | Modal Development | 28:25 |
228 | Buy NFTs | 19:18 |
229 | Resell NFT | 25:51 |
230 | Best Creators Bonus Lecture | 23:41 |
231 | SearchBar Development | 36:06 |
232 | Reusing the search bar | 06:10 |
233 | Small Bug Fixes | 15:01 |
234 | Let_s get to Testing | 26:03 |
235 | Global NFT Loading | 07:38 |
236 | Welcome! | 01:30 |
237 | Environment Setup | 03:41 |
238 | Visual Studio Code Setup | 03:17 |
239 | The Beginning | 09:17 |
240 | ESlint Configuration | 07:16 |
241 | GitHub Setup | 04:19 |
242 | Depedencies | 04:41 |
243 | Intro _ Documentation | 04:41 |
244 | Component Structure _ Routing | 16:15 |
245 | Styling | 05:32 |
246 | Commits | 03:36 |
247 | Navigation Bar | 26:15 |
248 | Sidebar | 28:30 |
249 | Redux Setup | 28:43 |
250 | Rendering Movies | 16:36 |
251 | Finishing Movie View | 10:53 |
252 | Movie Categories | 07:01 |
253 | Genre Icons | 04:01 |
254 | Redux Slice | 11:36 |
255 | Switch Genre Functionality | 16:26 |
256 | Search Functionality | 17:41 |
257 | Authentication | 32:52 |
258 | Authentication Solution | 02:53 |
259 | Finalizing Authentication | 07:39 |
260 | Movie Information Page - Part 1 | 34:44 |
261 | Movie Information Page - Part 2 | 23:23 |
262 | Movie Recommendations | 10:37 |
263 | Movie Trailer | 10:58 |
264 | Actor Page Assignment | 03:43 |
265 | Actor Page | 20:04 |
266 | Pagination | 13:14 |
267 | Small Fix | 03:13 |
268 | Responsiveness Adjustments | 12:43 |
269 | Favorited and Watchlisted Movies | 25:19 |
270 | Dark Mode | 10:48 |
271 | Alan AI - Part 1 | 16:38 |
272 | Alan AI - Part 2 | 05:19 |
273 | Alan AI - Part 3 | 20:50 |
274 | Featured Movie Card | 15:09 |
275 | Minor Fixes | 03:24 |
276 | Deployment | 03:24 |
277 | Land Your Dream Dev Job in 6 Months | 01:21:28 |
278 | The Ultimate Git, GitHub, and Conflicts Guide | 39:55 |
279 | Introduction to Figma for Developers | 24:42 |
280 | Learn How to Code More Efficiently | 22:35 |
281 | GitHub Profile Guide | 40:59 |
282 | LinkedIn Profile Guide | 35:14 |
Read Book Ultimate Next.js 13 Course + eBook
# | Title |
1 | NextJS-Ebook |
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