UI UX Design Hybrid from Figma to HTML CSS and JavaScript
31h 51m 43s
Learn how to become a Full-Stack Designer with User Interface Design, User Experience Design, Web Development, Bootstrap
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Creative Projects
Create complex web design layouts with Figma Auto Layout and use pure CSS Grid and Flexbox
Transform Photoshop into HTML mark up and style it with CSS
Morph SVG with pure vanilla JavaScript
Trigger JavaScript DOM events and control CSS animations with JavaScript
Learn interaction design with CSS Transitions and Animation
Develop production ready responsive design with Bootstrap 5 Grid system
Automate your brand style guide as a visual designer with Figma
Use Design Principles to create Logo and YouTube thumbnail videos with Affinity Designer
Watch Online UI UX Design Hybrid from Figma to HTML CSS and JavaScript
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Course Overview | 01:52 |
2 | Figma Basics | 14:19 |
3 | Figma Plugin and Community | 09:22 |
4 | Figma Essential Behaviors | 22:48 |
5 | Figma Core Engine Concepts | 20:42 |
6 | Airbnb Project | 15:50 |
7 | Medignition Project Part 1 | 16:03 |
8 | Medignition Project Part 2 | 09:49 |
9 | Nested Component Behavior | 03:55 |
10 | Sandrina Prototyping Project | 17:12 |
11 | Overlay Prototyping Project | 23:35 |
12 | Reusable Styles | 10:07 |
13 | Automate Reusable Styles | 11:14 |
14 | Automate Brand Styleguide | 16:19 |
15 | Accessibility Testing | 13:45 |
16 | Component Skeleton | 09:02 |
17 | 3000 Component Project | 26:48 |
18 | Interactive Components Nested | 27:30 |
19 | Automate color palette | 12:34 |
20 | Automate typography styles | 08:58 |
21 | Wireframe component | 09:36 |
22 | Visual design components | 11:51 |
23 | Rapid design part 1 | 12:43 |
24 | Rapid design part 2 | 09:01 |
25 | Unity and Similarity | 03:45 |
26 | Dominance and Working Memory | 04:33 |
27 | Negative Space and Complexity | 04:10 |
28 | Contrast and Emphasis | 04:23 |
29 | Proximity and Common Region | 03:40 |
30 | Alignment and Uncompleted Task | 03:32 |
31 | Psychological Barrier and Proportion | 03:40 |
32 | Repetition and Common Behavior | 04:59 |
33 | Rhythm and Line Connection | 03:23 |
34 | Primary, Secondary, and CMYK Colors | 01:43 |
35 | HSLA Colors | 03:05 |
36 | RGB Colors | 02:53 |
37 | Secondary RGB Colors | 03:22 |
38 | Color Wheel | 04:14 |
39 | Complementary Colors | 01:29 |
40 | Split Complementary Colors | 01:57 |
41 | Monochromatic Colors | 01:54 |
42 | Analogous Colors | 01:25 |
43 | Triad Colors | 01:34 |
44 | Tertiary Colors | 01:24 |
45 | UI Design Components | 04:23 |
46 | UI Design Analysis | 03:01 |
47 | Typography | 01:21 |
48 | Serif and Sans Serif Typeface | 03:15 |
49 | Font Weight | 02:16 |
50 | Font Size | 03:10 |
51 | Kerning | 02:51 |
52 | Word Spacing | 01:46 |
53 | Leading | 01:47 |
54 | Line Width | 02:56 |
55 | Orphan and Widow | 01:36 |
56 | Type Alignment | 01:48 |
57 | Type Hierarchy | 01:53 |
58 | Set Up | 07:40 |
59 | HTML Anatomy | 08:34 |
60 | HTML List | 02:19 |
61 | HTML Attribute | 03:14 |
62 | HTML Images | 05:57 |
63 | HTML Videos | 04:01 |
64 | HTML iFrame | 02:38 |
65 | HTML Checkbox and Radio Button | 02:05 |
66 | HTML Input Field | 04:13 |
67 | HTML Dropdown | 04:32 |
68 | HTML Button | 03:00 |
69 | Linking CSS and JavaScript Files | 05:03 |
70 | HTML Semantics | 03:42 |
71 | HTML Meta Tags | 04:47 |
72 | HTML External Style | 02:28 |
73 | HTML Style Tag | 01:45 |
74 | HTML Inline Style | 02:48 |
75 | Linking Fonts inside HTML | 03:24 |
76 | HTML Block Elements | 06:40 |
77 | HTML Inline Elements | 04:52 |
78 | HTML Box Anatomy | 04:13 |
79 | CSS Anatomy | 04:49 |
80 | CSS Classes | 04:05 |
81 | CSS ID | 03:46 |
82 | CSS Multiple Selector | 02:08 |
83 | CSS Variable | 04:28 |
84 | CSS Specificity | 07:38 |
85 | CSS Width and Height | 05:21 |
86 | CSS Margin and Padding | 07:03 |
87 | CSS Border Radius | 05:16 |
88 | CSS Box Model | 04:09 |
89 | CSS Universal Selector | 01:50 |
90 | CSS Descendant | 01:27 |
91 | CSS Direct Child | 01:22 |
92 | CSS General Sibling | 01:40 |
93 | CSS Adjacent | 02:20 |
94 | CSS Attribute Selector | 01:38 |
95 | CSS Focus Pseudo Class | 02:48 |
96 | CSS First Child | 01:46 |
97 | CSS Last Child | 01:15 |
98 | CSS Nth Child | 03:06 |
99 | CSS Odd Selector | 02:23 |
100 | CSS Even Selector | 02:33 |
101 | CSS Nth of Type | 00:58 |
102 | CSS Not Selector | 01:31 |
103 | CSS Link Pseudo Classes | 05:23 |
104 | CSS Pseudo Elements | 01:43 |
105 | CSS Comments | 02:02 |
106 | CSS Background Color | 03:17 |
107 | CSS Background Image | 02:20 |
108 | CSS Background Repeat | 02:00 |
109 | CSS Background Position | 02:43 |
110 | CSS Background Size | 03:54 |
111 | CSS Background Shorthand | 04:52 |
112 | CSS Gradient | 02:50 |
113 | CSS Multiple Background | 04:42 |
114 | CSS Filters | 04:42 |
115 | CSS Opacity | 01:44 |
116 | CSS Clip Path Circle | 02:50 |
117 | CSS Clip Path Polygon | 07:07 |
118 | CSS Display and Visibility | 03:29 |
119 | CSS Overflow | 01:32 |
120 | CSS Text Shadow | 01:39 |
121 | CSS Box Shadow | 02:18 |
122 | CSS Blend Mode | 02:34 |
123 | CSS Scale | 04:49 |
124 | CSS Skew | 04:29 |
125 | CSS Translate | 04:24 |
126 | CSS Matrix | 05:21 |
127 | CSS Rotate | 03:32 |
128 | CSS Transform Origin | 03:37 |
129 | CSS Multiple Transform | 03:44 |
130 | CSS Easing Functions | 05:05 |
131 | CSS Cubic Bezier | 03:57 |
132 | CSS Transitions | 04:30 |
133 | CSS Multiple Transitions | 06:10 |
134 | CSS Transitions Shorthand | 05:23 |
135 | CSS Animations | 09:56 |
136 | CSS Animations Shorthand | 04:14 |
137 | CSS Multiple Animations | 04:19 |
138 | CSS Position Relative | 03:53 |
139 | CSS Position Absolute | 05:23 |
140 | CSS Position Fixed and Sticky | 05:13 |
141 | CSS Z-Index | 03:14 |
142 | CSS Responsive Design | 16:20 |
143 | CSS Flexbox | 04:59 |
144 | CSS Justify Content | 02:16 |
145 | CSS Flex Start | 03:30 |
146 | CSS Flex End | 01:28 |
147 | CSS Space Evenly | 02:11 |
148 | CSS Space Around | 01:42 |
149 | CSS Space Between | 01:30 |
150 | CSS Align Items | 02:56 |
151 | CSS Align Baseline | 01:43 |
152 | CSS Align Self | 03:07 |
153 | CSS Flex Order | 04:19 |
154 | CSS Flex Grow and Shrink | 08:38 |
155 | CSS Flex Shorthand | 05:39 |
156 | CSS Flex Direction | 02:45 |
157 | CSS Flex Column | 03:38 |
158 | CSS Flex Wrap | 03:30 |
159 | CSS Align Content | 02:24 |
160 | CSS Multiple Flex Properties | 05:22 |
161 | CSS Grid Template Row | 06:36 |
162 | CSS Grid Template Column | 03:25 |
163 | CSS Grid Shorthand | 03:38 |
164 | CSS Grid Row | 05:54 |
165 | CSS Grid Column | 04:13 |
166 | CSS Grid Area | 07:45 |
167 | CSS Grid Gap | 01:52 |
168 | CSS Justify Self | 08:30 |
169 | Photoshop Project Overview | 05:51 |
170 | Photoshop HTML Markup | 11:31 |
171 | Photoshop CSS Root Declaration | 12:05 |
172 | Photoshop CSS Grid Layout | 13:08 |
173 | Photoshop CSS Card Design Part 1 | 12:58 |
174 | Photoshop CSS Card Design Part 2 | 12:24 |
175 | Photoshop CSS Card Design Part 3 | 11:32 |
176 | Photoshop CSS Interactions | 14:59 |
177 | Photoshop CSS Responsive Behavior | 30:53 |
178 | Bootstrap Breakpoints | 08:38 |
179 | Bootstrap Naming Convention | 06:23 |
180 | Bootstrap Hierarchy | 06:18 |
181 | Bootstrap Container | 03:30 |
182 | Bootstrap Rows | 03:40 |
183 | Bootstrap Columns | 06:35 |
184 | Bootstrap Gutter and Spacing | 11:56 |
185 | Bootstrap Order | 04:16 |
186 | Bootstrap Offset | 03:53 |
187 | Bootstrap Display | 06:31 |
188 | Bootstrap Alignment | 04:38 |
189 | Bootstrap Nested Columns | 04:26 |
190 | Responsive Design Project | 57:28 |
191 | Boilerplate file | 01:48 |
192 | Reusable Figma Styles | 02:42 |
193 | Brand Styleguide | 01:10 |
194 | CSS Automation | 07:00 |
195 | CSS DRY Classes | 02:16 |
196 | Airbnb Hero Section | 02:56 |
197 | Airbnb Navigation Section | 09:33 |
198 | Airbnb Card Section | 09:31 |
199 | SVG Anatomy | 03:41 |
200 | SVG Rectangle | 03:43 |
201 | SVG Transparency | 06:31 |
202 | SVG Coordinates | 03:52 |
203 | SVG Round Corners | 03:05 |
204 | SVG Text | 01:56 |
205 | SVG Circle | 02:48 |
206 | SVG Ellipse | 01:55 |
207 | SVG Line | 07:30 |
208 | SVG Stroke | 04:38 |
209 | SVG Multiple Objects | 03:05 |
210 | Adobe Illustrator SVG Polygon | 04:39 |
211 | Figma SVG Path | 03:10 |
212 | SVG Viewbox | 10:48 |
213 | SVG Animation and Transform Group | 13:52 |
214 | Adobe Illustrator SVG Clip Path | 06:33 |
215 | Figma SVG Gradient | 03:43 |
216 | Figma SVG Filter | 03:18 |
217 | JavaScript Variables | 08:35 |
218 | JavaScript String | 02:57 |
219 | JavaScript Boolean | 01:49 |
220 | JavaScript Number | 01:39 |
221 | JavaScript Concatenation | 03:35 |
222 | JavaScript Template Literal | 02:35 |
223 | JavaScript Index Number and Length | 03:14 |
224 | JavaScript Array | 02:30 |
225 | JavaScript Array Manipulation | 04:03 |
226 | JavaScript Object | 03:04 |
227 | JavaScript Object Manipulation | 03:51 |
228 | JavaScript Comparison Operators | 06:31 |
229 | JavaScript Logical Operators | 05:11 |
230 | JavaScript Conditional Statements | 04:14 |
231 | JavaScript Logic | 05:22 |
232 | JavaScript For Loop | 04:23 |
233 | JavaScript For Of Loop | 01:52 |
234 | JavaScript For Each Loop | 03:06 |
235 | JavaScript Functions | 03:56 |
236 | JavaScript Function Parameters | 02:30 |
237 | JavaScript Anonymous Functions | 02:43 |
238 | JavaScript Callback Functions | 03:34 |
239 | JavaScript Arrow Functions | 03:00 |
240 | JavaScript Query Selector | 07:03 |
241 | JavaScript Query Selector All | 03:54 |
242 | JavaScript Other Selectors | 04:38 |
243 | JavaScript Text Content | 03:12 |
244 | JavaScript Inner HTML | 03:26 |
245 | JavaScript Attribute | 05:22 |
246 | JavaScript Class List | 08:43 |
247 | JavaScript Styling | 06:23 |
248 | JavaScript Parent Child | 07:09 |
249 | JavaScript Siblings | 05:14 |
250 | JavaScript Create Element | 04:32 |
251 | JavaScript Remove Child | 03:36 |
252 | JavaScript Append and Prepend | 04:25 |
253 | JavaScript Insert Before | 07:58 |
254 | JavaScript Event Listener | 09:42 |
255 | Split Shadow Project | 14:33 |
256 | Responsive Landing Page Project | 28:12 |
257 | Masonry Grid Project | 24:16 |
258 | Typography Poster Project | 36:30 |
259 | Morphing Stroke Project | 17:08 |
260 | Primary Art Brush Project | 29:54 |
261 | Dynamic Card Design Project | 36:34 |
262 | Full Screen Menu Project | 39:11 |
263 | Morphing Background Project | 32:15 |
264 | DeStijl Art Grid Project | 29:40 |
265 | Affinity Designer Overview | 12:06 |
266 | Essential Design Tools | 19:29 |
267 | Gradient and Swatches | 25:02 |
268 | Layer Effects and Strokes | 25:16 |
269 | Grids and 3D Isometric | 13:59 |
270 | Logo Thumbnail Project | 22:57 |
271 | Brand Styleguide Project | 14:20 |
272 | UX Ice Berg Model | 03:55 |
273 | UX Double Diamond | 02:06 |
274 | UX Feasibility Diagram | 02:07 |
275 | Target Audience | 02:25 |
276 | UX Eco-System Mapping | 02:58 |
277 | UX Journey Map | 03:29 |
278 | Business SWOT Analysis | 04:21 |
279 | Business Competitor Analysis | 01:47 |
280 | Business Growth Metrics | 04:34 |
281 | 6 Famous Business Model | 04:19 |
282 | Affinity and Mind Mapping | 04:34 |
283 | User Persona | 08:44 |
284 | Customer Journey Mapping | 04:06 |
285 | User Flows | 09:48 |
286 | Design Strategy | 05:39 |
287 | Sprint Planning | 10:40 |
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