The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert

36h 35m 57s

If you want to learn how to gain insights from data but are too intimidated by databases to know where to start, then this course is for you. This course is a gentle but comprehensive introduction to MySQL, one of the most highly in-demand skills in the business sector today.  Whether you work in sales or marketing, you run your own company, or you want to build your own apps, mastering MySQL is crucial to answering complex business problems and questions using insights from data.

Read more about the course

The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp introduces you to a solid foundation in databases in a way that’s both informative and engaging. Yes, that’s right, it’s possible to make an engaging course on databases.  

In this course, you will:

  • Learn the ins and outs of SQL syntax

  • Generate reports using sales and user data

  • Analyze data using Aggregate Functions

  • Run complex queries using MySQL logical operators and string functions

  • Write all the common SQL joins

  • Work with large datasets containing thousands of entries

  • Build a web app using MySQL and NodeJS

  • Design and implement complex database schemas

  • Learn to navigate the treacherous world of storing dates and times

  • Clone the database structure of a photo sharing social network

  • Write Javascript code to generate fake data sets

  • And more!

This course is also chock full of exercises, challenges, projects, and opportunities for you to practice what you’re learning. Apply what you’re learning to real-world challenges such as finding a website’s power users, calculating your top students, identifying bots on a site, or determining which hashtags generate the most traction on a site. Along the way, you’ll also get to meet my pet cat, Blue! (She’s really cute.)

Why Learn MySQL

Consistently ranked the most in-demand skill in recent employer surveys, SQL is a fantastic way to increase your income and boost your professional development. So many companies today use MySQL, including Twitter, Uber, Airbnb, Dropbox, Github, Kickstarter, Udemy, Slack, and many others. Unsure about the difference between SQL and MySQL? MySQL is the most popular open source SQL database out there, so it’s a great choice to begin your learning journey. We’ll talk a lot more about the difference between SQL and MySQL in the course, but 95% of what you learn about MySQL in this course will apply to other databases such as Postgres, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.

Why This Course Is Different  

This isn’t going to be a course where you watch me code for 20 hours; it’s a course with ample opportunity for you to get your hands dirty writing code (even within the first 7 minutes of the course).

My teaching experience is rooted in the classroom. I’ve spent years teaching programming, web development, and databases to my in-person bootcamp students. This course combines the best of my offline courses with the convenience of learning online, in a setting that’s best for you.   

Upon completing this course, you’ll be able to interact with and query any SQL database out there. You’ll also be able to generate reports with ease, answer company performance questions using data, and integrate MySQL into complete applications.

So let’s do this! Enroll today and start learning SQL!

  • No Database, SQL, or MySQL experience needed! Complete beginners to MySQL are welcome.
  • All you need is a working computer for this course; PC, Mac, and Linux users are all welcome.
  • No previous programming language experience required, but it won't hurt :)
Who this course is for:
  • Anyone interested in learning SQL to help with their current job or to find a new role. SQL is one of today's most in-demand skills
  • Anyone looking to answer complex business problems and generate reports using data
  • Business owners, people in sales, or people in marketing roles who are interested in understanding company data better.
  • Developers who are looking to build applications (e.g. social network, ecommerce site) using MySQL

What you'll learn:

  • Create your own database or interact with existing databases
  • Write complex SQL queries across multiple tables
  • Build a web app using NodeJS and MySQL
  • Model real-world data and generate reports using SQL
  • Answer company performance or sales questions using data

Watch Online The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert

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# Title Duration
1 This Course Was Just Updated! 03:09
2 Course Intro 01:09
3 About Me 01:26
4 Getting The Course Code 01:41
5 First 5 Minutes of SQL 08:24
6 Section Introduction 01:03
7 What Is A Database? 07:17
8 SQL vs. MySQL 05:51
9 Installation: START HERE! 05:18
10 Installation: Windows Instructions 09:14
11 Installation: Mac Instructions 11:35
12 Section Introduction 01:10
13 Showing Databases 04:16
14 Creating Databases 04:56
15 Dropping and Using Databases 05:33
16 Introducing Tables 05:19
17 Data Types: The Basics 07:39
18 Basic Datatypes Challenge 02:36
19 Creating Tables 04:58
20 How Do We Know It Worked? 04:34
21 Dropping Tables 02:11
22 Tables Basics Activity 02:37
23 MySQL Comments 03:13
24 Section Introduction 01:41
25 INSERT: The Basics 03:45
26 A Quick Preview of SELECT 01:45
27 Multi-inserts 04:49
28 INSERT Exercise 05:28
29 Working With NOT NULL 05:41
30 Sidenote: Quotes In MySQL 04:14
31 Adding DEFAULT Values 06:32
32 Introducing Primary Keys 04:58
33 Working With AUTO_INCREMENT 07:14
34 Create Table/ Insert Exercise 07:20
35 Section Introduction 01:31
36 Introducing CRUD 01:52
37 Getting Our New "Dataset" 01:51
38 Officially Introducing SELECT 03:14
39 The WHERE clause 03:33
40 Rapid Fire Exercises 01:26
41 Rapid Fire Exercises SOLUTION 02:56
42 Aliases 02:14
43 Using UPDATE 05:25
44 A Quick Rule Of Thumb 01:45
45 UPDATE Exercise 01:05
46 UPDATE Exercise SOLUTION 03:03
47 Introducing DELETE 02:38
48 DELETE Exercise 00:59
49 DELETE Exercise SOLUTION 02:16
50 Section Introduction 01:53
51 Introducing the CRUD Challenge 05:12
52 CRUD Challenge Solution: Creating 08:09
53 CRUD Challenge Solution: Reading 01:43
54 CRUD Challenge Solution: Updating 03:25
55 CRUD Challenge Solution: Deleting 02:51
56 Section Introduction 02:05
57 The World Of String Functions 01:53
58 Loading Our Books Data 05:26
59 CONCAT 08:51
60 SUBSTRING 07:32
61 Combining String Functions 06:50
62 Sidenote: SQL Formatting 04:27
63 REPLACE 05:44
64 REVERSE 03:31
65 CHAR_LENGTH 02:51
66 UPPER & LOWER 03:49
67 Other String Functions 06:22
68 String Functions Exercise 03:44
69 String Functions Exerise SOLUTION 11:33
70 Section Introduction 00:36
71 Adding Some New Books 01:27
72 DISTINCT 06:13
73 ORDER BY 06:38
74 More On ORDER BY 06:20
75 LIMIT 05:40
76 LIKE 07:15
77 Escaping Wildcards 02:04
78 Refining Selections Exercise 03:06
79 Refining Selections Exercise SOLUTION 14:41
80 Section Introduction 03:57
81 Count Basics 07:34
82 GROUP BY 10:12
83 MIN and MAX Basics 03:46
84 Subqueries 06:27
85 Grouping By Multiple Columns 04:48
86 MIN and MAX With GROUP BY 05:51
87 SUM 03:46
88 AVG 02:24
89 Aggregate Functions Docs 01:18
90 Agg Functions Exercise 02:52
91 Agg Functions Exercise SOLUTION 12:36
92 Section Introduction 01:57
93 Surveying Other Data Types 02:53
94 CHAR vs. VARCHAR 12:07
95 INT, TINYINT, BIGINT, etc. 05:03
96 DECIMAL 06:56
97 FLOAT & DOUBLE 05:32
98 DATE and TIME 04:38
99 Working With Dates 07:40
101 Date Functions 06:04
102 Time Functions 02:04
103 Formatting Dates 09:14
104 Date Math 10:43
105 TIMESTAMPS 03:29
107 Data Types Exercise 03:37
108 Data Types Exercise SOLUTION 13:17
109 Section Introduction 02:45
110 Not Equal 02:57
111 NOT LIKE 03:22
112 Greater Than 03:57
113 Less Than Or Equal To 02:58
114 Logical AND 08:54
115 Logical OR 05:39
116 Between 04:48
117 Comparing Dates 08:16
118 The IN Operator 08:30
119 CASE 08:48
120 IS NULL 02:04
121 Exercise 03:26
122 Exercise SOLUTION 15:23
123 UNIQUE Constraint 03:45
124 CHECK Constraints 05:00
125 Named Constraints 04:14
126 Multiple Column Constraints 05:21
127 ALTER TABLE: Adding Columns 05:39
128 ALTER TABLE: Dropping Columns 01:55
129 ALTER TABLE: Renaming 03:44
130 ALTER TABLE: Modifying Columns 03:56
131 ALTER TABLE: Constraints 04:13
132 Section Introduction 01:58
133 Data is Messy 10:29
134 Relationships Basics 04:38
135 One to Many Relationship 12:34
136 Working with FOREIGN KEY 11:08
137 Cross Joins 08:00
138 Inner Joins 08:53
139 Inner Joins With Group By 04:54
140 Left Join 07:06
141 Left Join With Group By 03:36
142 Right Join 04:29
143 On Delete Cascade 05:37
144 Joins Exercise 03:02
145 Joins Exercise SOLUTION 10:43
146 Section Introduction 01:55
147 Many to Many Basics 10:49
148 Creating Our Many To Many Tables 06:44
149 TV Series Challenge #1 03:36
150 TV Series Challenge #2 03:25
151 TV Series Challenge #3 03:39
152 TV Series Challenge #4 03:35
153 TV Series Challenge #5 02:26
154 TV Series Challenge #6 09:11
155 TV Series Challenge #7 05:28
156 Introducing Views 06:32
157 Updateable Views 05:43
158 Replacing/Altering Views 03:27
159 HAVING clause 04:29
160 WITH ROLLUP 08:19
161 SQL Modes Basics 05:52
163 More Modes 09:50
164 Introducing Window Functions 06:29
165 Using OVER() 08:16
166 PARTITION BY 06:54
167 ORDER BY with Windows 06:42
168 RANK() 05:54
169 DENSE_RANK, & ROW_NUMBER() 05:15
170 NTILE() 03:37
171 FIRST_VALUE 04:06
172 LEAD and LAG 05:52
173 Section Introduction 01:20
175 Introducing Instagram Clone 08:32
176 Users Schema 06:09
177 Photos Schema 06:38
178 Comments Schema 06:40
179 Likes Schema 07:42
180 Followers Schema 07:21
181 3 Approaches for Hashtags 10:35
182 Implementing Hashtags Table 05:27
183 Section Introduction 01:43
184 Getting Lots of Instagram Data 08:31
185 Instagram Challenge #1 04:54
186 Instagram Challenge #2 06:42
187 Instagram Challenge #3 07:23
188 Instagram Challenge #4 07:06
189 Instagram Challenge #5 03:14
190 Instagram Challenge #6 05:30
191 Instagram Challenge #7 05:16
192 Course Introduction 01:09
193 Instructor Introduction(s) 01:26
194 Syllabus Walkthrough and Prerequisites 04:19
195 Your First 5 Minutes of SQL - Let's Get Coding! 06:14
196 How The Course Works 03:45
197 Section Introduction 01:03
198 What Is a Database? 07:17
199 SQL Vs. MySQL 05:51
200 Installation Overview - WATCH BEFORE INSTALLING 05:11
201 Now using GoormIDE instead of Cloud9 03:17
202 Mac Installation 11:42
203 Windows Installation 03:33
204 Section 3 Introduction 01:10
205 Creating Databases 05:21
206 Dropping Databases 01:47
207 Using Databases 03:01
208 Introduction to Tables 05:10
209 The Basic Datatypes 07:53
210 Basic Datatypes Challenge 02:36
211 Creating Your Own Tables 00:00
212 How Do We Know It Worked? 02:34
213 Dropping Tables 01:37
214 Creating Your Own Tables Challenge 04:30
215 Section 4 Introduction 01:41
216 Inserting Data 05:04
217 Super Quick Intro To SELECT 02:09
218 Multiple INSERT 03:01
219 INSERT Challenges 01:36
220 INSERT Challenges Solution 04:44
221 MySQL Warnings 05:36
222 NULL and NOT_NULL 06:55
223 Setting Default Values 07:18
224 A Primer On Primary Keys 12:22
225 Table Constraints Exercise 01:52
226 Table Constraints Exercise Solution 03:35
227 Section 5 Introduction 01:31
228 Introduction to CRUD 01:45
229 Preparing Our Data 02:30
230 Official Introduction to SELECT 04:19
231 Introduction to WHERE 05:06
232 SELECT Challenges 02:01
233 SELECT Challenges Solution 02:46
234 Introduction to Aliases 02:56
235 The UPDATE Command 03:59
236 UPDATE Challenges 00:38
237 UPDATE Challenges Solution 03:59
238 Introduction to DELETE 04:42
239 DELETE Challenges 01:12
240 DELETE Challenges Solution 02:46
241 Section 6 Introduction 01:53
242 CRUD Exercise Overview 07:27
243 CRUD Exercise Create Solution 05:56
244 CRUD Exercise Read Solution 01:49
245 CRUD Exercise Update Solution 04:11
246 CRUD Exercise Delete Solution 03:22
247 Section 7 Introduction 02:05
248 Running SQL Files 10:16
249 Loading Our Book Data 05:26
250 Working with CONCAT 11:08
251 Introducing SUBSTRING 10:05
252 Introducing REPLACE 06:40
253 Using REVERSE 03:40
254 Working with CHAR LENGTH 04:55
255 Changing Case with UPPER and LOWER 03:21
256 String Function Challenges 04:43
257 String Function Challenges Solution 13:09
258 Section 8 Introduction 00:36
259 Seed Data: Adding A Couple New Books 02:48
260 Using DISTINCT 08:25
261 Sorting Data with ORDER BY 11:20
262 Using LIMIT 09:04
263 Better Searches with LIKE 07:43
264 LIKE Part 2: More Wildcards 06:10
265 Refining Selections Exercises 04:53
266 Refining Selections Exercises Solution 12:30
267 Section 9 Introduction 03:57
268 The Count Function 08:39
269 The Joys of Group By 12:23
270 Note about SQL Mode only_full_group_by 04:20
271 Min and Max Basics 04:13
272 SUBQUERIES - A Problem with Min and Max 07:16
273 Using Min and Max with Group By 06:40
274 The Sum Function 04:28
275 The Avg Function 06:01
276 Aggregate Functions Challenges 04:28
277 Aggregate Functions Challenges Solution 09:11
278 Section 10 Introduction 01:57
279 CHAR and VARCHAR 14:30
280 DECIMAL 06:09
281 FLOAT and DOUBLE 07:45
282 DATE, TIME, and DATETIME 04:32
283 Creating Our DATE data 05:50
284 CURDATE, CURTIME, and NOW 05:16
285 Formatting Dates 14:30
286 Date Math 09:41
287 Working with TIMESTAMPS 10:55
288 Data Types Exercises 04:51
289 Data Types Exercises Solution 13:59
290 Section 11 Introduction 02:45
291 Not Equal 04:27
292 Not Like 02:35
293 Greater Than 10:05
294 Less Than 03:49
295 Logical AND 09:48
296 Logical OR 06:42
297 Between 10:58
298 In And Not In 11:48
299 Case Statements 11:22
300 Logical Operators Exercises 06:46
301 Logical Operators Exercises Solution 17:48
302 Section 12 Introduction 01:58
303 Real World Data Is Messy 10:29
304 Types of Data Relationships 04:38
305 One To Many: The Basics 12:34
306 Working With Foreign Keys 12:05
307 Cross Join 07:37
308 Inner Join 12:46
309 Left Join 15:18
310 Right Joins Pt 1 10:37
311 Right Joins Pt 2 09:52
312 Right and Left Joins: A Common Question 03:10
313 Our First Joins Exercise 06:59
314 Our First Joins Exercise SOLUTION 09:11
315 Our First Joins Exercise SOLUTION PT. 2 09:22
316 Section 13 Introduction 01:55
317 Many To Many Basics 10:49
318 Creating Our Tables 10:58
319 TV Joins Challenge 1 04:50
320 TV Joins Challenge 2 06:23
321 TV Joins Challenge 3 05:00
322 TV Joins Challenge 4 06:00
323 TV Joins Challenge 5 04:57
324 TV Joins Challenge 6 11:58
325 TV Joins Challenge 7 07:10
326 Section 14 Introduction 01:20
327 Introduction To Instagram Clone Schema 08:32
328 Cloning Instagram's DB: Users Schema 06:09
329 Cloning Instagram's DB: Photos Schema 06:38
330 Cloning Instagram's DB: Comments Schema 06:40
331 Cloning Instagram's DB: Likes Schema 07:42
332 Cloning Instagram's DB: Followers Schema 07:21
333 Cloning Instagram's DB: Hashtags Part 1 10:35
334 Cloning Instagram's DB: Hashtags Part 2 05:27
335 Section 15 Introduction 01:43
336 Loading The JUMBO dataset 08:31
337 Instagram Clone Challenge 1 04:54
338 Instagram Clone Challenge 2 06:42
339 Instagram Clone Challenge 3 07:23
340 Instagram Clone Challenge 4 07:06
341 Instagram Clone Challenge 5 03:14
342 Instagram Clone Challenge 6 05:30
343 Instagram Clone Challenge 7 05:16
344 Section 16 Introduction 01:37
345 MySQL and Other Languages 09:00
347 Introduction to JOIN US app 08:01
348 5 Minute NodeJS Crash Course 06:13
349 Introduction to NPM and Faker 09:12
350 Introducing the MySQL Package 04:54
351 Connecting Node to MySQL 12:47
352 Creating Our Users Table 06:55
353 Selecting Using Node 06:16
354 Inserting Using Node 11:32
355 Some MySQL/Node Magic 07:42
356 Bulk Inserting 500 Users - Finally! 08:41
357 500 Users Exercises 02:31
358 500 Users Exercises Solutions 11:56
359 Section 17 Introduction 01:53
360 Introducing Express 05:41
361 NPM Init and package.json files 06:39
362 Our First Simple Web App 16:34
363 Adding Multiple Routes 09:57
364 Connecting Express and MySQL 11:09
365 Adding EJS Templates 16:03
366 Connecting The Form 18:33
367 Styling Part 1 08:25
368 Styling Part 2 08:17
369 Introduction to Database Triggers 06:11
370 Writing Our First Trigger Part 1 07:28
371 Writing Our First Trigger Part 2 11:37
372 Preventing Instagram Self-Follows With Triggers 08:17
373 Creating Logger Triggers 10:18
374 Managing Triggers And A Warning 06:13

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